Why Being Nosy May Get You Hacked ??
Whether you are enjoying the tunes at Wildflower Arts and Music Festival or chowing down at the many food festivals this summer, it’s important to stay cyber-secure.? Big gatherings like these can be hot spots for risk.? We highly recommend not connecting to public Wi-Fi (especially to check your bank account) as public Wi-Fi is not secure.?
Another big trend in cyberattacks is leaving USBs around to pique your interest. You’ll either want to figure out who this belongs to or just see what’s on it. You plug it into your computer and immediately install malware on your computer. If you see any forgotten pieces of tech lying around, take them to the lost and found. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Data privacy not only matters to your devices while you are enjoying Dallas/Ft. Worth this summer. It also matters to your business: You need to protect your data, be trusted by clients and remain compliant.??
Whether you are a giant corporation or the only employee at your company, you handle sensitive data often. Data like customers’ personally identifiable information, your employees’ data and intellectual property has to be safeguarded. There are five things you can do to protect your company:?
Luckily, some of these things are easy, like changing your password from Password123* to longer, more complicated passwords like pr0t3cTmyd@Ta. Trust us, we know it is easier to have every password be the same, but that isn’t safe either. Once hackers unlock one account, they will have free access to other accounts using the same password.?
Whenever your computer, phone or piece of software asks for an update, do it as soon as you possibly can. Most of the time these software updates have security patches in them.?
While the tasks mentioned above are fairly easy to accomplish on your own, we know it can be difficult to add more to-do’s to your already-long list. Aeko Tech is here to take IT off your plate so you can focus on what you do best.?
PS: Need IT Services to Protect Your Business?
We offer solutions tailored to our clients’ needs and unique challenges, including balancing work and life via technology.