Why bother with language exams?

Why bother with language exams?

It’s never too late to take exams, as our learner Mike has just proved by achieving an excellent result in his recent Goethe Institut exam level B1.

While sitting an exam is by no means essential for learning a language, Mike found that setting himself this goal helped him to focus on areas for improvement and work that little bit harder.

Needless to say, our tutor Birte is thrilled and Mike is even considering preparing for level B2.

Early influences

Mike has come a long way, considering his initial experience of learning German was two years’ learning at secondary school coupled with some intermittent periods of German lessons at work.

“We were taught German and French at school, but had to choose one to take to exams: I chose French and dropped German – I went the wrong way!” said Mike. “But I have always been a big fan of German music, Kraftwerk, Neu and many others. The sound of the German language really appeals to me.”

He regularly visits Germany for work – indeed, he is now in a predominantly German team at work. Mike is now confidently speaking German to his colleagues and, thanks to Birte’s support, has the confidence to persevere.? ?

Mike still listens to German music and has a Spotify playlist. He also listens to two local German radio stations, one a music station and one a talk-only, which has also helped him extend his vocabulary.

So, why did Mike decide to sit the exam, when his German was already coming on so nicely?

While sitting an exam is by no means essential for learning a language, Mike found that setting himself this goal helped him to focus on areas for improvement and work that little bit harder.

“There were a couple of reasons. Firstly, I wanted to improve my German and to try to achieve the formal qualification I had missed out on previously. I love a challenge. Secondly, I work in an international team and I wanted to be able to travel safely and confidently abroad and be able to at least meet my colleagues halfway.


“I also had some additional motivation, I was at a work conference, and I heard one manager say to another ‘he doesn’t really speak German, he only knows some phrases’. My German was good enough to understand that! Setting the objective of passing the German B1 examination really gave me something to aim at.

“It’s not an easy exam and you have to put the work in. But, if anything, I make better use of my time now. If an email written in German drops in my inbox, I can read and translate it myself, and when I reply in German it is so appreciated. Taking the exam has definitely made me up my game.”

If you would like to learn another language, and even feel you might like a formal qualification, then please get in touch with the team here at Corinium Language Associates.




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