In the age of the internet, with Facebook, Instagram and other digital platforms, many artists and art lovers have begun shopping online and trading directly with artists. We welcome the contribution of new technologies to the world of art since they allow a diffusion of art that would have seemed impossible just a decade ago.
However, there is an enduring evidence for anyone who knows the art world: the long-term promotion of artists requires a presence and experience that is often lacking on electronic platforms.
Indeed, the very impermanence of these new means of diffusion makes it difficult to guarantee a solid and valid heritage for artists who choose to sell their works in this way and a rich and profitable experience for their customers.
For a long time, gallery owners and art dealers have developed expertise and a reputation for developing markets, assisting artists and evaluating the value of works that make them indispensable in a world where the art trade is in perpetual change.
Today, art galleries are still the ones who can best guarantee the quality of works, the renewal of artists and a certain stability in the art market.
They are also the best way to ensure that the work purchased today comes from a reputable source and that the asking price meets the rules of the market
A serious gallery owner will only deal with professional artists and use their experience to shape an artist's work to meet the expectations of their clientele while ensuring that the development of the artists they show is not hindered.
In the long term, the gallery owner is also in the best position to keep the artists on the market once they disappear and thus ensure a certain stability helping retain the value of works acquired over time.
From a more technical point of view, gallery owners are also the ones best able to provide appraisals and documentation pertaining to the value and provenance of works, whether for resale, estate or insurance purposes.
A good gallery owner is also the one who knows how to advise his customers in the choice of frames and in the conservation of works of art.
For artists, a good gallery owner will be the one who knows how to advise and guide, allowing the artist to develop their art and benefit from it in the long term. The same gallery owner will also be the one who can help the artist manage their career by guiding them through the maze of administrative complexities. The gallery owner may also, if necessary, take the appropriate measures to defend the rights of the artist and, by the same token, avoid them being exploited by outside forces.
In our opinion, internet is essential as a means of spreading art and we are convinced of its value. We have been among the first to use the internet to promote the artists we represent and are proud of our contribution to the various social media platforms. Our contribution to the same networks is not limited to promoting the services we offer, but we are trying to participate in the arts education of the public through feature articles on art and its history.
That being said, we are deeply convinced that well-established art galleries still have and will always have their place in the art market and we are committed to continuing to promote the work of the many artists who have trusted us since now dozens of years.
Le Balcon d’art.