Why can′t we tackle climate change? Second Approach. The BANG is calling in Iceland.
JMV Josune Moneo Viloria
ENJOY BRIO TRAIN S_OCIOchain Artisanal Designer of CollaborACTive TransformACTIONal Strategies & Initiatives. LOGOGeminist Dreamer. Humanimal Party Glocal Host. Open for Public Speaking Opportunities
Second Approach
Why can′t we tackle the climate change?
#Iceland #Reikjavik #SeneGuineGambia #Greenden #HumanBANG
After my last article on this subject I have continued wondering and pondering about this issue.
I am writting now from Reikiavik, Iceland. This trip was planned about 2 months ago but as Dario Ruggiero, the founder of our Long Term Economy Blog Community, took the question from the tittle to our lives, I decided to see how I could bring that question with me and invite the Icelandic people to think about possible answers.
To do so, I have been sending invitations using all the channels that the social media grants me to reach Icelandic people: Couchsurfing, Linkedin, Internations and Facebook. I skipped using Instagram or Snapchat because I am not very active at them and I do not know how to use them.
Anyway, this is my set of conclusions:
1*/ Most people ignore any message that could take them more than 1 minute to read, anyway.
2*/ From the little minoririty which is about to dedicate more than one minute to read a message that starts talking about Sustainability, Prosperity, sharing of ideas and so on, most of them do not really have any special interest for those subjects themselves or maybe they do not imagine their own possible answers, perspectives, impressions, opinions or suggestions, valuable enough to be publicly expressed in front of others.
3*/ Most people, do not find special interest in trying collective thinking. Most of them do not even have a clear idea of how it works and what is the benefit of it.
4*/ Most educated adults do not have time to add anything to their lives. They are fully booked from now till nobody knows when. We should wait for months or years if we want them to find any quiet while to dedicate to improductive things like thinking about the future survival of their kids.
After seeing the response of Reality, I am getting into new conclusions:
1*/ If we want this subject to become popular and reach a wide mayority, we will need to find powerful, clear and short messages that can fit into the very narrow patterns of attention that the mayority is used to.
2*/ We need to be easy to find and to reach for anyone belonging to that minority of people that really cares for long term development and facilitate as much as possible the interoperativity among all of us. Being so few people, the only way to increase our impact is to come together and multiply our effectivity thanks to merging synergies and cooperative options.
3*/ We all will need to contribute to our own re-education and invite others to join us as well as be open to join any other platform/community/collectivity consciously trying to reeducate. The educational factor needs to be add in all organizational levels and all possible spheres of action.
4*/ If we want to find possible support and co-operation, best thing we can do is scape adults and specially professional adults. The only ones having maybe some free time to dedicate to any non-profit activity are the retired people and some of the young students and starting professionals. Professional adults not having familiar responsabilities are also more accesible to work on any subject concerning common good and long term vision. Parents, could maybe get involved if we call them to think about the subject as part of the activities suggested from the schools where their kids are learning. As far as I have been able to see, that is one of the very few kind of activities for which they still try to find some time in their exhausting agends.
Then, during these two weeks a lot of conversations were taking place among the members of our LTEplatform and most of them were involving Education as a very important issue.
I need to say that for me, Education is a very wide and deep concept existing in each and every living species and since Life exist. I mean, a bear educates himself to live like a fish or a bird or an insect. Education is not something restricted to schools or teaching methodologies.
In my personal opinion, we all need to educate towards scaping old forms, obsolet methodologies, speculative trading on Knowledge and many more. But appart from that personal view, I want to make clear now that when reading this article, the word Education is not relating to academic learning or teaching but relating to the behavioral patterns of co-existance and communication present in each different model of society, each different cultural tradition and each particular urban model.
We are all part of that Education. We are needing to learn from others as well as we can serve as models for others to learn. So re-education needs to start within and from inside, it can spread out and expand.
Then, my main questions are:
What kind of principles could we use as common ground valid for each and everyone regardless of age, gender, origin, location, profession and so on?
To re-educate myself, my experience has teached me that the easiest thing is to get involved with realities that can serve me as teaching frame. For example, when I was living in Germany, coming from Spain, I was learning a lot from the Germans and indeed “germanizing” myself was bringing me into a new vision of reality that was more of long term than the original one I had inherited from the Spanish, Latein culture. Living in Japan, took me to a new understanding of the true meaning of “mindfulness of the others” that has enrich a lot the one I was having before sharing some time of my life with the wise Japanese people. Linking my life to my African muslim family has taken me to a deeper understanding of the power of Unity and the beauty of Humbleness and the true meaning of Acceptance as a main path to Peace.
So, I think, we should encourage the creation of educative and collaborative exchange programs that could take individuals to really enrich themselves from the simple experience of interacting with others attending to the natural richness of our human diversity. That could help us all a lot to awake a wider consciousness of ourselves as species on Planet Earth. Experiencing is doubtless for me, the very best form of effective learning.
As individuals, what kind of core ideas could take us to a deeper and more efficient learning?
What could be good for one and good for all?
Well, for me, each one of us needs at least:
Learn how to SUSTAIN developing in a balanced way, attending to organic, social and universal facts, find how to mantein her/himself and at the same time.
Find how to MANTEIN within the others and the material circumstances around. Make a living, find nourishment, gain reputation among the others...
ENTERTAIN ourselves doing something creative, something joyful, surprising ourselves in positive ways, experiencing new things and peoples, searching for adventure and innovation and so on.
In Spanish it sounds very nice: Sostener / Mantener / Entretener. All three do have to do with TENER. Tener, comes from Latein and it means TO HAVE.
So, the language takes us to see that all we need to do is to focus in governing over what we already HAVE. We do not need to wait any longer to start. Each one of us can find his/her own best entertainment sharing his/her life with others that also find true purpose in developing better ways to sustain and mantein.
It is what I call #LEARN2ENJOYtheSHARE.
To end this second approach, I want to share with you another though that uses to help me a lot when trying to scape my own tendency to create egoic vision. For me, long term thinking means automatically, I need to imagine myself already gone. We, humans, are very very short living beings. In terms of evolution, we do not last much longer than a fly but we love to imagine the world and even the universe as small as our own idea of them.
Therefore, it helps me a lot to imagine solutions that do not at all depend on me, I mean that could be usefull also in case I am not anymore around, and also to imagine solutions that would be as nice as I still cannot imagine because they will need maybe some generations to find their path to occur.
Starting now, provides us the information from which we need to build up the solutions but unless we decide to mantein the problems alive and keep ourselves attached to them, each and everything given by current circumstances will be different with the Time and our strategy from today will need constantly to be reinvented and redefined according to the results of each executed attempt.
Like now, here in Iceland, seeing that the time of my stay will end up in just two days, I have decided to write this article as a second approach to the main question with the hope of maybe reaching some curious minds who would love to meet up next Friday, the 14th of December in the meeting we are arranging through Internations and Couchsurfing and see what could at all come out of such reunion. Collective thinking will be the main issue, from 18.00h till 20.00 and up from 20.00 we will be partying with the Internations Community of Expats based in Reikiavik.
Dear Icelandic people, you are all invited to join. Simply let me know and I will send you the details of the event. Join it or leave it but let me tell you something: #theBANGishappeningNOW
Senior Researcher at Academy of Industry and Arts
5 年Dear Josune, nice work indeed - while on this Merry Christmas, 25.12.2018, we unified Luminous Light with Dark Light to debunk the apparent missing 85% of galactic masses, by using Dark Light from neutrino annihilation processes to address Body, Mind & Spirit on equal footing. This will bring new hope for mankind by unifying the material world with the spiritual for the benefit of all species on and outside earth as disclosed here, with a Happy New Year greetings: ?https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325392502_Composite_Elementary_and_Fundamental_Particles