Why brand managers can't ignore Clubhouse and Twitter Spaces
Those who think social audio is a fad should reconsider as Twitter launches Spaces as a direct competitor to Clubhouse (Note: Facebook will be launching their own version this summer). As of last week, anyone with at least 600 followers on Twitter can host a Space, but anyone with a Twitter account can participate. I do like that Spaces has features not currently included in Clubhouse, such as being able to share Tweets with the audience, and being able to use emojis to react in real-time to a speaker. In Clubhouse, one turns their microphone on and off so that it flashes on-screen for applause, but that’s the only non-verbal reaction that’s included.
I know that many don’t see the value in Clubhouse, or perhaps are just turned off by the hint of elitism from its invitation-only model, but I would urge you to look past the platform and appreciate that what’s important here is that Clubhouse has invented a new way for your brand to engage with its audiences. Brands claim to always be looking for new ways to reach their customers, so why not give Clubhouse and Spaces a try? Companies sometimes forget that it's not about them, it’s about the customer. They are the ones who ultimately choose where they want to spend their time, and even the most stubborn companies eventually discover this to be true. Take for example Facebook, a decade ago many companies decided that it wasn’t good for their professional image to be on Facebook and that it was only for millennials to share silly photos. Now, those same companies are spending lots of money on ads and promoted posts to build Facebook engagement that they could have built for free years ago if they would have kept an open mind.
Over and over again, customers are asking for an authentic experience when interacting with brands, and I feel unedited audio via these platforms is a great way to create that authentic experience. Companies don’t have to be too clever about it, in fact, if you try too hard it’ll just ruin the effect. Many of the interactions on Clubhouse and Spaces typically follow a classroom format where there are main speakers about a defined topic and audience members who raise their hands with questions and comments. I’ve found the ones that are most enjoyable are less formal and are free-flowing conversations (with a loosely defined subject) between a group of people, not unlike how it would be with a group of friends catching up over dinner. Actually, that’s exactly how I would describe Clubhouse for anyone who hasn’t been on the platform and doesn't understand its appeal, it’s like chatting with a group of friends during a dinner party. View the video from the Wall Street Journal below if you haven’t been on either platform to get a quick introduction to Clubhouse and Twitter Spaces environments.
I think it would be great if a company would host a staff meeting or some other internal meeting on Clubhouse or Twitter Spaces and allow customers to listen, or even allow them to interact. For example, if you’re planning an event, why not host one of the planning meetings on Clubhouse or Twitter Spaces? You could even engage the audience by soliciting feedback that shapes the event? It could be as simple as whether to serve chicken or beef, or as big as how they would design or redesign the event. It’s an authentic, behind-the-scenes experience that usually happens behind closed doors, and it builds a connection between the customer and the company. Plus, you get valuable feedback about what the customer wants, instead of just making assumptions. Also, ask your customers to post feedback on social media about the topics you discussed during your meeting. User-generated content creation should be encouraged at every step of all branding activities, and be sure to engage with that content to acknowledge the extra effort made by your audience.
Be aware that I’m not advocating that you share all your corporate secrets on Clubhouse or Spaces, so exercise good judgment and decide what can and can’t be discussed. I think it’ll be an enjoyable experience for brands to use these new audio channels to let their customers have a peek behind the curtain and to engage them in shaping the brands they enjoy.
This is just one of many ways that you can integrate Clubhouse and Spaces in your brand management and marketing strategies, and it may not be for your company, but what's important is that you give social audio serious thought. Consider this a friendly reminder to constantly think about how you can differentiate yourself from your competitors, and how you can build authentic and engaging experiences for your customers at the same time.
Tell me about your experiences on Clubhouse and Spaces, and how it's right or wrong for your brand management strategies in the comments below.