Why Not Call It Like It Is
Why Not Call It Like It Is (Is There Some Reason To Be Nice)
Because you can’t seem to hear
they are tired of politicians and let’s be very clear
you know the ones spoken of here
the ones that constantly say (politics moves slowly)
well hell
it took you no time to write the Jim Crow laws
it took you no time to write laws that discriminate
it takes you no time to write laws that dismantle voting districts
so why won’t you cut the bull shit
because they are tired of your procrastination
tired of your fancy footwork and your ever present lip service
you won’t because some or most of you are sympathetic
to the Klu Klux Klan
some or most of you are hidden white supremacist
some or most of you have sold your souls and are in league
with the devil
that makes you worst than Judas
like Jesus saw in him the people see in you
your betrayal and your secret denials
you won’t because it’s not in your best interest
it might subtract or diminish your privileged interest
you won’t because your mentality has been corrupted
you won’t because down on the soles your feet
where you tread on your battered soul you still
think you’re superior
you won’t that is not until the universe reaches up
and makes its correction
and it will
because with time truth and justice
will and shall prevail
and your names will be “mud” on the ass end of history
Clyde A. Wray
September 30, 2020
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