Why can investors hardly gain from Snowball?
Feb 1, 2023
Snowball product is a structured derivative consisting of additional options on basic financial assets.
Snowballs include the following 5 elements:
The essence of Snowball product is to Sell Naked Put (with knock-in and knock-out) to the broker.
From the investors’ perspective, Snowball provides buffer space but limited profit margins. As long as the price of the linked underlying asset does not experience a sustained unilateral drop, the longer the holding period, the greater the profit potential.
However, if we take the side of a broker, selling snowball products usually means a lot of profit, and rarely causes a loss.
From the point of view of the characteristics of Snowball products, investors must have the ability to estimate the future trend of underlying assets when buying Snowballs, otherwise, it is simply spending money to cover for brokers.
When the market has risen sharply, it is easier to knock out, and meanwhile, investors are more likely to miss the rising market. When the market falls sharply, it is much easier to trigger the knock-in and bear the major losses for brokers.
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