Why Blazor should be Learned!

Why Blazor should be Learned!

Lets discuss and compare a new way of web development using Blazor, The goal of Blazor is same of all the different framework present in market for SPA.

What is Blazor?

Blazor is a web framework for building modern and interactive web-based UIs with C# and Razor. Blazor can run on WebAssembly or the server. It’s also the first and only commercially supported frontend framework that utilizes WebAssembly.

Usually, when we speak of frontend development, people immediately think of JavaScript, but with Blazor, things are different.

How Blazor Different from JavaScript?

  1. .NET compiler compiles your code into .NET CIL (Common Intermediate Language)
  2. Your application ships with Mono WASM Runtime (BlazorWASM)
  3. Your browser executes binaries of Mono and your application Assemblies

So, What is Web Assembly(WASM)?

WASM is a new type of code — with a small-sized fast binary format — for modern browsers. A “compile target,” if you wish.

Some Features of Web Assemblies are:

  1. An improvement to JavaScript: Implement your performance critical stuff in wasm and import it like a standard JavaScript module.
  2. A new language: WebAssembly code defines an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) represented in a binary format. You can author and debug in a text format so it’s readable.
  3. A browser improvement: Browsers will understand the binary format, which means we’ll be able to compile binary bundles that compress smaller than the text JavaScript we use today. Smaller payloads mean faster delivery. Depending on compile-time optimization opportunities, WebAssembly bundles may run faster than JavaScript, too!
  4. A Compile Target: A way for other languages to get first-class binary support across the entire web platform stack.

WebAssembly vs JavaScript: Essential Differences

it's dynamically typed

it's highly flexible

it's delivered in human-readable code


it's just fast(er)

it's delivered via a small-sized binary format

it's strongly typed 

Reasons To Consider C# (Blazor)

1) WASM : Blazor’s output is WASM, unlike other SPA frameworks/libraries (Angular, Vue, React, etc.). WASM is the new standard and the future. Instead of running your codes in the browser JS engine, the browser executes your application in a binary format.

2) Benefits of the .NET and C#:

  • A rich set of libraries in the .NET ecosystem.
  • C# is statically typed language does more robust.
  • Follow design pattern architecture and more clean code. you can use different design patterns and libraries present in C#.
  • Same code base for front end and backend.
  • Remove the gap between frontend and backend development. So no need to learn extra language like JavaScript.
  • Almost no JavaScript required. this is almost true. 

3) BlazorServer: This is a feature comes with Blazor. Which help in writing all of the logic on the server and the changes will reflect on the frontend.


1) Both Blazor and SPA frameworks libraries has cons and pons, but in the end, they try to deliver a high-quality tool set to enable developers to make excellent products.

2) In my opinion, Blazor is excellent, especially for companies who want to migrate their legacy app to the web. 

3) Blazor gives developers the option of harnessing all the power of the .NET in their application to create robust apps.

4) Working with Blazor, you’ll develop in C# and may face problems when using some JavaScript libraries in your project.


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