Why businesses can struggle to evolve, adapt and innovate?
We can't see the future, but we can see what's on the horizon.

Why businesses can struggle to evolve, adapt and innovate?

An interesting piece that supports our ongoing view, experience and validation working directly with C-Level corporates, Entrepreneurial business owners and the Start-up community for the last 30 years.

Here are just three (3) key take-aways or points that with our intimate understanding, ongoing engagement we continually observe. ?

1.?????? Businesses and Business Leaders alike continually work on symptoms of a problem - not the core underlying problems. The reason for this is symptoms unfortunately disguise themselves as the (or a) problem.

2.?????? Everyone generally has the right objective and desire to solve these problems, however everyone has bias, experience and learnings and views on the problem they think they are trying to solve. With all the right intentions the individuals or teams still continually work on building solutions to those problems however the high majority of solution development never really solves the core underlying problem. The reason is most processes are still based on assumptions – not facts. Hence bias – individual views of the problem they are trying to solve is where the process misses its intended outcomes.

3.?????? ?You don't generally get fired doing what your always done, so it's easier to do what you've always done, rather than being taught, educated, or supported by taking or making brave decisions - unfortunately in business we have been taught to manage risk. What we mean is that we have developed a belief that we have to be good corporate citizens and the aim of this is to protect the business. Although this is an important practice that we should all understand. The problem is we have over-engineered out thinking of this. As an outcome what we do is we protect every decision process with a lens of risk. So, in short, we manage any form on innovation or change that is needed with a risk management inertia (let’s do nothing or let’s continue what we have always done). The penalty for both individual, team and leadership decision can be quite harsh in the modern business environment. Culturally this impediment has been maturing for a number of decades, so difficult to change – hence the ability to be agile to adapt or evolve.

This version was written the old fashion way (no AI). Another version leveraging AI will be forthcoming.

The fall of Toshiba: A few corporate governance lessons for organisations ( msn.com )


