Why Being An Introvert Is Actually The Biggest Blessing
YuChin “YC” Yeoh
Sales @ Commvault | Data Protection | Backup & Recovery | Cybersecurity | Cloud | AI | Strategic Advisor | Ex-Cisco
Introverts and extroverts are often viewed as two extreme opposites, and some people lie somewhere in the middle, ambiverts. While introverts make up 30% to 50% of the population, there are still prevailing fallacies about introverts, such as introverts are aloof, antisocial, depressed, etc.
Introversion and extroversion refer to where people receive energy from—it’s about how they unwind after social situations. Extroverts are energized by socializing in large groups of people; introverts are energized by spending time alone/with a smaller group of friends. People who are high in extroversion are outgoing and energetic. People who are low in extroversion are more solitary and reserved.?
Do you agree or disagree with these statements?
If you agree, you’re probably high in extroversion. If you disagree, you’re probably low in extroversion.
In today’s society, it can be rough being an introvert because they’re typically seen in a negative light and tend to be misunderstood and misjudged.?
It’s evident that education by its nature favors extroverts. Students who don’t speak/contribute to the discussion don’t receive full credit. Anecdotally, most introverts feel extremely nervous and hesitant just to make a statement in class. Although extroverts are more likely to answer questions and perform well during presentations; introverts can work well on their own and can be more productive without needing an audience. Their true capabilities rise from underneath the surface when they are comfortable in their own space.
Besides, no one can really get introverts—even other introverts. Unless there are two of the same kind—birds of the same feather flock together. Unfortunately, even families, friends, spouses, etc., find it hard to actually understand what an introvert goes through.?
If you are an introvert, you might recall being told by your parents to come out of your room and go socialize when you were really just trying to have a little quiet time. This can be confusing for extroverts who may not understand why a person needs solitude and how energy-sapping it is to socialize.
As stated, many people still have misconceptions about introverts and so they're preconceived by options formed about them. We like other people who are similar to us. Since introverts and extroverts have different world perspectives, they view each other as different and thus may be naturally predisposed to dislike one another.?
Changing negative first impressions is difficult. Someone who forms a negative impression of another person will be less inclined to meet that person a second time because they have judged the person in a negative light. Once a first impression is formed, people are less likely to change their minds. Thus, social ostracism tends to happen to introverts—remember the school nerd who never made any friends? Chances are he was just an introvert struggling to keep up with the class!
But is being an introvert necessarily putting you in an unfavorable position? Is that your fault? The answer is NO! The problem is with society, which doesn't see it in the same way—society teaches us that being an introvert is the worst thing you can be and that everyone should want to be extroverted.
Always remember that within this large group of introverts are people such as Elon Musk, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and so many more inspiring people. Being an introvert doesn't stop them from excelling in life. If you think being an introvert is the worst thing that can happen to you, STOP!
There are 4 major advantages of being introverted.
1) Business Success
Imagine a typical entrepreneur. A quiet, reserved introvert is probably not what first came to mind. Aren’t entrepreneurs supposed to be gregarious and commanding—verbally adept and able to inspire people charismatically with the sheer force of their personality?
But did you know, in a recent study, analysts spent 10 years examining the personalities of 2,000 CEOs and concluded that the most successful ones were introverts?
Behaviors such as relationship building aren't exclusive to extroverts. In fact, introverts tend to excel at things like building relationships because they are good listeners and observers.
2) They Make World A Better Place?
Introverts are often mistaken for wallflowers or shrinking violets because of their restrained demeanor.
Rosa Parks was a quiet, demure woman who was anything but a shrinking violet. The same can be said of Eleanor Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, and other social reformers. Perhaps contending with their own struggles fueled their dogged efforts to challenge and ultimately change the injustices they witnessed.?
They are proof that the quiet nature of the introvert is not to be underestimated and that, as Mahatma Gandhi said, “In a gentle way, you can shake the world”.
3) Creativity
One of the perks of being introverted is the creativity it brings. As Albert Einstein said, “The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulate the creative mind.” Solitude gives expression to creative thinking, which is naturally an introvert’s habitat. Introverts naturally crave being alone, and it helps them tap into their reservoir of talents and creativeness.?
It stands to reason that many of the most gifted writers, performers, athletes, and artists tend toward the introverted end of the spectrum. People such as Steve Martin, J.K. Rowling, and Steven Spielberg are only a sample of famous introverts who have made the world a more colorful place through their artistic gifts and talents.
4) Independence?
The importance of independence can’t be overlooked, especially in today’s world. Being able to cater to your needs without relying on others is a rare quality and is indeed something to be proud of.?
Introverts have this advantage because of how reserved their personalities are. They learn to be self-reliant by keeping a small circle and finding comfort in the little things. People that are independent face fewer disappointments and can easily maneuver through life on their own—they have fewer expectations from people outside their inner circle, giving them a greater security level.?
Dear Introverts,
There is nothing wrong with being an Introvert—you don’t need to change who you are because of being introverted. Stop being hard on yourself. Don't feel like a pariah. Always remember, eagles never run in the race of dogs—they fly alone.