Why can't Russia be defeated?
For 537 years from the battle of Kulikovo to the First world war, Russia fought for 334 years. Of these, one war against nine powers, two wars against five powers, twenty-five wars against three powers, and thirty-seven wars against two powers simultaneously.
The history of Russia did not consist exclusively of victories. There were victories and defeats. But in General, the country has maintained its independence.
Why are the Russians basically invincible?
And there were the First and Second world wars...
Russian Russians are unpredictable, their thinking is working, and the impulse comes from the Russian soul. As Bismarck said: Russia will respond to any of your tricks with its own stupidity. But stupidity in a good way. It is because of this connection of the mind with the soul, which can not be calculated, predicted, and even more so, even the Russians themselves do not know what their next stupid idea will lead to.
No laws, strategies, or tactics work against Russia. You can't calculate and win what comes from the soul, from the connection with nature. We never plan anything in advance, we do everything on the spot, according to the circumstances, as the wave will cover us - so we will go. And these ideas are not zansoyats in the database of computers, iPhones, they are in the soul of every Russian. And the most interesting thing is that the most unpredictable and crazy ideas are supported by other Russians.
Who else in the world would have thought to burn their capital so that it would not fall to the enemy?
How can you defeat a country where people hate the cops, love to listen prison chanson, feeling for the prisoners, but the cops-the characters of series one of the most popular?
How can you defeat a country in which people hating the government, in the elections for the same power and vote with the words "Others are worse" ?
How can you defeat a country where people first will stuff the hell out of each other, and then with a thump?
How can you defeat a country where the chainsaw called "Friendship", handcuffs "Tenderness", and sensititivy gas, "Prunus", and ICBM - "the World" ?
Even now... While everyone was busy with the Maidan, Russia was under fire... booyah!!! And took the Crimea. Simply, quickly, while ofonareli not only they, but also Russia itself. And neither NATO nor the EU know what to do with Russia now.
Sanctions and crisis? Well, Yes, so what? Wages have fallen, prices have risen, and Russians still go to resorts, hold tournaments , buy cars,and in stores such queues, as if communism has long come.
That's why Russia is invincible.
Yes, gentlemen, you still do not know the secret of the Russian soul - our national hero is
Ivan is a fool. Do you want to beat a fool? Well, aren't these Russians fools - they almost defeated Napoleon at Borodino, and then they took off and left Moscow for him. And they burned it themselves. And then from Moscow to the border, the women were pitchforks and Billy cooks barbarians who do not know how to fight according to the rules. Hitler tried to teach these Russians how to fight, but they didn't teach the Germans how to fight at all. Ivan is a fool.He will still be a Prince.
That's why so many Russian scientists work for you.
Yes, we have two troubles - fools and roads. And while they are these troubles with us - you will not win us. Wait a bit until we we will build roads, will pobyvaem fools - and then try to master
A very interesting question and the answers to it can be searched for forever. I think it's the Russians themselves, we are original, we are unpredictable and not flexible. Remember only the "attack of the dead", well, who would have thought that poisoned people who, I'm sorry, cough their own lungs, can go on a counteroffensive. Patriotism can't be beaten out of us by anything, we can be bullied as citizens, we can be forced to work seven days a week, we can be deprived of pensions, benefits, raise the retirement age, but we still love our country, and if it happens that everyone, as one, will stand up for it. Russian Russians have something inexplicable about them, and it's not for nothing that they say "mysterious Russian soul". The mentality of the Russians is special, we are able to defend our Homeland, we are able to unite in the face of danger with all our multi-ethnic people, even though historically several nationalities have United in Russia, but none of them were enslaved or destroyed by genocide, they all merged smoothly into one.
Probably just protected by God, the sacred Russian land gives us that power. "We are Russian, so God is with us."
Everything that doesn't kill us makes us stronger. It's true. And since no one has tried to kill us in our history, we can imagine how much stronger we have become. And only the old people will begin to grieve: "Yes, there were people in our time, not like the current tribe", as "current" gives unpredictable patterns of behavior. Such that grandfathers in heaven are not ashamed of them. And the same skeptics with full right can exclaim in the voice of the epic elder: "heroes have Not perished on our land!"
One Russian Pro its nationality wrote so:
So: this Russian has partially answered the question of why Russia cannot be defeated. Yes, because first you need to understand the enemy, put it on the shelves. How do you understand us?:
Russia cannot be defeated for two reasons.
We are such a people that we can't possibly lose. We tolerate it for a long time, but then we will act quickly.
And we are not trying to attack anyone, just to protect our land. And this is a very huge advantage.
The vast territory and harsh climate. You can't grab a country like this all at once.
And in the current situation, everyone is silent also because we have a nuclear button (political information attacks do not count).
And the events in Syria show that Russia really KNOWS how to fight.
All these facts suggest that Russia cannot be defeated now. And we can't starve to death.
Russia cannot be defeated for a very simple reason, those who want to conquer Russia do not have one of the qualities in their mentality. Eastern countries do not have our pragmatism in relation to material goods. And Western countries do not have such a deep spirituality and understanding of the Motherland. Russia and the peoples of Russia have absorbed the spirituality of the East and the materialism of the West in equal parts, so they cannot understand Us, and the incomprehensible cannot be defeated.
Vast territory. Unpredictable mentality. Difficulties with using even paved infrastructure. Difficulties with basic understanding of the situation - both by local and local conquerors. The lack of resources and the impossibility of either full collection, transportation, or implementation in sufficient volume will drive very, very many people mad. About the spiritual component - and do not say anything. Cut them all out? Why? Drop a nuclear bomb? What's the point? They'll survive... so it turns out that it is impossible to win, but you should try again and again - suddenly it will work. Attempts have already been made to go ahead, change the genome, buy / corrupt the government, and fool the population. So what? The country became more and more strange, the reaction became less and less clear, and the result did not come close to the desired result. To Defeat Russia? To Subdue Russia? Understand Russia? No... you can only accept as a fact the existence of a huge anomalous zone on a good ( ... ) third of Eurasia. And do not disturb the ecological balance. And then it will crawl in all directions,and it will not seem enough to anyone. This is an ANOMALOUS zone.
Russian, abroad, it is customary to represent as some living in dense forests and swamps bearded or not capable of anything dense lapotnikov. hence the wonder why these narrow-minded and clumsy people still have the largest state in the World and they could always single-handedly defeat the most powerful armies in the World ?!
The fact is that the Russian descendants of an ancient very warlike and most successful people in Eurasia, who, thanks to their conquests, spread their genes, their anthropology, their language to most of Eurasia.
Therefore, military traditions, the cult of weapons, are always part of the culture of the Russian people. When a Russian peasant in bast shoes, who had been trained in fist-fighting since childhood in wall-to-wall fights, was taken out of the village, he easily beat foreign boxers for the amusement of the landlords.
Remember the movie "go To fight some old people", when the characters in the film identify Russian or not Russian force of the strike, is able or not able to beat the Germans to beat can not !
Soldiers with a powerful composite bow, light chariots were the most successful warriors of ancient times !
And still continue to keep the traditions of men.