Why character art branding is important for product promotion.

Why character art branding is important for product promotion.

“A child whose childhood memory does not include Disney is a rarity. “

Ironically it was never “Disney” that caught our attention as a child. Instead it was ‘Mickey Mouse’.

We identify the entire world of Disney and the hundreds of storylines and characters in it with Mickey Mouse. It will not be wrong to consider Mickey Mouse as the brand mascot of the conglomerate.

What is a Brand mascot?

Historically, the word Mascotte means Lucky Charm in French. When and how a mascot began to represent brands is not very clear but “The Quaker Man” is one of the earliest? mascot representations dating back to 1877.

A mascot gives a humanized touch to a brand and makes it emotionally connectable with the public. The funny and amusing caricature adds a happy and positive vibe to the brand which goes a long way to create a well rounded public image of the brand.?

How is Logo different from a brand Mascot?

The brand logo of MacDonalds is a huge red M while it’s brand mascot is a clown. That's where the difference lies.

While Logo is a symbolic representation of a brand, the Mascot is more of an emotional representation. A logo defines the identity of a company while a mascot helps in expanding the values and beliefs behind the creation of the brand further.?

In simple words, “Logo is a mandated need by law while a mascot is a personalized touch by the company.”

Why should Brand mascot be a part of the marketing strategy?

From conceptualization to personification to finally creating a live version is a long journey as a Brand Mascot is an immortal representation that can make or break a brand.

  • It improves the public engagement?

A mascot attracts attention anywhere it is installed, thus bringing in more customer interactions and engaging them to know the brand even if they didnt know before. The better the connectivity with the audience, the better the business revenue.

  • It is a cost effective marketing tactics

The one time cost and effort in creating a mascot can go a long way to help in the marketing of the brand. The mascot can be used to even showcase specific themes, brand messages at no additional cost.

  • Adds unique identity to the brand

You cannot mistake Colonel Sander’s face for McDonalds or the Starbucks Siren for Costa Coffee. Mascots are the individual identity of a brand alone and not the company. It is a psychological connection the public has with the brand.

  • Improves the digital presence.

Have you seen the Duolingo mascot? When you visit the app regularly, the smiling mascot greets you. But if you don’t use the application for long, a sad-faced mascot pings you on your email.

A simple, eyt brilliant strategy to use the mascot to deliver a personalized message and pique your curiosity to drop by at least once.?

An unforgettable reminder to immortalize a brand

A Brand mascot is the personalized character art created as the promotional representation of a company or a brand.

A mascot can fail badly if it is not created with the right analogy in mind. Remember the disastrous mascots of the 2012 Olympics? The iconic duo Wenlock and Mandeville represented the steel droplets that fell from the stadium but no one could relate to it and it faded away faster then the ending of the inaugural ceremony itself.

A Mascot is not just a character representation in a larger than life caricature. It holds a very deeply connected string of emotional sparks that can change the fate of a brand for life.


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