WHY Believe in the Almighty Creator and seek relationship with Him

In the days ahead I want to share with you the headers off the main pages on the website, starting today with the page titled "WHY BELIEVE"



The Creator says why would I want someone to spend eternity with me when they do NOT believe I exist?

The purpose of serving Yah is NOT for what He will give us in THIS life, but for what we will give Him in exchange for His rewards to us in the life to come!!

Yah, the Almighty Creator, re: What He can tell YOU -- 20 August 2014

"The 'Rules of Engagement' between myself (Yah) and Satan prevent me telling YOU anything you do NOT know UNLESS YOU ask me or do something to put yourself in a place to hear NEW truths from me"

'"I (Yah) am limited in speaking to YOU by the mental barriers YOU have put in place with regard to what YOU believe I can say to you AND by YOUR vocabulary"

An open letter to those who do NOT believe there is a Creator

A few weeks ago I met with a man who I esteem greatly.  At some point in our conversation the subject of religion came up and he said something like “as I see it, as long as you live a good life and treat people well you will be OK”.


I knew he was mistaken, he would NOT be “OK” but I did NOT know how to answer him succinctly and effectively in a manner that his great intellect would permit him to receive.  And so I asked Father about it.


A few days ago, 27 November 2013, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose true name is “Yah the eternally self-existing” (NOT “The LORD”, NOT “God”, NOT “Jesus”) said to me as I walked home from a business meeting with some people who, as far as I could see, lived good lives and treated people well, why would I want someone to spend eternity with me when they do NOT believe I exist?


Father Yah went on to say “why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted?


Father Yah went on to say “most demons (ancestor spirits, spirits of those REJECTED by Yah when they die) were nice law abiding, “good” people, many even went to church from time to time but they never REALLY believed I exist at a level where there was a fundamental internal change of state signifying that they KNEW I exist”.

The night before we had watched a TV program presented by a highly esteemed TV presenter of nature programs and Father had said to me “if that man were to die at the moment that this TV clip was shot he would be rejected by me and become a demon because he does NOT believe that I exist!

So, if YOU do NOT have a deep, enduring and fundamental understanding of the reality of the Almighty Creator right now then realize that IF you were to die at this moment you will NOT spend eternity with Him and will be UTTERLY REJECTED no matter what you believe or have been taught! 

Please read the second part of this document in order to assess whether you find a basis to change your position.

AND, IF you DO know with certainty that the Almighty Creator exists BUT you do NOT have a significant PERSONAL relationship with Him realize that IF you were to die at this moment you will spend eternity FAR removed from Him in Heaven as one of the least worthy in His Kingdom.

<<< PREVIOUS SUB-SECTION:  Where will YOU Spend Eternity?

NEXT SECTION:  The TRUE Name of the Creator is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing>>>

NEXT SUB-SECTION: What Actually Happens when someone comes to believe >>>

What Yah said

The Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, says: "It is time to choose -- will you be my friend, or my foe? -- there is NO middle ground!" -- 6 August 2014
Yah says further:
"Ultimately THE AIM of this entire experiment is to find those who will make the sacrifices necessary to become My FRIENDS -- NOTHING is more important"

Yah re "Why Believe?" -- 14 August 2014
"Because IF you do, you open the door to the possibility of an eternal destiny of great esteem and glory and if you do NOT you relegate yourself to the certainty of being one of over 100 Billion ancestor spirits (demons) with almost NO possibility of serious promotion -- all the senior positions are taken and tightly held"

Yah re "Why seek Relationship" -- 14 August 2014
"Because the rewards and recognition are substantial and there is great esteem and prestige and there are still many vacancies for you to become one of those closest to me in all of Creation"

Yah re not believing He exists -- 23 August 2014
"The DEFAULT position is that IF you do NOT believe that I (Yah) exist you automatically belong to Satan whether you believe he exists or NOT! That means that as long as you do NOT believe that I exist you belong to a dispensation that considers eating the flesh of humans tortured to death in abominable ways as one of the highest privileges of rank! AND you will spend at the very least the remaining nearly 1,000 years after your death as an ancestor spirit (demon) under the control of this evil power! Whereas, My (Yah's) reign is one of love, moral and just behaviour -- the fact is that you have been LIED to!"

Yah re humans tending NOT to believe -- 29 August 2014
"It turns out that it is the nature of humans to demand proof of my existence and to lapse into unbelief unless convinced. The first generation of unbelievers became unbelievers with very little help from Satan -- they fell into his lap, so to speak -- ANOTHER design flaw!!"

Yah re form belief -- 30 August 2014
"Reciting a creed or other form statement of belief is NOT enough -- there must be an intense heart realization of my existence -- there must be a SHIFT!"

Evidence of the existence of the Almighty Creator available to YOU

Following are some items that you can check out personally based on your own life experience as an educated person without having to rely on the opinions of others to see whether the Creator exists:

1.  Dog kennels do NOT self-assemble themselves

You know from personal experience that IF you purchased a mixed pile of timber, a saw, a hammer and some nails and left them in the middle of a garden they would NEVER self-assemble themselves into anything let alone the exact dog kennel that you want but would lie there inert until they rotted away.  So on WHAT basis do you assume that this entire complex Universe self-assembled itself?


2.   YOU are MUCH more complex than a dog kennel

You have deep personal experience of the complexity and precision of your body and of the entire world around you and you know that highly skilled people are required to work on your body successfully when something goes wrong.  So on what basis do you conclude that there is NO NEED for a super-intelligent creative being to have designed and assembled all this?


3.  You have experienced love, hate, anger, fear – how did they SELF invent?

You experience love, hate, anger, fear, you know of “psychology” and other NON-TANGIBLE elements of being human.  The word “love” occurs on 1.25 BILLION webpages!  How did this massive non-tangible emotional complexity self-invent itself without the input of a highly creative being?


4.  You live according to moral and ethical standards – WHY?

You live your life according to some set of moral and ethical values and try to be a “good” person, whatever that means to you.  The word “good” occurs on 1.77 BILLION webpages.  If there is NO Creator and therefore NO Judgment and you are just going to cease to exist one day why does that matter to you?  Or is there really some spirit being that dwells inside you and provides you with a moral compass and conscience?


5.  Sexual reproduction ONLY works when both sides work EXACTLY

If you are an adult you know where children come from, you probably have sexual encounters, you may even enjoy sexual love making.  You may be aware of the sexual pleasure that the clitoris brings and yet there is NO basis to conceptualize that the clitoris could have self-invented itself without a highly sensitive and talented Creator.  So you recognize at a very fundamental level that human sexual reproduction requires a very precise emotional, sensory and mechanical fit to work.

And presumably, you have some comprehension of the genetic complexity that is required for a squirt of semen and a minute ovum to know to merge and combine their distinct components to form a living, breathing, intelligent human being?  And, IF you stop and think about it you should recognize that it is IMPOSSIBLE for an organism that reproduces itself sexually to EVER come into existence UNLESS it starts out fully formed and functioning so there HAS to have been an external very precise creative being who designed and built the two halves together such that they function reliably and reproducibly!


6.  You know people who truly believe spirits are REAL – how did they SELF invent?

You know people who believe spirits are real, they talk of “telepathy”, they attend “séances”, they speak of “angels” and “demons” and the word “spirit” occurs on roughly 177 million webpages so there is reasonable evidence that they exist.  So, since spirits ARE real on what basis did THEY self-invent themselves from primordial soup made up of HARD compounds that ALSO self-invented themselves from rock that self-invented itself from some “big bang” from some other unknown matter that self-invented itself?


7.  There are highly educated, rational analytical people who claim a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator, where did they get the model for this?

Finally, there ARE people like me, with a Bachelor’s degree and a Doctorate in Engineering, who testify with strong conviction of the existence of the Almighty Creator and of having a deep personal relationship with Him.  That He talks to them and that He wants such a relationship with EVERY human being, including YOU.  How do you convince yourself that ALL of these people are mad, confused, deluded without considering the possibility that they might, just possibly, be telling you the truth?

Well, that is about it.

I have given you some very good reasons WHY I think it is important for you to NOT only deeply believe in the reality of the Creator but ALSO seek a deep personal relationship with Him.  Simply put, IF you DO have such a relationship and last the course, the reward in the life to come is great.

And IF you do NOT believe He exists the prospect of spending the remaining time until the Day of Judgment as a condemned and tormented spirit striving to seduce some human being to get better at committing the sins that destroyed you until the final reckoning when, if your side loses, you will be cast into the fire and utterly consumedis a pretty terrible reward for a “good” life when you come to think about it.

Related pages:

What Actually Happens when someome comes to believe

The First Eight Days after first believing in the Creator

Triple Immersion as a powerful means of cleansing

Fasting as a vital component of being a believer

Worship is essential in drawing close to the Almighty

What to Read once you have come to belief

The First Year after coming to belief

Those who come to limited belief initially

The Truth about Satanic Dominion


So, ultimately we all face ONE CRITICAL CHOICE


1.       Believe in this whole complex Universe self-inventing itself out of nothing or something that you cannot explain;


2.       Believe in the existence of a massively intelligent and accomplished creative being who has carefully, step by step, brought this Universe into existence and finally created our forefathers who joined together in a mind-bogglingly complex manner so that you and I exist today.

He says that His TRUE name is “Yah the eternally self-existing”, which sums Him up nicely.  In other words, He has ALWAYS been here.  So there TOO is something you cannot explain!



I find option TWO far EASIER to believe than your version of whatever you believe about option ONE if you do NOT believe in option 2 because, NO MATTER HOW you call it if you do NOT believe in option 2 then option 1 is the ONLY other alternative.


There is NO middle ground.

Either there IS a Creator or there is NOT a Creator and this whole lot self-invented itself and self-assembled itself.

If I am mistaken one day I will cease to exist and NOT know about it.

If YOU are mistaken one day you will face a terrible day of reckoning followed by centuries of torment before you are ultimately cast into the fire and only THEN cease to exist.


If, having read the above and applied your intellect you have concluded that the Almighty truly exists, I recommend that you pray RIGHT NOW:

Father Yah, I come to You in the name of Yahooshua {Jesus} and I confess that I have sinned against You by believing that You do NOT exist, I repent, I turn around, I ask You to forgive me and I NOW choose to believe that You are REAL.

“I declare that I accept that You, Yah the eternally self-existing, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth as my Mighty One, as my Saviour, as my King and I choose this day to serve you for the rest of my life!;

“I confess that were I to die without truly deeply acknowledging that You exist I would be UTTERLY REJECTED by You, I now fear that and I ask you to lead me in seeking to know you and build a relationship with you;

“I desire to spend eternity with you;

“I repent and turnaround from all the wrong things that I have said about you and ask you to forgive me;

“I repent of all the wrong things I have done [list EVERYTHING that comes to mind] and I ask you in the name of Yahooshua to forgive me.

“I believe that Yahooshua {Jesus} died a terrible death to usher in a new Covenant of grace whereby I can come directly to your throne and ask for forgiveness and I ask you now to admit me to that Covenant;

“I ask for your grace to enable me to serve you for the rest of my life;

“Father Yah, I ask you for a second chance, a new life;

“I ask you to wash away ALL my sins with the blood of the Covenant of Yahooshua and take me into your family;

“I ask you to fill me with Your Spirit and to come and dwell in me;

“I ask you to lead me and guide me in every possible way;

“I ask you to cut off ALL curses that have been spoken against me and my family in this life and against my forefathers;

“I ask you to bind and cast out ALL demons that are currently attached to me, my family and my belongings and I ask you to cut off their legal right to attach to me;

“I ask you to show me ALL people I must repent to or make restitution to [write down all names and wrongs that come to mind];

“I ask you to show me ALL people I must forgive and I choose to forgive EVERYONE who has ever wronged me;

“I ask you to bring the people you want into my life and take the people that you do NOT want in my life out;

“I ask you to open the doors that you want opened in my life and close the doors that you want closed;

“I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it;

“I ask you to teach me to be a good and faithful servant that I may overcome sin and opposition and lead a life that is pleasing to you and earn a high throne in Heaven with you and Yahooshua for eternity;

“Finally Father, with trepidation but believing that you are just and merciful and gracious and loving and will deal with me according to that which I am able to endure, I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly every day for the rest of my life;

“I choose today to serve ONLY You and ask you to lead me to clean up my life and my life-style and build a personal relationship with you.


All the above and all the links below are on the website


It is VITAL that you turn to Father Yah to lead you IMMEDIATELY

The world is controlled by the forces of darkness.

The church is FULL of error.

There are very few people who have the truth that YOU need right now BUT Father KNOWS what you need and who can help you.

Get on your knees, cry out to Him, trust that He WILL speak to you and go forward in trust and belief that He WILL guide you and DO what you find to do each day for the rest of your life constantly seeking to grow closer to Him.



IF this is truly the FIRST time that you have believed that the Almighty exists there is massive grace and mercy towards you in the first seven days and then in the first year.

It is VITAL that you avail yourself of ALL that is available to YOU right now.

I strongly recommend that as soon as possible you apply what is presented in Immersion for cleansing and infilling with the set apart Spirit of Yah

I also strongly recommend that you read whatever Father gives you to read, if you do NOT have other guidance I strongly recommend that you read as many of the articles in the following section as possible in the first seven days trusting you Father to lead you to the right articles in the sequence He wants you to read them, there is much more on the website.

All the links below are also on the page WHY BELIEVE for your convenience.  There are close to 300 articles on this website on diverse important topics.

The Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, says: "It is time to choose -- will you be my friend, or my foe? -- there is NO middle ground!"

Yah says further:
"Ultimately THE AIM of this entire experiment is to find those who will make the sacrifices necessary to become My FRIENDS -- NOTHING is more important"

"A friend is one who is concerned about the well-being of the one they call friend and desires to treat that person as they would be treated -- HOW do you choose to treat Me?"

"True friendship is about what you can GIVE -- NOT what you can GET! -- what are YOU prepared to give Me (Yah)?"

"A true friend seeks to know ALL truth about the one whom they call friend AND to help others to know that truth -- Do YOU know the truth about me? Do YOU care?"

"In this age I (Yah) am MASSIVELY CONSTRAINED by the 'Rules of Engagement' in terms of what I can say and do EXCEPT through those true friends and true servants who will do the necessary work to KNOW my will AND proclaim it AND action it"

"There is NO greater love than that a man should lay down his life for his friend! -- Will YOU lay down your life for Me?"

"Technically a martyr is one who lays down their life for Me, NOT necessarily in physical death but also by sacrificing their comfort and well being in favour of doing MY will -- will you do ALL that it takes to serve Me and love Me as your friend, NO MATTER what it costs you? -- Will you be a martyr for Me by your way of living?"

"My true friends take time to spend quality time with Me daily and communicate with Me and consult Me constantly"

"Why Believe?
"Because if you do NOT you WILL find that when you die you are forced to serve and worship Satan for ever or at least until the day the winner of the 'The Contest' is adjudicated"

"Realize that serving Satan after you die could be a really HORRIBLE experience, particularly IF you regard yourself as a GOOD person!"

"Imagine what it will be like as an ancestor spirit (demon) knowing the truth about the lies you believed and watching your loved ones making the same mistakes and believing the same lies that you believed and being unable to do anything about it!"

"Imagine what it will be like when you discover that you are irrevocably locked into the same dispensation that is behind the most barbaric and savage cultures on earth"

"IF you are a 'GOOD' person: when you die you may find yourself secretly hoping that Satan WILL lose 'The Contest' so that you can be cast into the Lake of Fire and utterly consumed in a moment of torment and terror, rather than being a participant in the progressive degradation of the human race into utter depravity, barbarism and perversion! -- and yet you will be POWERLESS to do anything about it!"

"The consequences of dying without a PROFOUND realization of my (Yah's) existence AND a DEEP life changing decision to serve Me is too ghastly to contemplate IF you take the trouble to REALLY understand the truth about the world you live in!"

"Imagine what it will be like to be a demon (ancestor spirit) riding on your favourite grandchild and watching them participate in the same empty rituals and mouthing the same meaningless platitudes that you practised during your life and being UNABLE to warn them of the terrible destiny that they are locking themselves into!"

"A person who reaches the end of their life as my TRUE FRIEND, one who has progressed from 'Wise Steward', to 'Good and Faithful Servant', to 'Overcomer' and ultimately to 'Friend' will receive rewards and authority of unimaginable splendour including a high throne, status and apparel that is far beyond anything that even the most powerful rulers on earth have ever dreamed of, let alone experienced -- contrast this with the other extreme -- an angry and depraved ancestor spirit (demon) desperately seeking favour in a kingdom where favour is a lesser level of torment and the right to exercise greater control and depravity over those less inclined to serve Satan and his Masterminds wholeheartedly"

"Do YOU REALLY want to be part of a kingdom where the tortured murder of infants is regarded as one of the highest privileges of rank?"

"The evidence is ALL around you IF you have eyes to see -- the choice is CLEAR -- a Kingdom of beauty, love (chesed) and benign power or a kingdom of atrocities and perversion, a kingdom that regards torture and tormented and protracted death of human sacrifices followed by cannibalism, preferably while the victim still lives, as the HIGHEST form of worship?"

"It is TIME for those who still have some smattering of knowledge of me and my ways to STOP playing games with Satan and start taking back this earth while there is STILL TIME -- it is time for believers to STOP marrying unbelievers and allowing their children to marry unbelievers,, it is TIME to STOP marrying those from Satan worshipping cultures, and to STOP welcoming them into your homes, your cities and your lands -- it is time to STOP acceding to Satanic demands that you cast ME (The Almighty) out of your schools, your halls of Government and your workplaces -- it is TIME to publicly open the day with worship and prayer to me, whether in your places of education, your places of Government or your places of work -- it is TIME to cast out those who will NOT comply instead of being cast out and secretively serving me behind locked doors and, IF you CANNOT set apart that place of learning, or government or work then EXIT PUBLICLY and DECLARE your reasons and gather together with those who WILL agree with you in these matters for it is so that in the spirit one TRUE believer FREE OF SIN can put 1,000 to flight and two can put 10,000 to flight and the power of TRUE BELIEVERS who choose to deal with ALL their sin and live in ALL truth is such that massive transformation IS possible -- note the impact of Noah, Abraham, Moshe {Moses}, Yahooshua {Jesus}, Mohammed and Luther  -- YOU TOO can bring about RADICAL reformation and renaissance IF you will lay down your life and seek DEEP and ENDURING FRIENDSHIP with Me!"

"IF you believe, it is TIME to assess exactly WHAT you believe about me and then ACT accordingly!"

"IF you do NOT believe, it is time to assess EXACTLY what you DO believe and then act accordingly!"

"There is NO place for fence sitters -- YOU are either FOR me or by default you are AGAINST ME!"

"Know this -- IF you choose to be a TRUE friend, which means you deal with ALL sin and ALL error and do ALL that is required to ensure that your house is FULLY united behind you the forces of darkness CANNOT TOUCH YOU -- BUT, IF you play games and continue to dabble in your favourite sins and errors in your divided house the forces of darkness will TEAR you limb from limb and UTTERLY destroy you -- there has NEVER been a time in all the history of man on earth where life above sin and total unity of your house has been more important!"

"IF you choose to serve ME (Yah), understand that you are choosing a VERY strait and VERY narrow path leading to a VERY small door -- gird your loins and FOLLOW the example of the mighty set-apart ones of previous generations!"
Footnote: ALL the above references to "friend" relate to people like you and me seeking to become true friends of Yah, the Almighty Creator

Further reading

In this section I have provided links to a large number of articles that I hope will answer some of your questions and help you on your journey to draw close to Yah.

These articles have been written over a number of years and, during this period my understanding of these issues has been constantly growing so there are probably areas where the articles do NOT fully agree, in all cases the most recent article, as indicated by the document reference e.g. “2010 12 11” in the link name being year month sequence number in month and the heading of the article is the MOST reliable.

The biggest SINGLE reason to seek a close relationship with the Almighty Creator is that He is LONELY because so few people actively seek a close relationship with Him see: Daddy Yah is LONELY please talk to Him and use His true Name

Continued at https://end-time-issueministries.org/WHYBELIEVE.aspx.html

Biyi B.

Supply Chain / Business Analyst /HR Generalist/ UI/UX Design Enthusiast

9 年

mother yah?

Manu Chatlani

Welcome to Join UltraCab (TM) Eco-Friendly in the Beautiful Islands of Malta Europe. Part from our Profit will be used for reducing of Green House Gases. Over 29000 Followers.

9 年

Happy Holidays



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