Why Not The Best?
In Chesapeake country we know all about blue crabs. Anyone who's gone out shopping for a Maryland Crabfest will usually find them in an open bucket--with nothing required to keep them from escaping. They can clearly crawl out with their strong claws to help them over the top. What's stopping them?
Those who abandon their dreams will discourage yours
Watch one crab get a claw on the rim, and you'll see grasping claws from all of the other crabs holding it back. It's impossible for one crab to drag the weight of every other crab out of the bucket.
I like this analogy because it is easy to find its equivalence in everyday life. Announce that your goal is to have top sales in your district (or region, or company) and everyone will 'help you' by telling you it's impossible. They'll even be kind enough to give you all of their reasons why you can't. With each reason you should feel a little pinch as their claws tighten around you. "Stay here," they are saying, "where it's safe."
A tiger does not proclaim his tigritude, he pounces --Wole Soyinka
The crabs in the basket will really dig into you if you tell them that you want advance to manager, District/Regional Manager, VP or President of the company! Why are they so invested in your failure? Because when you do achieve your goal--and you can--you demonstrate that we each have the power to make our own choices. We have the capacity to improve. Not that these choices are easy, or that they don't take a huge investment to be successful, but you are the one who makes the decision to be successful. Or not.
Are you thinking about going for it? A word of advice: just do it. No announcement. No fanfare. As Wole Soyinka said, "A tiger does not proclaim his tigritude, he pounces." Pounce! Set your goal today and decide that you are going to...Make It Happen!