Why Blaming Degrades Your Character, Influence and Credibility

Why Blaming Degrades Your Character, Influence and Credibility

Blame: To assign responsibility for a fault or wrong.

The reason why you should never engage in blaming is because it degrades one’s character and decreases influence. Obvious right? Well maybe not so much if you do not understand that in order for blame to be effective. The person you are blaming has to first take ownership of the blame. If your assigning fault or wrong to someone who has no personal responsibility. You may as well place blame on the nearest wall. Secondly, those who do have personal responsibility have already taken ownership of the fault or wrong. Now let’s talk about the character of someone who places blame. As I mentioned before, someone who places blame lacks leadership and personal responsibility. Anyone holding a key leader position should never find themselves placing blame to anyone. Why? Because leaders are always responsible for what happens and what fails to happen. True leaders embrace this concept and cringe when they hear blaming being placed.

What invokes someone to blame someone else for a fault or a wrong? Could it be fear? Retribution? Reprisal? Who knows? But what I think we can all agree on is the person who places blame certainly should not be in a position of influence. I once attended a recruiting conference, where the supervisors of the regions recruiting stations gathered to discuss previous performance of their respective units. One of the supervisors was asked “why the performance of their station had been so low?”. The supervisor proceeded to blame everyone and everything under the sun for the poor performance. Needless to say, that supervisor was not a supervisor much longer. There have been so many times where I wished I was in charge, until I actually was appointed in charge. It wasn't until I was in the "hot seat" I realized that leadership is tough. It is tough because not every decision one makes will be the most popular among the masses. But I learned that a great leader knows that the right decision must be made for the whole, not an individual. That is why it is called "Leadership" not "Likership". Whether you are in a leadership position or not, placing blame shows a lack of character and degrades one’s credibility. Blamers Beware; Great Leaders are on the prowl to replace you.

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