Why Cheaters Cheat: The Psychological Factors Behind Cheating

Why Cheaters Cheat: The Psychological Factors Behind Cheating

Cheating in online games is a prevalent issue that undermines the gaming experience for everyone. To tackle this problem effectively, we need to understand the motivations behind it. This article explores the psychology behind cheating in online games. We offer insights into why players cheat to help developers address these underlying causes.

The Psychological Factors Behind Cheating in Online Games

Why do cheaters cheat? As the list below indicates, the reasons are as diverse as the games themselves. Let’s explore what drives gamers to cheat, from social recognition to moral grey areas.

Social Status

In online gaming, social status is a big deal. Mia Consalvo talks about “gaming capital” in her book Cheating: Gaining Advantage in Videogames, suggesting that your standing among fellow gamers matters a lot. For some, being seen as successful or elite in games like Call of Duty, Fortnite, and Apex Legends is enough reason to cheat. These games offer special rewards, like unique weapons and skins, that you can only get by reaching certain levels. These rewards aren’t just cool to have; they show other players you’re a top gamer.

Getting these rewards and the status they bring can be tempting. It’s similar to how people might want to wear brand-name clothes to look good to others. In the gaming world, where competition and reputation are everything, the push to be seen as one of the best (or to maintain this status) can make players consider cheating.


Self-esteem might be a factor when it comes to cheating in online games. Research across different fields, from academics to sports, suggests that people with lower self-esteem are more likely to cheat. They might cheat to achieve goals, boost their image, or avoid failure because they don’t believe in their abilities. People with higher self-esteem who’ve succeeded through their own efforts are less likely to see the appeal of winning by dishonesty. They have other ways to maintain or boost their self-worth and tend to avoid cheating.

It’s not a giant leap to think this could apply to gaming, too. In fact, a recent study found that higher self-esteem decreased the degree of cheating among LoL gamers. While this study didn’t find a direct relationship, it does indicate that self-esteem may be part of the complex puzzle of why cheaters cheat.

Situational Factors

Situational factors can also significantly influence why and when people cheat in online games. For example, anonymity, opportunity, and monetary incentives can sometimes tip the scales toward dishonest behavior.

As social psychologist Corey Butler points out, this concept aligns with Kurt Lewin’s equation, B=f(P, S), which tells us that behavior is a function of both the person and the situation. In situations where players are anonymous, such as playing with strangers online, the lack of accountability can encourage cheating. Additionally, when there’s an opportunity to cheat (such as a known game flaw) or significant rewards are at stake, even those who usually play fair might consider bending the rules.

As quoted by The Guardian, Butler believes that motivation for cheating is often related to self-enhancement and impression management. However, he also makes a convincing case for why the environment and specific circumstances may contribute to the decision to cheat.

Social Dynamics

Social dynamics can also influence cheating behaviors within online gaming communities. One study looked at gamer social networks and observed that the number of cheater friends a player had was correlated to the likelihood of them becoming a cheater in the future. Another study investigated social contagion in MMORPGs, finding a similar correlation. These studies indicate that cheating can spread through social networks, much like how other trends catch on.

Interestingly, social dynamics can also serve as a deterrent against cheating. The first study mentioned above also found that individuals identified as cheaters tend to lose friends and social standing within the community almost immediately after being labelled a cheater. This indicates that while social contagion might encourage the spread of cheating, cheating can also be diminished via social penalty.


Emotions can also play a significant role in why players may choose to cheat in online games. A survey of over 1,000 US gamers revealed some telling insights: 71% of respondents stated it was acceptable to cheat in games, with a higher acceptance in single-player (81%) compared to multiplayer games (59%). The primary reasons cited were to overcome frustration (49%) and to increase enjoyment (48%). This indicates that the feelings associated with playing a game can be a strong motivator for cheating.

Understanding these emotional triggers is crucial for game developers. Players might be driven to cheat to escape negative feelings, like frustration, or to amplify positive ones, like enjoyment. Knowing how your players feel as they play your game can guide your game design. For instance, Anybrain technology allows you to analyze player behavior for signs of mental fatigue and stress so you can adjust game mechanics accordingly. This enables you to improve the game while also reducing the temptation to cheat.

Competitive Motivation

The drive to excel and outperform others in competitive online games may contribute to why some players cheat. Research across various fields, including academics and sports, suggests a correlation between competitive pressure and unethical behaviors. In the heated arenas of online games, where victories are often rewarded with status symbols like special skins, the psychological push to win can be intense. This can be magnified even further in professional esports, where large cash prizes are up for grabs.

A recent study explored the hypothesis that a strong competitive motivation could lead to an increased incidence of cheating among gamers. The findings supported this hypothesis, suggesting that the competitive structure of games potentially heightens the temptation to cheat, especially among those with a competitive nature.


The study mentioned above also examined the potential connection between aggression and cheating in online gaming. Aggression, defined as the intent to cause harm, has historically been associated with various forms of antisocial behavior, including cheating. This led the researchers to hypothesize that aggression could similarly influence cheating behavior in online games. The study’s findings supported this hypothesis, indicating that higher levels of aggression increase the propensity to cheat.

The research also explored the relationship between aggression and competitive motivation. Past studies have shown that aggressive individuals tend to prefer and engage more in competitive situations. The researchers also found a correlation between aggression and competitive motivation among the LoL players they studied. In other words, aggression is linked to competitive motivation, and both factors are associated with cheating.

Moral Gray Areas

In online gaming, the line between playing by the rules and cheating can be surprisingly blurry, as cyber-psychologist Berni Good points out. The virtual gaming world operates under different social norms, where faceless interactions and the game’s design often encourage rule-bending. As Good puts it, “Gamers have always used cheats, tips, previews, and walkthroughs; it’s always been part of the culture; it’s just that more people are playing multiplayer than, say, 20 years ago. If you think about it, the game ‘cheats’ too when, for example, a player’s character gets defeated and then rejuvenated.”

The ethics of cheating in games isn’t straightforward. For example, since Monopoly’s “Free Parking jackpot” isn’t in the official rules, it’s technically a cheat. However, it’s widely accepted and used to enhance gameplay. Practices like this show that what constitutes cheating in gaming is sometimes about communal agreement and context rather than strict adherence to rules. Because of moral grey areas, a person may engage in cheating while not even seeing it as cheating.

Other Potential Motivators

While we’ve explored several key factors that might drive cheating in online games, it’s crucial to recognize that every player’s motivation can vary. There are numerous other reasons, not covered above, that could prompt someone to cheat:

  • The Thrill of Winning: Gamers may seek the adrenaline rush and excitement of victory.
  • Seeking a Shortcut: Some players might be tired of the grind and want to advance more quickly than the game allows.
  • Experimentation: The desire to explore the game beyond its intended boundaries or to see what is possible through hacks or cheats may lead someone to experiment with cheating.
  • Boredom: For players who feel they’ve seen all a game has to offer, cheating can provide a new form of entertainment.
  • To Exploit the Game: Some find satisfaction in finding and exploiting flaws within the game’s design or trying to ‘break the system.’
  • Entitlement: Players may feel they are owed success or rewards and believe they have been unfairly denied.
  • Lack of Consequences: Gamers may feel like cheating isn’t taken seriously, and/or they can simply get away with it because there aren’t clear policies for detection and punishment.

The Battle Against Cheating

To combat cheating, game developers need to understand the psychology behind it. In some cases, knowing these motivations can inform your game design. In other cases, it just helps you create a plan for dealing with it when it happens.

Regardless of the reason, the reality is that cheating will happen. That means technologies like Anybrain’s anti-cheat solution are essential for maintaining game integrity and ensuring equal competition. By tackling cheating head-on and building a gaming community where fair play is the norm, we can keep games fun and fair for everyone.



