Sadly everyone in Ireland knows how the system works - if you want to progress in your firm or even in government, you must keep quiet. This is the Elephant in every room and especially in RTE - as just proven by Kevin Bakhurst. This is hardly the actions of 'White Knight' who is supposedly to rescue RTE from clutches of its Money Mad Directors - who are above the Law. If Mr or Mrs ordinary citizen had obtained a fraction of these monies - 'under false pretences' they'd have seen the inside of Mountjoy a long time ago. Of course our government will swear blind that the Law is applied equally to all citizens. While these ex RTE stalwarts scandalously insist they are entitled to the money - tubrity knows full well that he was well paid for doing nothing. If he still insists on not paying it back, then RTE should embark on a campaign to enlighten his English Listeners just how moral and listener friendly he really is?
Whistle-blowers in Ireland should be respected, promoted and encouraged to speak out about wrongdoing. Instead, they’re pilloried. However much more devious are the people who claim to high Heaven that they are democratic, yet do all in their power to keep from public knowledge anything which will embarrass their own people.
One of the culprits in this ‘Culture of Silence’ and 'cherry-picking is the Public Accounts Committee. While in no way pandering to the Wealthy, they have known for years about the corruption of the so-called Trade Unionists in the old ITGWU. In brief, just over 50 years ago at Belfast Docks this Union joined forces with the employers to persecute and sack its own members. This, I know is unbelievable but it actually happened - and the reason it happened was because the Employers needed their Asbestos laden ships discharged. To facilitate this corruption they recruited the Union Chairman and employed him as Labour Controller, who ordered the Dockers to discharge it or be sacked. His famous words were - “how can dust kill you”? Because of the groundswell of protest against this deadly dust, the Employers and the Union formed a Union and Employers Court to sack anyone who wouldn’t discharge this deadly cargo. It was named ‘The Joint Disciplinary Committee’.? Details of this Court and the cover up in the South of Ireland can be found on
For unknown reasons this site can’t be opened, anyone requiring sight of can contact me and I’ll gladly send the this large file which contains devastating evidence of the Irish cover up. As a taster, they can open my many posts on linkedin. However, because the PAC and the C&AG don’t want to embarrass the present day union leadership, they refuse to allow this case to come before the said committee. A more blatant case of ‘keep your mouth closed and you’ll looked after does not exist.??
No doubt, the PAC will tear Kevin Bakhurst to shreds for misleading the committee about? his ‘new broom’ and the under the counter payments, plus the supposed resignation of Simon Covney’s brother. Now that Bakhurst has shown his true colours, i.e that he's one of the boys and is prepared to lie for his cohorts while the PAC is questioning him -maybe they’ll ask why the investigation department he set up, refused to investigate the Belfast Docks Scandal? Yet they pursued a Priest in Africa who was obviously innocent, and paid him a lot of money??
Also, hopefully , the PAC will face up to their own cover ups - and investigate the Asbestos Docks Scandal. No doubt the PAC covered up the betrayal of Connolly and Larkin's Union - to keep quiet the Deaths of Belfast Dockers. They did not want the Union founded by these great men to be tarnished by the fact - that it was in the pocket of the employers and persecuted, sacked and ordered to their deaths its own members. This is not to mention the ordinary people who live in the environs of the Docks and got cancer - never knowing it was caused by Asbestos? Obviously, for the PAC, these were the best reasons in the world. They didn't want to exposed to ridicule - what was arguably - once - the most famous Trade Union in the world?
Founded by James Connolly and Jim Larkin this Irish Workers Union fought as ‘The Citizens Army’ to free Ireland in 1916. No doubt, with the best of intentions the PAC didn’t want ‘The Citizens Army’ - to be ridiculed as an employers play-thing, albeit 50 years later? The Union Leaders back then, plus those in ICTU - and whose letters are in the file - are the ones who should be ridiculed and exposed. This is a moot point as all are long deceased. However, seeing that the PAC ‘rightly’ have such respect for our history and the Citizens Army - they immediately should demand that the disgusting name SIPTU be torn down from Liberty Hall and thrown into the Liffey. Then, in a renaming ceremony, high up so every one in Dublin can see them - the world famous letters ITGWU should be unfurled.
Only then will James Connolly, who fought for the workers of Ireland - is regarded and treated as the hero that he was - will the workers of Ireland and the workers in Connolly's Union be treated with the respect that they deserve.As a first step on this path, the PAC should demand the sacking of Kevin Bakhurst and the ordinary workers in RTE given the conditions to which they are due. When this is embarked upon, the PAC can issue to the workers of Ireland a pledge - that whosoever exposes wrongdoing they will have the protection of The Public Accounts Committee.?
Hugh Murphy