Why being #triggered isn’t always a bad thing!
Susan Shatzer
International Energetic Empowerment Expert ~ I clear any limiting beliefs you may have while eliminating past trauma so you can optimize your full personal potential and peak performance.
I’m sure by now you’ve all heard the word, triggered at least once. Triggers are a response caused by a particular action, process, or situation.?
While yes, Triggers can be painful…
and sometimes negative, they often bring up old programs that we ourselves aren’t even aware of but were often taught to us by teachers, parents, and mentors from our past.?
A great way to eliminate these triggers is to explore the polarity they have. Polarity is when you believe something or someone is right /good or wrong /bad.
Both sides of these carry judgments. We are unaware of placing these POV (Points Of View) into subconscious categories. We’ve basically created an operating procedure manual and essentially locked ourselves away in a jail of our own making.?
Eliminating triggers on these thoughts, feelings, and emotions allows one to attract and usher in new experiences, people, places, and things that will impact aspects of one’s life in a manner in which is of the highest and best.?
How do we do that?
(Without causing harm to ourselves or others?)?
I have found facilitation by a trained expert is a phenomenal way to eliminate charges by bringing a fresh and objective eye to any situation. I? use famous quotes to successfully bring up stuck beliefs in a group setting. ? Here’s my technique to shift things.?
3. Take a deep breath then exhale and remove what keeps them stuck in your life.
Sometimes it’s difficult to figure out on our own, the limitations we picked up from others as kids. We installed them as real and true at the time as it made perfect sense. Unfortunately, we have been running them in the background of our lives ever since. We weren’t taught to ask questions, feel into, or be willing to acknowledge our own personal truth. So we did as everyone else did and continued to live based on these old systems and programs. Only now do we have the awareness there is a different possibility available and the tools to access it.?
Susan Shatzer is an International Bestselling Author, a Master Pattern Interrupter, and an Empowerment Coach. Her signature process elevates your personal vibrational frequency as you become empowered to take your next steps in experiencing greater levels of ease, joy, and abundance. You'll stop procrastinating, get unstuck from self-limiting beliefs, activate clearer intuition, and unleash your limitless possibilities.
Get unstuck with Susan FREE 1:1 ~ https://susanshatzerinternational.carrd.co
Her signature process elevates your personal vibrational frequency as you become empowered to take your subsequent steps in experiencing greater levels of ease, joy, and abundance. After spending time with Susan, you'll stop procrastinating, get unstuck from self-limiting beliefs, activate clearer intuition, and unleash your limitless possibilities.
Get to know more about Susan and her process here: https://susanshatzerinternational.carrd.co/