Why a business?
One of the questions people ask is 'why is Wild Mosaic a business?'. Many others just assume it's a charity.
The charity model can feels intuitive for environmental causes. People believe in the importance of wildness and so donate to support it. This makes sense and works for many organisations. For example, the Wildlife Trust I partner with.
My intention is to do something complementary, but a little different.
I want to show that people value wildness, not purely as an altruistic action. But one that is an important part of who they are and how they feel connected to the wilder world. Something good that they do for themselves, as well as for wildlife.
This is how I see the impact of a business structure for Wild Mosaic :
1. It keeps me focused on finding and showing the value of wildness. For my business to succeed and grow, I need to keep doing this better and to persuade more people of this value.
2. It shows that people value land as habitat. Land is generally valued for what can be extracted from it. Dug up, cut up, homogenised. Often for people far away. My intention is to reverse this process. Show that land has value for the life it can support. And show that people value this renewal, even when it's not on their doorstep.
3. The potential to scale. I don't know the size of the current and future market. In many ways this is an experiment. How do people engage with the concept of wildness and biodiversity? There may only be 100 people in the UK who see value in being part of this. There may be 10,000. It might be a global phenomenon where it becomes more normal to talk about the life you help support rather than the car you drive (I can dream!). Being set up as a business means I can expand to meet demand.
Sometimes I'm challenged on this...
'so, you think you can create value for £5.99 a month, when Netflix can offer endless hours of entertainment for not much more?'
That's an unfair comparison.
I've been a Netflix subscriber for ten years, but don't have anything to show for it. Except perhaps a vague sense of wasted time.
If you're a subscriber to Wild Mosaic for ten years, you will have helped create whole ecosystems.
?? Wildflower meadows ??
?? new woodlands ??
??? wetlands ??
All full of the buzz of insects and birdsong.
You, and your children, will be able to walk through land that is now a rich habitat, that you helped make a reality.
This is so much more than is offered than our more usual subscriptions.
Here's my challenge to you:->
Perhaps you might consider stopping funding big tech companies. And instead fund life?
Take 30 minutes, look at the subscriptions you're signed up to. Perhaps it's time to pull the plug on some of them. Here are a couple of articles that might help:
If you find you can save yourself more than £6 a month doing this, try a wild mosaic subscription for a season. See the flowers start to emerge, the bees and butterflies, the birds singing, and other life tentatively returning.
Then in three months, cancel it. See if you miss it, or pass on the idea to someone else.
Or stay, and join us on the journey into wildness ??
Leadership Development | Artist | Writer | Potter |
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