Why become an interim?
As an experienced interim provider one of the questions I am frequently asked by those leaving permanent positions is why would I want to take an interim assignment?
A few years ago we left behind the assumption that an interim manager was an exclusive club for those with an interim track record. Although there was no precise date we can mark, there is no doubt that the gradual shift has gathered pace since the global financial crisis and I believe brought about due to the dramatic increase of immediately available talent.
When I started in recruitment thirteen years ago you had to work hard and get lucky to find your first interim position. It was the classic chicken versus egg scenario. Current thinking by most senior level executives that I speak to is that interim is a great way to bring in talented, high potential individuals with unique skills and either solve an existing problem, cover a tough role or both! Therefore as a job seeker one should consider interim as a genuinely exciting route to enter a business. You will either have a clearly defined project with a goal insight and therefore the opportunity to demonstrate your value to a organisation or perhaps more interestingly a poorly defined role which you are able to scope out yourself. Either way you are able to impress the key stakeholders and secure the opportunity to work in the business long term whether as an interim manager or permanent member of staff.
As an interim provider I am looking for high potential talent for my clients who will stay with the business long beyond their initial contract through the value they add. It strengthens my reputation as I am only as good as the people I place.
When selecting your next role, I believe you should focus on the people you will be working with and can you learn from them and be inspired by them? Is the company one that excites you? Will you feel bought into the journey you are joining them on? And most importantly will you get out of bed each day excited by the challenges ahead?Interim is simply another route into working in a business that inspires and energises you.
So I always answer the classic question of why take an interim role with a simple answer…. Why not?