Why being a girl dad helps me in business
Why being a girl dad helps me in business

Why being a girl dad helps me in business

Being a girl dad has helped me become a better CEO. Fatherhood, in general, has changed me, but there’s something special about having daughters.

I’m the first to admit that I move fast and dream big as a CEO. It’s my job as the visionary and leader. But strengths can sometimes be weaknesses too, as I’ve been frustrated before about our pace of growth. I’ve had to offset this by having grounded, ‘realists’ in the leadership team – whose default is to be cautious and risk-aware.

Every leader experiences some version of this.

But my desire to go after everything at once has changed since becoming a father. My daughters have taught me a patience and presence that’s come through in my leadership style.

While that fire and hunger for growth is stronger than ever, I’m now able to see a longer time horizon, rather than sprinting to achieve it. The patience and passion can coexist. For me, the ability to hold both has differentiated me as a leader.

If you’re a parent, maybe you’ve experienced an internal shift that you’re seeing play out in your career, too. For men, especially leaders, bringing the same patience and care to your team will help you build an industry-defining business – because we never see this from successful CEOs.

We only see the version that idolizes hustle culture, massive exits, and “world domination.” In reality, most business owners are multifaceted people with passions and purpose outside of work. That’s what needs to be channeled. That’s what will makes dynamic, differentiated leaders.

I encourage you to spend time contemplating on what drives your momentum and mission, and double down on that.

You will become incomparable as a leader and a magnet for talent. Best of all, you’ll remain true to who you are.

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