Why books are important?
When a year travels from day-1 to day-365 we experience things, we do mistakes, we learn things, we fall, we rise, we achieve something, we get failure and more and more. But the end of the year we are capable of enriching our knowledge with everything we came across. A book is also similar to a year.?
We read from the page 1 with excitement like we celebrate New Year eve. Book may not reveal the main contents in their early pages like January when we don't know how this year would be. After turning numerical pages, we ask more whys? like in the middle of the year we face more problems as the years starts to show up its original face. But when we move on to the last chapter we conclude saying ourselves that's why because all the beans were spilt likewise the end of the year will always be the time for us to improve ourselves from the mistakes we have done.?
But the good thing about a book is we don't have to wait for 365 days to learn a lesson it only costs about 365 pages to learn it.? A book is like Mother's milk. Mother's milk contains all the essentials needed for baby's growth. Similarly a book contains all the essentials for life. To a book the readers are it's babies for whom it feeds its minerals in the form of letters to us and help us to grow. Implies book is equal to mother's milk.?
Now let's see,?
why reading is important??
The answer can be said easily if I say it like a man who says is biologically and spiritually but for my readers I won't do that to you. When we read we get to know things without even experiencing that. It's like an offer which provides you lesson without experience. Let me explain it clearly. When we read a book we don't just read it rather we live inside it. We experience everything as it was real. So a book makes you feel the post-experience which you get after experiencing the same thing in real life. Then you learn from it easily and some books has that lessons too. It's very much easy than real experience. You may think Even though it gives feel and learn stuff , nothing can beat the real experience. You are not wrong but not right too. It gives you the real experience if your choice of book is in that theme. But I believe every book has the ability to do that.?
Now let's see,?
How to make ourself to experience it?
It's utmost relay on the choice of the book you prefer and minimally depends on how you caught the ideas a book tries to throw to you. If we talk about author's side, we can say, if the the book gives you real-time experience then it's the great one. If the conveyed ideas are efficiently handled then it's the great job to author. Now let's come to reader's side, if you feel like running inside the book while reading it then you got the right one on your hands. If you learnt lessons from the mistakes made by those book characters or author then great job to you.
So, to feel the real race the book should match with your taste then you can feel the experience which the book tries to give you. Only when the taste matches between you and the book you hold, the ideas it gives can be caught by you like the way it was thrown because only when you both have same taste, you both breathe same and feel same. Does that seem easy compared to author's side???
Now let's learn,
How to choose a right book?
To find this you can ask yourself the following questions.
This question make you to know how to wanted a book to be so that you'll buy read it. Or else what you'll expect a book to be.
Then you should choose in what manner the book's flow should be like fiction, horror, love, thriller, drama, comedy, politics, history or anything you like. You can also check out more themes?Here
This is the most important question to be plotted. It's not a big deal if you are a monolingual person but if you are a multilingual person then you should choose the language correctly. The language you choose should be a language which you are fluent of. The language you choose should be a language with which you choose to express your feelings. The language you choose should be the language you prefer to write when it's your time to put your ideas in words.
This is next most important followed by choosing the language. You should know whether you are a beginner or adequate or a regular reader. To find that your time with book and the count of books you read are needed. If you just started reading and completed less than five books also you prefer reading only in your free time then you are in beginner level. If you have completed like more than ten books and prefer to read by making free time for it was a sign of adequate. If you are a pro in reading and all you do is reading implies you are a regular reader. I'm in adequate level.?
If you are a beginner then you can start with the book which has less number of pages or you can choose novels which helps you to sustain in this habit. If you are an adequate in reading then you can choose challenging books which may helps you to improve yourself. If you are a great reader then no commands anything you like and prefer can be chosen. You can also use any tests to find it.?Test to find your level?
Now with the help of these questions plus your analyse gives you a great idea of reading, where you are, what are you and how to choose a great book to save your time.
Great minds read books.
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