Written by Philip Dalton

The purchase of CAE & simulation software for your business can be a significant investment in terms of money, time, and training. A successful deployment can yield a strong ROI in a relatively short timeframe and, though it may seem counterintuitive, working with a reseller can help drive down cost the cost of software acquisition.

Of course, we’re referring here to value-added resellers, who in addition to merely selling software, also provide engineering consulting services and possess critical expertise in such areas as requirements gathering, workflow optimization, user training, and other key elements to a successful implementation.

Resellers increase the value of your software acquisition

In the case of CAE & engineering simulation software, a reseller’s core business is often on the services side and, given an in-house team of highly specialized experts with advanced knowledge of the product and experience delivering simulation solutions for real-world projects, they are well-positioned to?add genuine value to your acquisition.

Requirements gathering is critical to ensure the software will provide the necessary functionality such as 3D design and modeling, FEA, CFD, mechanical event simulation, thermal simulation, manufacturing process simulation, multi-body dynamics, electromagnetic simulation, and so forth. Working with a reseller?who understands your simulation objectives?can help you zero in on key functionalities and how to introduce them into your business in such a way as to accelerate time to value in a cost-effective manner.

Resellers go beyond key functionality

Beyond the key functionality required by the business, what sort of resources and infrastructure is required? How will the implementation impact existing workflows? What changes may need to be made and how can these be managed? These are all questions that must be addressed and software resellers that can leverage a diverse services practice across a wide range of industries can provide essential insight into how best to integrate advanced engineering simulation into your existing ecosystem.

While some companies may have a deep bench of subject matter experts when it comes to CAE and simulation, many do not. Leveraging a reseller’s service practice in terms of user training or even supplementing existing personnel as you ramp up and build out your own in-house capabilities are examples of how working with a reseller can be invaluable in maximizing the ROI of your software acquisition.

CAE and simulation software vendors often have extensive product lines with complicated licensing options that go well beyond the, perhaps not so simple, choice of deciding whether you’re best to go with a solution on-premise or on the cloud. Understanding the vendor’s product offering, navigating their licensing model, and right-sizing the software for your company’s specific needs is another area where resellers can be particularly helpful as you evaluate the myriad software options in the market.

… and why do they exist?

CAE and simulation software resellers exist, in part, because most of the major vendors are large companies with thousands of enterprise customers and the reality is that most don’t have the in-house capacity to provide quality one-on-one service to all of their clients. The upside for the industry, as described in the examples above, is that there are many highly qualified resellers available to help businesses maximize the value and minimize the cost of their software acquisition.

Need help with the purchase of CAE & engineering simulation software for your business??Contact our sales team.?It would be a pleasure to assist you.

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