Why Battery Drains Faster?

Why Battery Drains Faster?

There are so many reasons for phone's battery drains faster. I am listing some of them as follows.

100% Battery charging- Please don't charge your battery 100%. As per "Battery University", 100% charging with high-voltage charger can put some strain on the battery. So, try to pull the plug at 80% to 90% .

Auto Rotate- Try to put auto rotate feature off once used. most of cases it is required when we watch video's. So try to keep it off once not required. Because it constantly keep on running that drains battery.

All Time Running GPS- All time running GPS drains battery faster. Most of time, at home or workplace, we can put GPS off. Because At home or at workplace it is not required all time.

Timeout Screen- Try to enable "auto timeout screen" feature on your phone for shortest duration. Some time we forgot, to put our phones off, in those cases, auto timeout screen feature will save your battery by putting your phone in off mode automatically.

Bright and Live wallpaper- Bright and live(wallpaper in motion) also consume your battery. dark and static wallpaper helps in better battery life.

Cary phone in hand- Cary your phone in hot weather will put your phone on overheating and will drain your phone battery faster. So try to Cary Phone in your pocket or in bag in hot weather.

Unclosed Apps- Some time, we do not close all running apps. this practice also impact phone's battery life. non closed apps keeps on running in background and consume our battery without use.

  • Note- Dirty charging port can create problem in phone charging. So, always try to keep your charging port clean.


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