Dan Mirgon, CEPA
Business and Financial Strategy - Helping you "Get Your End Game Right"
“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”
?- John Wooden
We can’t get through a week these days without hearing about another “failure” by someone we thought was one of the “good guys.”
In fact, trying to imagine the best in people is getting harder and harder every day.?From politicians who “Flip” once they are elected to crooked salespeople and shady businesses practices – the threats are all around us.
Now, no matter how “good” we believe people are, the facts are that we’re all rebellious little children at heart.?We like control, and we want things our way.?If we don’t get that – it becomes a game to even the playing field by tearing the other person down.
The good news is that as a CEO who is leading people, you have some tools available to help you counter that constant threat to the “Integrity” of your reputation and that of the company.
The word Integrity gets a lot of attention these days.?It means that you have a steadfast adherence to a strict moral code or ethical code.
A person with Integrity is expected to uphold what is right and good, even if it cost them something.
On the other side, everyone knows when it is missing.?When you are lied to, or hear of someone stealing you instantly know that the person has an Integrity problem.
But the word Integrity needs to be thought of at a more basic level.
Integrity is the byproduct of a Character that has been nurtured and trained in advance.?As in sports, practice gets you ready for the game – the challenge is to be honest and not cave when the pressure is on.
If you have a worldview that looks to God for direction, your framework for developing a character of quality comes with some of the lines filled in already.?If you don’t, you’ll need to work harder at developing a personal character that people can trust and rely on.
In either case, here are six habits you can develop that will help you be more like the person people want to follow – because you are person of Character:
The small choices we make today, and tomorrow, and the next day to get out of our comfort zone can be practiced.?
Take a stand for something that is not popular, but is best for the situation.?Be willing to put your comfort at risk to move the ball in the right direction.
Leaders of Character are countercultural.?When were honest with ourselves, the “I did it myself” game is just another example of pride.?
Humility acts and speaks as though “We” is more important than “Me.”?Remember the Humble Servant Warrior will have real followers.
Like working out in the gym, little moments of practice make us better in almost every area of life.?Being a person of Integrity is no different.
Do things that “normal” people don’t do especially when it’s all too easy to take the shortcut.
Stand up for the little guy.?Follow through on what you said you would do. Say “no” when you really don’t have any desire to take on the project.
When I was growing up, I got corrected every time I put myself first in a conversation.?“Me and Mike” was always corrected to “Mike and I” because putting the other person and their needs ahead of your own model’s selflessness.
How much better would our CEO effectiveness be if we thought of the impact on the people who work “with” us ahead of our own interest??I bet the culture in the company would be smoother and more peaceful.
This idea seems to get shoved into the Military category and not pulled out again until we get let down by someone close to us.
Duty is a decision.?A commitment.?A promise to do wat is expected, needed and most often uncomfortable.?But when we make that commitment, we have an obligation (Duty) to fulfill it.?That’s why we get the leadership chair – right?
The word “Gratitude” is another idea that gets a lot of attention.?It’s like adding gratitude to our buffet of things we are supposed to model would really change anything.
Unfortunately, simply adding gratitude to the persona doesn’t go far enough. ?It has to be real.
When was the last time you sat down and made a list of all the things you are really grateful for???
What’s still working on the Spaceship? (Gus Grissom, Apollo13)
If that list is too short for your liking, perhaps you need to think through this idea more often.?Remember, everything in business is temporary.?It will change.
Finally, people follow and support you because of who you are – not what you promote.?Real Character puts them first.?
Remember, you really can’t do this alone.
If we can help you get better at any of this – it would be our pleasure.
Dan Mirgon
President / CEO
Dan Mirgon & Associates, LLC