Why Can't We All Just Get Along?
Joel Elveson
My successes as a recruiter are intertwined with the achievements of those I have helped.
Congratulations America you (we) showed the world that our system of democracy works as a candidate freely chosen by the people of this country (in case you haven’t heard the news or read a newspaper but we are honored to have Donald Trump as our 45th President) was elected to the highest office in this country making him one of the most influential and powerful leaders in the world. Our system of democracy even allows for peaceful, non-violent to those who would have preferred Hillary Clinton or some other candidate be elected.
On the topic of peaceful or in many cases violent disagreement the question that is often asked is why can’t we all just get along? In an aquarian (aka utopian) type society which we are clearly not that question would be a moot point since everybody would indeed get along. Our world is ripe with strife from many different factions both home abroad that make this concept nothing more than a nice trip down memory lane to the days when hippies ran around preaching peace and love as being the answer to all of our troubles. That wasn’t the solution then and it is certainly not now.
It would serve the above concept well and promote its cause in some version if we learned to at least communicate in a civilized manner. This holds true for married couples, boyfriends, and girlfriends, expanding into political parties and ultimately world leaders. We don’t know how (sadly we may never learn) to talk to each other in a manner that excludes profanity-laced tirades, threats, and good old-fashioned yelling and screaming. Until this obstacle is overcome we will never all just get along which I am of the belief that can never and will never happen.
Rather than asking why we can’t all just get along, it might be more realistic to focus on (as alluded to above) improving our communication skills. If communication cannot be conducted in a manner that is conducive to constructive dialogue then chances of this 1960’s-ish concept, prospects of seeing the light of day are just about nil.
We live in a multi-cultural society that ideally should open many channels for learning about how we each believe, conduct our affairs and of course worship. As we all know there many of these cultures that strictly believe their way of life is the only way all people must live and will enthusiastically resort to violence (death is a way of life to them) in order to achieve that goal. This type of thought process that includes the murdering of innocent people, children and animals is yet another example why we can’t (and won’t) just all get along.
Children in pre-school have already learned the “art” of how not to get along as they have been in a sense trained or conditioned that this is the norm. Children left to their own innocence will learn how to get along albeit with conflicts. Although until they are “educated” by the peers or parents they see no color or know no religion which if you think about is a less than ideal situation as knowing your culture is so vitally important. I realize being equipped with that knowledge can lead to its own generation of problems but the need to know one’s religion, etc. cannot be diminished.
Please do not infer from my article that I take the position that violence and hatred are a natural part of our human society and that we should just accept that fact and go on with our lives. On the contrary, I believe we need to reject violence and hatred as they are not the large part of civilized society that they are reflecting themselves to be. My main point of contention is that we will never just simply all get along. While the thought is tantalizing it remains a far-fetched fantasy.
All it takes is a dying glow from a cigarette to ignite a fire. The same concept holds true for humankind. Going back to the biblical times of Adam & Eve they both got along harmoniously. Shortly after that, as the earth became more populated violence fueled by jealousy, etc. became increasingly common. It was evident by then that the concept of everybody simply getting along would not see the light of day.
Moving away from the topic of getting along I like so many others are still in mourning due to the loss of singer-songwriter, poet, and novelist Leonard Cohen who passed away at age 82 last Thursday. Leonard Cohen was not easy to listen to with his raspy baritone voice and at times morose lyrics. Leonard Cohen’s many song styles were a testament to his brilliance. Despite his acclaim, Leonard Cohen was a very humble man. Although we have his songs to listen to that will carry on his legacy, it is onstage humor and warmth we will all miss. Below you will find some of the lines from one of his best songs. So much has been written lately about this man since he passed that there isn’t much I can add except to say I can feel a void in my life knowing one of my favorite singer-songwriters except for a forthcoming last album that will soon be released will never again grace us with his songs and the beauty of his soul.
Your eyes are soft with sorrow
Hey, that’s no way to say goodbye
I’m not looking for another as I wander in my time
Walk me to the corner, our steps will always rhyme
You know my love goes with you as your love stays with me
It’s just the way it changes like the shoreline and the sea
But let’s not talk of love or chains and things we can’t untie
Your eyes are soft with sorrow
Hey, that’s no way to say goodbye – Hey, That’s No Way To Say Goodbye
~Leonard Cohen
For those who don’t know much about the life and works of this gifted individual I highly suggest you do a Google search where you will come upon the treasure of music he created. His lyrics were ripe with images that forced you to think along with them in order to get their deep meaning.]
Leonard Cohen was matched only by early Bob Dylan in terms of lyrical content. The more I listened to Leonard Cohen and the more I listen to him the more I find hidden meaning in his songs. I hope you will take time to get to know this artist and his imprint on our lives