Have you known a small child who was always asking 'why'? "Why Daddy"? "Why Mommy"? "Why did that bug die"? Did you find it annoying? Thank God my children were not little 'why' machines. I saw other parents grow angry and irritated by the constant question. My 'why' answer to a questioner has always been more intense from my side than perhaps they may have anticipated. Your personal 'why' can lead to defining who you are, can be complex and requires a bit of determination to comprehend.
My sister passed in 2017 and I learned a lot about my sister and my family. I heard stories that rocked my core and hurt deeply. Lies, deceit, hiding information, and some other nasty stuff. It overwhelmed me. I was left with the task of coordinating her funeral arrangements with my nephews and my children. I took a short weekend away - alone. It was too short. After receiving a massage at the local spa, I looked up at a print on the wall of a mermaid with blonde, flowing hair. It was an epiphany moment. I realized my sister was now free from all the drugs, abusive relationships, and shortcomings and was now swimming in peace and tranquility. My husband hired an artist to recreate a copy of the print and it hangs on my dining room wall. It is beautiful gift!
Fast forward to June of this year, I was on vacation with friends and family and I was troubled by some deep challenges. Why did my son die last year at 32? Why did I create W.O.W? More importantly, 'why' did I want to continue W.O.W as a business? I selected a location within a 2-hour radius of my home, packed my laptop, keyboard, some books, printed material, and pictures of my beloved family, and spent 5 days in a little chapel outside of Hagerstown, MD. The chapel sat on a historic property and had been renovated into an amazing getaway spot for me. Deer roamed on the property including 3 fawns, a buck and two does, a red fox which seemed content with me being around, and many hawks and birds. I didn't accomplish as much as I thought I would but, I knew I had to be prepared for whatever mentally evolved and to take advantage of it.
One of our W.O.W members, Kathy Rus-local attorney, instilled the importance of spending time alone. It was healthy for me on both occasions because I have always lived with people and have always taken care of people and our home. No one has taken care of me nor have I for that matter.
In business seminars or coaching sessions, the emphasis is on 'why' you want to do your business. 'Why' do you want to be a success in your career or business? What is your 'why'? I even have post-a-notes throughout my house with the answer to my 'why'? At the end of my 5-day sabbatical, my finding is this: focus on you. From what is in the 'why' of understanding yourself will organically grow the answers to the other 'why(s)'. Take time for yourself and understand your 'why'?