Why Bother Knowing Who You Are?
Peggy O'Neal
Guiding lawyers from desperation to living their dream | 37 years coaching experience | ex Clinton administration | ex attorney
We are not the limited, finite beings we are conditioned to believe we are. We are actually magnificent, infinitely creative, and powerful beyond what we can imagine with our finite minds. The era of being who we truly are has begun!
It requires us to embrace a new paradigm.
When I was the area director for a training company in New York City a brilliant guest trainer named John Webb offered that we might not want a paradigm change, as that means a major shake-up; what we think we know is no longer true. That means we experience unsettling, a sort of everything gets turned upside down. Radically. I’m paraphrasing – many years later. But I remember.?
At that time, the early 90’s, that word “paradigm” was being used a lot.?“Paradigm?traces to a Greek verb meaning ‘to show,’ and has been used in English to mean ‘example’ or ‘pattern’ since the 15th century.” Mirriam-Webster.com
Webb was letting us know 1) we didn’t know what we were talking about when we were throwing around the idea that our paradigms where changing, and 2) be careful what you ask for as a paradigm shift means that whatever came before will be upended and replaced, including how we think and how we go about creating our results. I.e., MAJOR transformations occur.
We have been living with a paradigm, pattern, or model of civilization through which we believe and live as if each one of us and everything else is distinct and individual, existing separately from and independently of everything and everyone else.
There is another paradigm or model for civilization which is that there is one single, indivisible and infinite reality. Wisdom traditions have been teaching this for thousands of years. Current science reveals the same thing.?
Depending on which paradigm or model we accept, we will relate to the whole differently and express ourselves in our relationships and activities differently. As well as how we treat the earth and nature.?
What is our relationship to the whole? We can ask, do I
·??????embrace that we are one, i.e., one seamless whole? Or
·??????embrace that we are separate and distinct?
Many speak of everyone being connected, which usually includes a belief that we are actually separate. If we are connected, we can become disconnected. What I’m speaking of here is not that. We’re more like a wave in the ocean. The wave can’t disconnect from the ocean. Our finger (without some injury) can’t be disconnected from our body; our bodies are one seamless whole. And our bodies are one seamless whole with everything and everyone else.?
I believe we are at a crossroads.
Many people are exploring nondual* understanding. Hundreds of years ago these wisdom teachings were reserved for a limited number. Now the teachings can readily be found via the internet and countless books. More and more people are open to and seeking to live as and align with their essential nature of OneBeing, love, peace, happiness and fulfillment.?
* Nonduality is the realization that although we seem to experience a separation between ourselves and other people, animals, nature and objects, that there is a single reality, a relatedness, infinite and indivisible, the nature of which is pure Awareness, or Consciousness, Divine Spirit, Infinite Intelligence, the Universe or Source, and that the existence of all people, animals, nature and objects originates from this Source.
We can accept and know who we essentially are. We can embrace it with all of the (exciting in my opinion) possibilities and inherent change – or avoid or deny it.
That being said, if it is not embraced, we may well experience the collapse of our civilization as our current relationship with the whole is one of separation and that way of being and doing leads to more separation. That is, until we choose a different course, we continue to do the same things. Yes, there are pockets of activity doing things differently, yet the context continues to be separation. What we focus on expands.?
Here are some examples of separation.
We experience separation from ourselves when we feel unhappy, distressed, or focus on judgments about ourselves such as thinking we are not worthy or capable. Our continued unhappiness is an indication that we don’t know our essential nature and allow thoughts, feelings, circumstances to dictate our experience.
An example of separation between ourselves and other people, communities and countries is conflict.?
An example of separation between ourselves and our beautiful planet earth and nature is the exploitation and degradation.
Yet, current science and ancient wisdom traditions can be seen as an invitation to another reality – that of knowing who we essentially are: One whole. As we embrace that knowing we can begin to express that in all of our activities, conversations, relationships, thinking, speaking, feeling.?
Imagine how you might relate to yourself and others if you embrace that you are one with everything and everyone.?
Whether we believe it or not, our unique presence moves the fabric of reality.?
I mentioned that possibilities that cannot be imagined or understood or pursued when we believe in separation become available when we know we are OneBeing.?
What do I mean? Certain possibilities were open before airplanes and other possibilities became available after airplanes that could not have even been imagined. It’s the same with us knowing who we truly are. Certain possibilities are available to us when we believe we are separate and exist independently of everything and everyone else.?
And other possibilities become available to us once we know our essential nature as OneBeing, infinite, indivisible, whole, that we aren’t even?capable?of imagining when we believe we are finite. We can’t get there from here.
This is such an exciting time to be alive! To be able to access what is on the “other side” of the proverbial wall and to discover and receive insights, ideas, experiences that as “separate” individuals we have no access to.
You might be asking, “Why bother? Life is ok.”?
I’m biased of course, because I want to experience my life fully and not be defined by cultural conditioning and the belief in separation. And I’m loving every minute of the journey!
So, why bother? You can
·??????be among those who lead lives grounded in true wisdom,?
·??????discover who you truly are, have a more complete understanding of yourself and what is happening in the world, and live the life you are meant to live,?
·??????be more fully human,?
·??????access ideas that can truly transform situations that we typically call “problems.” Our finite minds can only come up with ideas that align with our finite-ness and belief in separation.?Our infinite minds can receive ideas that align with our infinite-ness and belief in OneBeing.
Embracing the new paradigm has actionable significance, not merely philosophical or conceptual ponderings. It can and will inform ways of living personally as well as ways of being in business that align with OneBeing.?
The old paradigm is no longer adequate for what wants to arise; hence we see the disintegration of various aspects of society, as well as nature, as well as our personal well-being.?
If you would like to explore and experience the possibility that you are ONE with everything and everyone and inherently happy, peaceful and fulfilled, you are invited to join us for?Direct Path to Happiness,?a?FREE?workshop.?
We’ll meet every day for five days beginning Tuesday, April 12, at 1:00 p.m. Eastern for about an hour and begin to lay the foundation for living the life your heart knows is possible, including accessing the infinite potential that goes beyond change and is available to you NOW. You will also discover how to experience who you essentially are and learn three ways / techniques to break free of cultural conditioning and open to Universal flow.
Replays are available if you’re unable to attend live.
Learn more here: https://www.peggy-oneal.com/direct-path-to-happiness/
Message me with any questions!
With love,