Why career in Salesforce is “future-proof” and why Apex Academy is the best choice for pursuing it?
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Why career in Salesforce is “future-proof” and why Apex Academy is the best choice for pursuing it?

Let's be real here, times are hard. Not only are we still battling pandemic (and some of us even wars) but we sure are battling its consequences as well; all from inflation, stock market downturns to the possible recession. It's hard to say are we currently really in a recession or not but there are plenty reasons why we may or may not be. So if you find yourself asking what is going to happen with the economy in the future, you are not alone. Also, it's understandable to be anxious about the future of your career. I mean, why wouldn't you?

As an official partners of Salesforce, one of our goals is to direct our students towards Salesforce careers and to properly educate them. So why Salesforce and how can we be so sure that they will lose God knows how many hours of studying for something that is completely worth it?

Well, we can never be 100 % sure but let's take a look at facts and use evidence to draw conclusions. Firstly, let me take you back to the past recessions such as dot-com crash which was triggered by the rise and fall of technology stocks, the Great Recession which was one of the worst economic declines and then Covid-19 pandemic which still isn't quite over. To say that Salesforce survived all of it would be an understatement because not only did it survived, the business kept on rising. By examining the statistics before and after mentioned crises, we can easily conclude that Salesforce is prepared for long-term growth.

When we dig deeper into statistics and characteristics of Salesforce as a business, we can easily see how Salesforce continues to not only retain its customers but to win new ones. Additionally, Salesforce keeps on innovating their products as well as handling incoming competition. Salesforce's business strategy just keeps on adapting and improving so while worrying about the future career in it is understandable because everything in this World is uncertain, it is very unlikely that you will fall short in the future if you choose career path in Salesforce.

Our firm has met the criteria and, as stated before, is a Salesforce 'Base' Partner. In other words, we have teamed up with the best. That fact, as well positive feedback from our students and clients speaks volumes. Whether you are a student or a company who wants to partner up with us, Apex Academy is the best step you can take simply because we know what we are doing and we won't leave you hanging.

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