Why cash is no longer king and how simple, long term financial planning can help you to achieve your long term financial goals.
Scott Kingsley
Husband, Father and Financial Wellbeing Coach helping you on the path to financial freedom.
In today's world a lot of people I meet with still feel that they are better sat with cash in the bank. The following article highlights the cost of holding cash over the last 10 years and how a simple and conservative long term approach could have doubled your money.
All too often people over complicate things by thinking investing has to be a risk taking exercise. Yes, there is an element of risk with any invetment, however, with good long term planning you can ensure that you are making best use of what you have worked hard for. Cash is certainly not king and although it may appear to stay the same in value or grow slightly the likelihood is you are losing money.
It is very difficult for any of us to reach our long term financial goals by just saving, we need growth as well.