Why change is difficult
Subhashis Banerji
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Many of us think that the obstacles would go away, but the truth is that these obstacles are our life.
I am yet to find a person who has not got the roller-coaster of magnanimous life rocking changes in his/her life.
It is natural to get unnerved by unanticipated changes.
We in fact make any crisis/setback/situation terrible by resisting and fighting the inevitable changes, putting ourselves in a no-win situation.
The trick is not to react to the situation and people by trying to fix or mend the cracks immediately on an impulse.
Instead we need to wait till until the earth stops shaking around us, think and act to start to repair the damage.
Working through our fears and anxieties to move towards self-understanding, self-love and inner stability.
Many of the Life changes are usually out of our control.
It is not to say that you do not question the change, Of course, you need to analyze this change would be detrimental or beneficial in long term and how you are going to prepare yourself to make the best of the situation while being aware of when this resistance is actually going to create more troubles for yourself.
So how do you push past the reluctance and fear.
The first step is realizing that even though you can't control what pops up in your life, you can alter how you react. "When change happens, say yes.
Why Is Change So Hard to adopt
1.Changing our behavior and habits takes time
2.We're motivated by negative emotions
3. We get trapped by thinking fallacies of all-or-nothing thinking
4.We try to eat the entire elephant
5.We don't look for and gather the necessary tools, aids and support
6. We try to change too much
7.We underestimate the process
8.We forget that failure is usually a given
9.We don't make a commitment
10.It's challenging way beyond our comfort zones to make it scary
11. We don't go for it because It's unpopular
12. We have been conditioned to be biased
13. We are carrying old baggage from the past
14. We See Transition and Change as a Stressor
15. Some of us just Resist every change out of habits
16. We don't want to look dumb
17. Our friends, family, or co-workers think it's a bad idea
1.Misunderstanding about the need for change/when the reason for the change is
2.Fear of the unknown
3.Absolutely no idea on how to deal with this situation, person
4.Don't see any way out
5.Low self belief
6.Not comfortable in changing routines
8.Change in the status quo
9.Don't see any Benefits for making change
10.It comes as a total Surprise to make it a shock
11.Everything seems different
12.Loss of face
13.More work
14.Ripple effects
15.Past resentments
16.Sometimes the threat is real
17. There's no precedent
18.Past experience of similar changes
19.Being overwhelmed by the big change
20.Feeling lost in the magnitude of change
21.Suspicion of motives of others
22.Change seen as unnecessary
23.Change seen as extended pain
24.Lack of self-confidence about accomplishing the change
25.Cannot see and related with the big picture
26.It's not enjoyable
27.Already invested in other so much that doesn't want to invest further
28.Greater payoff in sticking with present
29.Lack physical, emotional and mental energy and enthusiasm
COMMON REASONS ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE FAIL [in addition to the applicable reasons for change failures given above in why we RESIST change]
1. Climate of mistrust
2. Organizational politics
3. Fear of failure
4. Faulty Implementation Approach
5. Poor timing
6. How the change is being implemented by the leaders
7. Changes are introduced in an insensitive manner or at an awkward time.
8.Not involving the employees – Leaders believe top-down still works
9.Not having taken buy-in from the stakeholders
10.Ignoring current organizational culture
11.Not dealing proactively and effectively with resistance
12.No clarity in the objectives and benefits
13.Changes are being implemented all the time for the sake of change only
14. Absence of a winning strategy
15. Change criteria not specified
16. Structure and systems requirements needed are not present
17. Appropriate skills and resources and not developed
18.Inadequate Support from Leadership
19.Lack of Resources
20.Inadequate Change Leadership Skills
21.Not knowing what you are trying to achieve
22.Causing more disruption than needed
23.Not following a formal change management and communications plan
24. Poor Processes
Creating the right mindset for changes in your life
The must dos in the times of overwhelming changes
1.Understand that We're often scared of change because we're afraid of the unknown
2.Understand that It's okay to be emotionally overwhelmed and have the following feeling initially
3.To have feelings of sadness, to grieve over the loss of something and someone
4.To feel angry about your situation
5.To blame
6.Feel Pity
7.You have to give yourself the permission to feel these emotions, but only for a day or two, and then you have to move on.
8.If you spend too much time in that place of anger or pity or blame, you end up not being able to adapt to your change. It keeps you in a place of helplessness. And what you need to be is in a place of hope and of growth.
9.You would feel vulnerable
10.Some of us like to project an image of being strong and fearless, but sometimes it's not the truth. The truth is that we're scared, vulnerable, weak and in need of help.
11.We need to allow ourselves to rely on others. And showing that vulnerability is OK. It may feel like you are exposed, but being completely exposed is not always a bad thing. There is always learning and growth that can come from it. You allow people to really see you and when they can see you, can know your stress or pain, they can help. Vulnerability is just part of who we are as people.
12.Understand You are never actually alone
13.You have to ask for help
14.You can adapt to anything, look for this reference in your past. Our ability to adapt is amazing.
15.You have to have hope for the future
16.You will grow and change as a person, but you would still the same
17.Recognize that all big transitions are happening for your own good
18.Start Believing that everything happens for me instead of changes being imposed on me
19.Understand that Every shakes-up in your life is a wake-up call to make changes in your mindset, belief and life styles.
20.Every transition is an opportunity which usually illuminates the cracks in your personality, belief system or mind-set, to unable to create a better and more effective one
21.Remember, there is nothing in life that you can't recover from
22.Understand that life is not a perfect live happily ever after journey
23.Understand that your being rigid would create more pain than solutions
24.Remind yourself that you control your attitude and actions