"But WHY can't I reach my goals?!"
Claire Ackers
Authenticity, Alignment & Adventure for female leaders & entrepreneurs | 1:1 & Group Coaching | Creator : Audacity Method | Rewilding Retreat host | Podcast host | Author: Imposter Syndrome Is Killing Your Career
Hey there
Today I am talking to you if you are an intelligent, experienced and well-regarded female leader - who hasn't quite met her goals this year.
It's frustrating as hell right, you know exactly what you should be doing, the steps you need to take, you know you're capable - so WHY hasn't it happened?
Today I'm going to share with you the real reason you haven't smashed your goals, despite your best efforts - and once you understand this, everything will change.
I met with Kate yesterday, in the Shedquarters. I worked with Kate last year, but we hadn't seen each other for a while, so it was lovely to catch up.
Kate started off by telling me everything was fine, work was fine, kids were fine, she was fine - but there was something missing in her voice.
It took just one gently probing question from me for the veneer to crack and the tears come tumbling down.
"I feel like I'm holding on by the skin of my teeth. My husband has quit his job to start a new business, and I'm happy for him, I really am, it's a solid move... But... he's not making money yet and everything is on my shoulders.
"In theory my business should more than able to cover the bills, but it's so much pressure every month... I'm knackered, my hair is falling out from stress and I'm starting to resent him 'following his dream' whilst muggins here picks up the slack, grafting away and never seeing daylight, and missing the kids' stuff.
"It's not bloody fair, this is not what I signed up for - I feel like quitting my business and buggering off on holiday for a month."
<cue copious tears>
This was deep - this was the raw, authentic truth and I was THRILLED Kate had come undone like this.
While she was insisting everything was fine and she had got this, she was going to stay stuck - but now she'd embraced the crack and admitted how she truly felt - well, this was the gateway to changing things.
I got her a cup of tea, and told her this:
She was more than capable of hitting and smashing her goals - her business was in great shape, and she'd poured her heart and soul into building an impact-led, heart-led consultancy.
But she was sabotaging her results.
While she was running this subconscious narrative of resentment, that all the pressure was on her shoulders - she was going to be continually locked in the same old loops of frustration, the same old patterns and results.
Because you only achieve to the level to which you believe you are capable.
Kate's husband quitting his job had kickstarted her Imposter Signature - the unconscious lens through which we see the world - hers was all about 'I'm not good enough'.
This Imposter was running amok, causing Kate to doubt herself, to show up as a pale imitation of her brilliance, to be sullen and secretly resentful, and run a toxic mix of the Victim/Martyr archetype.
While she had this subconscious narrative at play, there was zero chance she'd meet her goals.
No wonder she was feeling awful!
Now here's the really cool news, that I was delighted to share with her.
As soon as you realise what's been going on - change can happen in an instant.
Like pulling on a pair of new socks, like sinking into a hot bubble bath, like standing atop a mountain and realising how freaking infinite you are.
Kate felt the truth of what I said, she felt it resonating in her body.
We got to work:
1) I worked with her to shift the Imposter Signature at a deep, subconscious level
2) We created her a new paradigm, a new aligned narrative to work from (hers was 'I love the magic I create in my business, and the freedom it allows me)
3) We designed an aligned impact plan (Golden Daily Habits, tweaking her goals according to the Goldilocks Technique)
Her energy changed, a big smile split her face, and she was hopping with excitement to get started.
(She also planned a date night with her husband, to start cheerleading him again)
Would you like this for you too?
If you're ready for 2025 to be your year, the year you finally reach your goals, and step into your power, and finally master your mindset - come and join the Imposter to Impact Academy TODAY.
We officially start with the live coaching calls in January, but when you join TODAY, you get some incredible bonuses you can get cracking on as soon as you like.
The bonuses: I have never offered these before like this:
Here’s a recap of everything you get when you join:
You get LIFETIME ACCESS to all this
And don't forget - book your place now, and then look forward to a January start - with that awesome New Year energy...
...And you can get started for just £97! (just send me a message for your options).
Take care