“Why Charge for Subscription to the Salon?”

“Why Charge for Subscription to the Salon?”

“Why Charge for Subscription to The Salon?” This is a question I expect to be asked, so I am pre-empting it and offering you an explanation. Those who will ask the question will rightly point out that “there is so much free content available.”

The point is, subscribers to the Salon are also supporting our call for a more enlightened approach to enterprise, because “the system isn’t working,” and rather than simply complain they want to help pioneer the changes that are needed.

We know many people are desperate for change. Early during the COVID pandemic people started talking about “building back better” and their hope of a “better new normal.” They were not looking to go back to business as usual. And they know that our broken system cannot be fixed with outdated ways of thinking.

If anyone doubted the system was broken before COVID struck, they were not likely to be in any doubt once it had exposed the catalogue of failings that we have seen. And most people recognise the impact of climate change. and degradation of our environment, present new challenges.

Dissatisfaction with almost every system, and the institutions we de depend on to run them, is increasing an most countries due to a series of crises. The energy crisis and the cost of living crisis being two examples.

All the challenges are large in number, scale, and impact. They are also highly complex in nature, and often interrelated and interdependent. So, addressing them independently of each is dangerous. Systemic, multi-disciplinary, collaborative, and coordinated action is needed. And that requires competencies and capabilities that are in short supply. Plus a mindset that is very different to the prevalent one which caused many of our problems.

Change needs to start with the enlightened thinking of pioneers that will help identify the pathways needed to transcend the problems. Firmly embedded myths and misconceptions need to be exposed and rooted out. Systems, and the old institutions that managed them, will need to be radically re-imagined, re-designed, re-formed, or replaced. And this is true of organisations in the private, public, government and other sectors.

If you have read what I have said so far, I suspect you agree with my arguments? Then, you might also have a pioneering mindset that motivates you to want to support us? Doing so will also benefit you.

You can stop feeling helpless and hopeless. By supporting us you will also benefit your family, friends, community and country. How else is the change we need going to be achieved if you, and we, do not push for it together?

The scale of the changes needed may seem daunting to you? You may think it impossible for a small organisation to have much impact? And if that is how you think, you are correct. But is that any excuse for doing nothing? Why not help us become a bigger organisation, so we can increase our impact?

Start by subscribing to the Salon, engaging in dialogues we run, and by helping us spread the word. The price you pay will also provide us with the means to gain scale and improve our impact.


Or use this Link to the Annual Subscription page.

Or use this link to the Monthly Subscription Page.




You can check out the profiles of all the people who have agreed to take part so far:

And more names will be announced soon.

How the Salon Works

An exclusive interview with with each expert will be pre-recorded and published a few weeks prior to a 2hr live online session. This will give subscribers time to watch and consider what has been said, and to submit questions they might like to have answered in the live sessions.

During the live session additional special guests will join the expert in a dialogue. There will be regular break-outs to discuss issues raised in smaller groups, and there will be multiple interactive Q&A sessions with subscribers.

Afterwards the interview and the recording of the live session will be posted to a discussion forum for further dialogues to take place, and for people to rewatch on demand should they wish to.


Should you want to get even more involved you can do so by taking Pioneer or Young Pioneer membership of the Enlightened Enterprise Academy.

The benefits include your subscription to the Salon. As a "Pioneer" you will also be able to gift a "Young Pioneer" membership to someone 25 or younger. And as a Young Pioneer you will be able to gift a Junior Pioneer membership to a friend or split one membership fee between the two of you.

In both cases, Pioneer or Young Pioneer memberships can be paid for monthly or annually (12 months for the price of 10).

Email for details of Pioneer and Young Pioneer membership: [email protected]


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