Why Being an Entrepreneur Trumps Education
D Scott Lofthouse
Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Educator (Social Media & Internet Safety), Internet Marketer, Coach & Mentor
It can be difficult to argue that it’s okay to drop out of college just so you could become an entrepreneur, especially since there are a lot of risks involved with the latter. However, the rewards that come with running a successful business are second to none. Independence, financial freedom and the satisfaction of selling your own products or services are just a few of them.
Dropping Out
It was during my fourth year of Finance and Accounting (I was pursuing a double-major degree) when I decided to become an entrepreneur. I had been wanting to go into banking but realized that there might just be a better option for me: starting my own business.
A simple internet search of “how to make money online” returned a list of results. I joined my first company, made a lot of mistakes, but gained an abundance of experience. The third benefit is something you cannot get in college; you’ll spend most of your late teenage years and very early 20s battling assignments and being stifled in lecture halls, whereas the young entrepreneurs will be out gaining invaluable experiences and probably making money along the way.
With a strong desire to avoid the possibly thankless route of higher education, I started internet marketing without completing my higher education. That turned out to be a fairly good decision: MOBE is now a multi-million-dollar company leading the way in a very competitive market.
Gains Outweigh the Risks
There are many examples of individuals who did not complete their higher education but went on to achieve massive success in their respective markets. So if you’re considering dropping out of college, be confident and inspired that, with the right decisions, knowledge, skills and luck, you can achieve great success.
In 1977, after building databases for the CIA, Larry Ellison created Software Development Laboratories (SDL). Five years later, this became Oracle Systems Corporation. Although he stepped down from his position as CEO of Oracle, Ellison’s net worth was an impressive $54 billion. And he gained all of this after dropping out of two different colleges.
Get Serious
When I left my university, I knew that I had to begin taking my new found goal seriously. I remember walking out of the university head office having decided to put university on hold and realized that I now have to give it my all to succeed. I worked around the clock, seven days a week, researching, learning and implementing my new found knowledge to become a successful internet marketer.
If you want to leave further education, you, too, must get serious about internet marketing and dedicate your time and effort to making it a reality.
You Have to Be Passionate
Even though education is a valuable part of an individual’s life, if you know that you want to be an entrepreneur and have a relentless passion for succeeding as one, then it should not hold you back. In fact, you’ll probably earn and learn a lot more in your life as a business person compared to just being a student.
A lot of my success as an internet marketer did not come from my university at all! The fact of the matter is, nothing can really replace hands-on experience. You’ll bound to make some mistakes along the way, as I did, especially when I spent my life savings on the first company I joined as an inexperienced internet marketer. But that’s OK. Those mistakes will shape you and teach you how to do things better next time so that you can grow and turn your own business into a success.
Matt Lloyd
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