Why businesses benefit from getting involved with the community...
Daniele Wiseman
Senior Consultant - Afiniti LLP Consultants | Passionate about Making Change Stick
At our recent Leaders Conference we showcased the amazing programme offered to young people across our County and looked ahead to what Greater Manchester West Scouts could achieve in the next five years. I wanted to share some of this with our Corporate Patrons who were recruited just over a year ago and who we had agreed should come together and network more often than has actually happened.
So I invited the Patrons and prospective Patrons, on the County Commissioner’s behalf, to a Patrons Breakfast with the intention of having a shared half hour between the conclusion of the Patrons Breakfast and start of the Leaders Conference to allow Patrons to wander round the Marketplace showcasing the activities which the leaders provide for the 5000+ young people in Greater Manchester West. Nine accepted and I hoped those already contributing would encourage our prospective Patrons to get involved.
We weren’t ready for the Patrons at 9am when they were supposed to meet over coffee but thankfully none had arrived. The school where we were holding the event moved us from the second to third floor at 8.50am so we were still setting up. Nevertheless the coffee was made and we had croissants and one of our bright young things to welcome anyone who arrived. An articulate young Youth Commissioner, he has achieved every badge he could in both Cubs and Scouts, designed a badge for the uniform of astronaut Tim Peake and visited 10, Downing Street amongst much, much more.
Notwithstanding a disappointing number of no shows (less a networking opportunity than an informal introduction to The Scouts for a few new faces) I was finally able to tell those who were there about our Corporate Patrons Scheme and ask for their support. What does this look like? Ask Danny Simpson, MD of Mid Group and a Patron who offered to give a testimonial to our prospective Patrons. When Danny realised he couldn't make it to speak at the Patrons Breakfast he explained he offered to provide a video. I could not have anticipated the enthusiasm with which he approached this task producing a compelling and persuasive account of his reasons for being a Queen Bee. Watch the video for yourself. It offers a fantastic insight into what drives our Patrons to get involved, and not just financially, but by leveraging their relationships, networks and engaging their employees in supporting a charity which touches almost everyone…you must know someone with children who are Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers, or have an opinion about screen time or the inadequacies of today’s young people as prospective employees. So get involved. But don’t let me tell you, listen to a Patron, who despite the volunteer led approaches and challenges involved, offers his time, to do something which makes so much difference.
Despite a difficult start, and with thanks for the persuasive video our newest Patron took time to make, three of our prospective Patrons signed up to be Worker Bees at The Buzz Live. Every RELATIONSHIP established in this way needs nurturing, and as a leadership team of volunteers in Greater Manchester West, nurturing these relationships is easier when our Patrons get involved with our events and we see them regularly. 'Account Calls' are less formal but we don't want our Patrons to feel neglected, we want them to feel ENGAGED.
We have simplified our Patrons Scheme from three tiers to two since last year's launch. This is the deal:
With Danny’s permission we are sharing his video and ask that you help our fundraising in whatever way you can to enable us to continue to support adventurous activities for every Beaver, Cub, Scout and Explorer, to help us develop our newest campsite Hollinwood, to use our resources to support your events (to marshal a 10K run or bring a climbing wall to the Urban Challenge Event sponsored by one of our Patrons) to offer your expertise, training, advertising and communications and to be a greater part of your community.
Our Patrons Scheme isn’t a business networking vehicle we’ve discovered, but it offers so much to those who engage with us, who really engage, who make their employees proud of the association with us.
We have gained so much from these relationships. Bathroom Takeaway partnered with 2nd Urmston Scouts to refurbish a Track car but they also replaced our toilets at Bispham Hall Campsite. Contiquip Ltd is run by our DCC Adult Support who ensures all our campsite kitchens are in good repair. PQRS First Aid, Curious Critters and Mountain Monkeys are involved with us because each business is run by or employs Scout leaders who bring their activities to us. And all our Patrons contribute with their annual sponsorship which has paid in 2018 for the first phase of pond repair at Bispham Hall Campsite and a go-karting track for Hollinwood.
This is what makes The Scouts a true COLLABORATION, and just as difficult to navigate as those working relationships we hold with are stakeholders, are the relationships we establish with companies large and small. There's no common language or behaviour set, no comparable hierarchies and just as The Scouts may be way down a company's list of priorities, sometimes scouting has to come further down our list of priorities, the volunteers, putting working and volunteering alongside each other. But when I get out there with Scouts and Explorers in the fresh air or at a local Scout Hut, it makes me wish I had more time to devote to The Scouts, and for me in my Development role, comes the realisation that without the volunteers and the funding we need, we won't achieve the desired Growth for The Scouts in Greater Manchester West. [Ref. The National Strategy for The Scouts 2018-23]