Gregg Kininmonth
36 yrs. Combined Fed. GS & Private Sector Mgt. exp. & counting. PT Fed. Jobs Consulting "SME" helping Vets, their spouses and military start Fed. careers.
The USAJOBS Dog and Pony Show. Or WTF Over?
Attention Vets. 20 jobs, in 6 different countries, in 11 different job series, for 6 different Federal agencies.
1.?????I don’t Social Media. Why would I? I’m old enough to cherish my “Privacy†and I’m not looking to get famous. Rich is ok, but not famous.
2.?????I’ve read a post that said it was disgusting to make money off Military members. Well? There’s so many holes in that post, I could get no enjoyment out of shredding it. That fruit isn’t low hanging, it’s on the ground. I wonder what that person does when he needs his car repaired or needs to see the dentist, tells them they’re disgusting for charging him.
The point I’m trying to make is this. My services aren’t free. They don’t cost much, but they’re not free. Because my comprehensive experience, knowledge and information is worth something. Just like any other consultant, I charge for my expertise. Isn’t this what LinkedIn is for? To help you solve problems? Sometime it cost’s money to solve a problem.
I am directly speaking to Veterans that have not been successful at the USAJOBS “Hokie Pokieâ€, not those of you already in the system. This might even apply to Federal employees in other pay bands that can’t secure a GS position.
I am an expert in Federal Jobs and if you've reached the end of your patience and you've tried everything within your power and given up, I can give you some hope? I'm going to share with you just how broken the process is. You are free to take it or leave it.
The following is a rambling, sometimes coherent, narrative of impressions, experiences, insights and facts. I am not trying to convince you of anything, whether you believe me or not doesn’t matter. I can’t make your doubts go away. I do get it, if any of you are skeptical. Is this guy a scammer??I’m a total cynic too, and would ask the same questions, especially in this current world of false realities, but at some point when you’re burned out and about to give up, you have to trust someone or something, or they win. ?
I’ve spent my whole career up until I started working for the CG 5 years ago in the DOD 0188 MWR field. I’ve been serving the military my entire career. I am more proud of that than anything I’ve ever done. Serving you is my greatest accomplishment.
I will say this more than once. If you are lost in the USAJOBS process, tried for weeks, months, years, and have given up or about to, trying everything you know, and still want a Federal job, I can help you!??
If you work with me, bear in mind, I’m still a full time GS employee, but plan to retire in the near future. I have no time or interest in anything other than speaking plainly and truthfully. I will not waste your time or mine. I will not tell you what you want to hear, but will tell you what you need to know if you want a Government job.
I focus on helping Military, and their families, Active Duty, within 120 days of separation, Vets, First Responders and their spouses. My success rate is 100% in giving people knowledge and empowering them in helping themselves. The success rate of those I have helped in getting a job, I have no idea? The ones that contact me and tell me they got a job is 100%, the ones that got a job and didn’t tell me is 100%. So, you see, it’s not about starting a job, its about being able to ‘Competeâ€. If you can’t compete you chances or getting a job is 0%
My approach and style are outdated, “Old School†there is no substitute for direct communication and having an advocate there to support you. Building rapport and trust only comes from talking. Not Texting, not Instant Messaging, not Face Book, but phone or face time communications. My information is current and my experience speaks for its’ self. I am not politically correct, and you are going to get the truth and facts delivered without the pretention of me trying to make words mean something they aren’t.
I have no patience other than working with straight forward individuals that wish to improve their lives and the future of their families. I’m too old to be drawn into worthless name calling or being the bait for some online losers that find satisfaction in telling me how wrong I am. ?
I’m honest, sincere, witty and sarcastic. Are you offended yet? It’s not too late to move on. My “Integrity†is Non-Negotiable†you will ALWAYS come first! Because you always have.
My first MWR job out of College was at 2nd ID, Camp Hovey, Tonduchong S. Korea in 1986. My command and mentors we’re “Tip of the Spear Killers†from the Vietnam era that didn’t suffer fools. Can you see where I’m coming from now??
When it comes to your career opportunities, I am a progressive thinker, (meaning moving forward) not backward. There is only reality when it comes to understanding and overcoming the USAJOBS process. Knowledge through experience.
This is a rhetorical question. Why are you and so many like you not getting positive USAJOBS results? You are highly qualified, motivated, knowledgeable, experienced, have every characteristic a Federal employer wants. The process is even set up for you with special considerations to bump you to the front of the line. Problem is, someone forgot to tell USAJOBS.
I have been in the Federal system as a civilian since 1986. I decided to join LinkedIn at the urging of friends and colleagues, thinking it was an objective forum and tool for reaching Military members that need help in overcoming the Federal application process? I'm not quite convinced if this forum is for my business, but will let it play out and see if there is a positive impact?
Years ago, I saw the power of the internet as the greatest "Marketing and Information" device ever created. But like most things' humans touch, it has been perverted into everything ugly you see today. The hate and venom spewed by people is exactly why I am not interested in social media and frankly find it boring. It doesn’t control me. I am in control of my own life.
So, now let me tell you how I see it. If you are offended by truth and facts, then stop reading right here! Take your feeling with you. Life is not fair, it's a big bad world out there. I don't have time to teach you what your parents didn't. Like my mother told me when I turned 18, "I taught you the meaning of respect, the difference between right and wrong, take care of yourself first, because no one else will and there's the door doesn't let it hit you in the ass as you walk out." This was the greatest gift a mother could give her child after giving me life.
If your feelings are hurt and you're overwhelmed and you need a safe space or a time out, now is a good time to move on to your FB page and post about the latest bath you gave your dog. We have enough people in the bureaucracy like that now, we don't need any more. You’re not a person I am interested in helping.
I am a serious professional. Do you think I'm arrogant? Fine, I'm arrogant, especially when it comes to helping Military members get a Federal job. I've helped hundreds of Military, Guard, Reserve, Active and Contractors understand why USAJOBS is broken. These workshops made them self sufficient.
But you need to understand, it's the only game in town if you want a job. Now there are special super-secret things that happen in the “Dark of Night†so to speak, but overall this is the only mechanism to get your foot in the door.
I'm 61, and here's a cliché, I've forgotten more than I know. So let me give you a rude awakening. No one will take care of you, except you! "Solving Problems†is the number one priority of any boss that hires. How are you going to make your bosses’ job easier not harder? The problem is, how do you get past the USAJOBS Wall?
I feel your frustration and anger. Look at all the posts of people just like you that can’t get a sniff or qualified, let alone Referred for one. Why do you think this is?
BECAUSE THIS IS NOT AN OBJECTIVE PROCESS! Every time "Human Beings" get involved in anything, it immediately becomes “Subjectiveâ€. “Young†(I mean the cancel culture that hate the military) HR staffer are fast tracking. They’re not stupid, the GS regulations are set up this way to allow this. Do you know what this means? Think about it.
I'll give you a hint. 52 weeks TIG. (Time in Grade). The 'System" is not only broken it is "Corrupt".?Maybe I'll write a book or use some other comprehensive format that lets me tell you what I've been through and seen, what I know about the system and how I’ve beaten it.
I’ve fought battles and won, and fought battels and lost. But the important thing is I know how to fight that battle. (The Rules are your Friend). But, I’ve never given up my principals. I’ve quit good Federal jobs because of poor managers. People I wouldn’t follow out of a burning building. They’re call “Dead Woodâ€.
It’s just a job folks. I’ve always had one, and always will. (See top of page.) ?Thousands of new jobs are posted every day. This is why now, is the best time I’ve ever seen to be a Federal employee. Hell, they are even paying sign on bonuses of up to $3000.00. Unbelievable? They can’t give jobs away to qualified people. I only wish I was 20 years younger. The current “Woke†culture is ripe for exploiting.
In “General†the new up and comers are a microcosm of society. They couldn’t fight their way out of a brown paper bag. But this means you can make a career for yourself. If you can get your foot in the door. There are Jobs Everywhere!
There is so much incompetence, that it’s like shooting fish in a barrel. Can you follow direction? Can you show up on time? Can you solve problems?
These HR staffing jobs that review applications are entry level. All they're doing is thinking about their next promotion. Experience folks! Can you become an SME (Subject Matter Expert) in 6 months - 9 months in HR? Hell no! But that is how the game is played. Each Federal employee reading this knows exactly what I am talking about.
As stated in the beginning I’ve had 20 different jobs in 11 different job series for 6 different agencies living in 6 different countries. My motivation wasn't grade and $$. I've been a GS 3 to 11 and back to 5 and 7's. I’ve been a NAF 3 & 4. It was about Opportunity! And mobility.
This Bureaucracy is so huge, the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing. There is no way to coral it, let alone control it. It feeds upon itself and thus you have what you have. It’s called “Job Security,†problem is, no one in the lower echelon ?knows their own damn regulations or rules, they make it up as they go or chose not to follow it and hope they get lost in the shuffle and not held “Accountable†Now there’s an oxy moronic word.
“Accountabilityâ€. Stop believing in the ability of people that have 2 months of HR experience reviewing your application. If you even get it to that point, which you aren’t or you wouldn’t be considering hiring me. These people aren’t that smart!
Some may deny it, but each application is screed by a computer. It has to be, and even OPM admits it. How do you think Tens of Thousands of apps are filtered every day? By hand? Are you kidding? I've seen resumes that were literally a 9-pg. paragraph, and the young Lt. in the Army Guard in Kuwait that asked for my help, paid $400.00 for it. It was, for lack of a better phrase, a nightmare. It gave me a headache just looking at it. I told him to get his money back, that person wasn’t doing him any favors. I’ll say it again. It’s not your fault you can’t get through the USAJOBS process. You don’t know, what you don’t know!
Specific example. I have a colleague and friend that is 69 years old, still in the system and has had 33 different jobs since he got out of the AF in 1978. He retired FERS (Federal Employee Retirement System) in 2019 and came back in.
In 2005, I went through a BRAC, while I was an MWR Outdoor Rec Dir. for the AF. The HR specialist, (GS12) called all of us together that were going to lose our job and said, "It's HR's job to put a warm butt in a cold seat". A moment of pure honesty from an HR person. Wow! She was doing us a favor. At that moment, I realized this is just a game, I was na?ve believing the Gov. cared about me. ?
There is no loyalty, no matter how good of an employee we are. The only loyalty comes every two weeks when we get paid. You got to get your foot in the door by any means possible. (Remember take care of yourself first?) Now, would I hire me in the private sector? Or my buddy? No way! (BTW, I worked for a fortune 500 company in Mgt. from 91 to 99). Because I know that person wouldn't stick around, but I wouldn't put a 38-pg. resume on the hiring managers desk either. (That’s the length of my resume). Why? Because it can be. Context folks, Context. Everything counts. You are more than a 2 pg. word doc. And 10 years of experience.
I hesitate, but since I'm laying it out there for you to learn from, here are two examples of the power of knowing the regulations and laws. Question #1. Is it really impossible to get a GS employee fired? No! I've done it. Why? Long story short. She picked the wrong person to "F" with.
2nd. Question. Have you ever been denied the "Right to Compete Fairly" for a Federal Job? Ya think? Every one of you that can’t get qualified for an entry level GS 5, or whatever Grade you are qualified for is. The majority of you that have applied with zero success have been, and are being denied the right to compete fairly! I faced that too, but, I knew what to do about it. Back in 2018, a great job was created in the AF civilian system, basically a glorified MWR Special Events Coordinator. GS 11, worldwide position.
So, I applied. Got denied "Due to TIG". Hum??? Well let's see, I said to myself. I've had this happen before, but rarely. So, I kept applying. Over and over again, "Denied TIG". I know what you are thinking? "You're not qualified, because you don't meet the GS 9 grade for 52 weeks, Yataa yataa..... You ever heard of "Portability"? Look it up. I knew after the 3rd denial, I owned them. Because on the 4th I got referred and interviewed. Not chosen. 8 or 9 more denials all due to TIG. On the 10 or 11th? I was referred and interviewed again, not selected, 7-8 more denials to TIG. Then Bingo! Referred, interviewed and selected.
Stay with me now. Do you see a problem here? How can I be denied 20 sometimes due to TIG and then qualified and referred for 3 and selected once? Same job, same PD, same Grade, just different locations. Of the 3 jobs I got to compete fairly for I was, referred and interviewed and selected for one. That’s 33%. Now what if I had been allowed to compete for every job I applied for? I would have had more opportunities.
This is illegal people! After 8 months of methodically getting my documentation and ducks in a row and working through the chain of command in writing. (Always use email to document times, dates, conversations and the person you spoke to, so you have a record). I was ready to file an IG complaint and a Congressional. I had reached the GS 15 head of Civilian Personnel at that agency and laid it out. I was the squeaky wheel. I documented and proved I was being denied the right to compete fairly.??
I don’t expect any of you to do what I what I did. I can only speak for me. A week later, I had a DOD agency HR Dept. Head call me at 1600 west coast time. We spoke for 3 hrs. The first thing out of his mouth was “You’ve made a lot of trouble here and "Uh? We screwed you over". I said Yep, and this is what you’re going to give me. And they did. (Side note about your 2 pg. word doc resume. Don't use one. I don't care what any and all staff specialists say. Build your resume.
In one of my documented conversations in this fight, with a GS 13 HR "Specialist" she said, " Your resume is too long, you need to submit a 2-pg. word doc. max, going back 10 yrs. only". I said, Ma'am, if I had done what you suggest, we wouldn't be having this conversation. What do you mean she says? I said, because the experience that qualifies me for this position was 14 years ago as a NF 4 MWR Supervisor Afloat Rec. Specialist on the Aircraft Carrier USS John C. Stennis. She said “Oh...Yeah� What did I say, they’re not real smart.
Remember some of these so called SME Staffers, even 13's don't have a clue about their own regs. You just have to hope you get one that knows their job, and don't be afraid to tell them they are wrong, (respectfully) and the reg. says this.) Two weeks later, I got a call from a GS 14 offering me the exact job I wanted in Europe. Here’s the kicker. It was a job I applied for 6 months earlier and found “Not Qualified due to TIGâ€.I got exactly what I wanted. It's documented. The staffer said my name was well known and that they were using me as an example of what not to do.
Well? They must not have learned their lesson, because they are still denying me the right to compete fairly. Even though I am not actively looking to move, I look every day. I want to know what’s going on in the industry. I was taught that as a young professional.?Look everyday Always know what’s going on in the job market.
So don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. I am all over the map here, but you must understand that "Success' is in the details and you must have context to understand this whole picture. They're lots of dirty little secrets in the USAJOBS/Federal Employment world.
My story is not unique, there are many out there, this is just mine. I'm a PT consultant and I charge a fee, because my experience is valuable, and I am proud of it. Some of my clients say I don’t charge enough? Well? If you want to pay me more, I’ll take it. TIPS are gladly accepted. My services are for those that have nowhere else to turn to. They are on an island without a network of Federal contacts and correct information or any perceived inside help on how to compete. If you are in the Military family and want my help, I am proud to help you, you just have to ask. ?
I do not make guarantees, except for one. Did you grow up hearing that old saying the "customer is always right"? Well, it's not true and we all know it. The customer is not always right. But the customer always comes 1st. That’s my guarantee. You will always come 1st. I can only work with one person at a time.
"OPPORTUNITY" folks. That's what it’s all about. Here’s the side story. When I met my wife (2000) in Macedonia (Former Yugoslavia) “Forward Deployed†MWR CAC Dir. “Camp Able Sentry†(I hired her as an interpreter). The G-1 O4 and I had to give her a ride home, after she missed the last bus to the city. I asked her why do you and your two sisters live a home? You’re all over 21? She looked at me and said, “Because we don’t open a Sunday paper and get a job like you doâ€. That was profound, and made me realize how lucky we were/are to live in the greatest Country ever to exist.
To be a player, you got to be a player.
You got to get your foot in the door. If only one of you that reads this and understands what I am trying to convey, then it's worth it. And did I say, you’ve got to get your foot in the door?
Your TAPS classes didn't prepare you for USAJOBS. The lack of any career development from your DOD branch of the military has done you no favors. I'm angry and frustrated just like you are. You deserve so much better! I'm sure I've broke every protocol and rule of posting, so be it. It's easier to ask for forgiveness that it is permission.
Finally. I want to say, your sacrifices are not in vain. You are appreciated and loved by Millions upon millions of people that appreciate everything you have done for us. We owe you more than any words can express.
Keep a positive attitude, do not surround yourself with people that have nothing to offer, except their own self-pity, and tell you, you can’t do this or can’t do that. You can do whatever the hell you set your mind to. I have. Most importantly, take care of yourself 1st and your family. And don't give up! You will get a job. Thank you for your time and consideration. I wish you the very best in life and much success.
Gregg K.