Why become Elastic?
Over the years, my commitment to social justice has grown. I see more injustice now than I did in my younger years. It seems more ingrained in an environment more polarized than ever. Right-wrong, good-bad, either-or--all the polar opposites seem farther apart than ever. We spend a lot of time putting each other down, being mean-spirited and celebrating each other's downfall.
Here's the thing. All that oppositional stuff? Negativity? It's really hard on the heart. And the soul. Co-opting love has a cost. It tears at the fabric of creation.
We get brittle, stiff, and easy to break when we take a position and insist on it as THE way. You can always stick to your opinions and hold your position. The real question is, can you flex and change in the face of new situations and information?
Yes, that's the real question. If you can't flex and bend, expand and contract, grow and change, you're stuck. If you're stuck, no growth or movement. It allows you to open your heart to people who are different and discover that we have much more in common than we often think.
The Trauma Informed Academy helps people master trauma-responsive emotional intelligence. Elastic, our new program helps increase resilience. Both help you become more... elastic.
Now, when will we see you there?