Why Being Fired Sucks!
Evan Morgenstein
Founder/CEO CelebExperts l Pickleball Marketing Group | Sports Marketing, Event Management
Not like this is the only time I have ever been fired. Lord knows I have a pretty thick skin. But truth be told it still bothers me. A lot. Maybe I am getting old. Maybe I am growing weary of how many "new" clients are left out there?
I feel like I am at one of those self-help meetings. "My name is Evan Morgenstein. And I got fired". From the group... "Hi Evan". And away we go into a diatribe about why I got fired by a client and who did what and how it could have been avoided. But here is the truth, if you get fired no matter what you say, it hurts! Right? If it doesn't then you checked out before and I guess were just too weak to let them go first. Maybe it was for financial reasons? Maybe you don't like confrontation? I'm not your shrink, just your Linkedin buddy!
What I have realized is in this world of text, e mails and zoom calls, there is no personal touch. I am going to give you an astounding fact about my business, The Digital Renegades, www.thedigitalrenegades.com is one of the most significant representation agencies I have ever owned. We represent some of the biggest influencers on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and others. And since February, 2020 I have signed 94% of my clients. And I haven't met ONE of them in person! Think about that. Covid-19 has made the representation business one of transaction and not interaction. How messed up is that??
So me getting fired isn't surprising. It happens to every agent in the business, big or small. But what does it mean? How can I ensure I don't feel this way again? The last thing I want is to utilize my personal capital to make myself feel better because a client a. should never have signed or b. I should have done a better job or c. both/either/whatever.....
Yes, in talent representation clients are signed to eventually fire you. I would image Tom Cruise, Robert Downey Jr and/or Gal Gadot have ventured in the realm of more than one agent, manager and/or lawyer. It's just the reality.
But as I lied in bed last night thinking about this professional tragedy, I realized that maybe I have bitten off more than I can chew in a sense. Everyone in sports, social media influencer, acting, etc., wants an agent. I've never met anyone that didn't think that there were hundreds of brands just waiting for them if they just hired the person with the right "connections". While some of that is true, the fact is most talent really don't have that many people salivating to sign them. If there was, they would have found the talent before they signed with an agent. Trust me... Brand managers are like Ninja warriors when it comes to finding celebrities!
So what is the solution? I think like any small business you need to value your time as the most precious commodity. Like the Hope diamond. Something so valuable, to give it up is rare and only done with the chance of your time becoming more valuable not less. Yeah, that's the ticket!!! Value my time, not my laundry list of potential clients. Hmmm. Makes sense doesn't it.
As entrepreneurs we need to share, communicate and help each other. No large company, educational institution or house of worship is going to do for us what we can do for each other. I encourage all entrepreneurs to step out of their comfort zone, come to Linkedin and share a message that will enlighten, elevate and potentially save your brothers and sisters in the world of entrepreneurism the pain of experiencing things we can guide them out of!
Linkedin is a community of like-minded doers and winners. Maybe me getting fired helped someone avoid the same. I'll take this one for the team. Who is next up and what do you have for us?
Sr. Manager Licensing and Business Development at SmartBuild Construction Solutions
3 年Great read Evan, there is always another client, but it is hard to pivot after you pour your heart and soul into a client.
Treat Others How THEY Would Like To Be Treated & For Goodness Sake Go Do Something Awesome! HookEm!!!
3 年Sorry you lost a client bud....that sucks!!! I know from experience it sucks!! But you mentioned something in your posting that I think too many people lose or have lost sight of. Personal Interaction vs. Transaction. Too much of what is going on these days is transactional. Its all about speed and ease of use vs. truly giving a shit. Individuals, Companies, etc.....we all need to work on "Giving A Shit" about the people in our lives vs. trying to figure out how we can get more superficial, transactional things to happen. That is what is missing. Humanity, Empathy, Caring etc...that is where the big things happen, where the meaningful things happen and that is where we should all strive to be....at the intersection of Amazing Avenue and Give A Shit Drive.
Empowering C-Suite & Execs to Unlock Their Executive Edge || Branding Guru for Pro Athletes || Fortune 50 Leader ?? Entrepreneur ||??Move the Ball? Podcast Host || Real Estate Expert || Army Lawyer || 7 Degrees (yes 7)
3 年Love the article Evan Morgenstein, well written piece, but sorry to hear about you getting fired. It’s their loss, not yours. I know you deliver tremendous value and the right clients will stick with you. When we get “fired” or “rejected” all that means is that person is no longer meant to be on the path with us and we move on. I know you’ll continue to grow your brand with great clients and this person who fired you will be way way way way way way back there in the rear view mirror.
I am your "Guy" to positively impact SUITE Events at Capital One Arena
3 年Well stated. Keep going forward and another client will come along. You’ve got fortitude, grit, passion, resiliency and are respected. Cheers to a 2021 you can celebrate.
Authority in Strategic Thinking, Technology Integration, and Product Development | 20+ Years of Global Sports Facility & Academy Development | Innovative Concepts & Solutions | Founder of Synergy Group Marketing
3 年Good insights Evan Morgenstein. We have all been 'fired' or 'let go' or whatever the proper term is. There is not a time where one cannot recall what might have been the reason - large, small, relevant or not. Being fired provides an opportunity for change or new clients or a renewed focus on projects that really make a difference. It is not always bad.