Why build a network?
Carl ( Berzins ) Dominguez
I help people develop really cool stuff, from ideation, prototyping to completed products.
There are millions of people who care about what is happening in Ukraine. There are about 6-8 million displaced Ukrainians alone who want to see a lot more going on in the civilian sector. Never mind whatever percentage of a Billion people in the West who want to get more involved.
Many of these people want to see their hard earned money going to the actual causes. They want to see the people in the beneficiary communities. We need networks to make this possible.
Many others are short on money but have an abundance of skills and time that they would be happy to contribute to a cause they know about. These people need access to contact people who are close to these small groups in action. Again... with a network... this will be possible.
There are thousands and thousands of small groups of people who are actually doing things... great things. They do not belong to gigantic non-profit organizations. In fact they are barely organized because they are in action trying to solve problems as they see them arise. Because they are being HEROS they need help with structures such as communication channels, websites, and every thing else that goes along with any enterprise.
Almost every single one of these small groups are in desperate need of volunteers to assist in getting more organized and getting more efficient.
Fundraising is needed... but fundraising alone isn't enough. Almost all of us have access to the internet and a great many things can be done by a great many other people from anywhere on the planet.
In order to see the positive things going on and start having powerful conversations that lead to dynamic solutions... we decided that people could come to our soon to be virtual café and meet people who are piloting projects and learn more about what is happening and what we can do about it.
Coffee With Ukraine will be a positive engaging doorway that will serve many as a soft first step to getting more involved with issues regarding Ukraine. We will have hosts that will be sharing what is happening as well as introducing people to inspirational projects.
For people who are inspired, we will also be offering channels to meet others with similar interests so people can create synergy and make a difference.
Please message me if interested in learning more!