Why backups should be a part of your client’s cybersecurity strategy
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Previously, business owners thought that their data backups were plenty, “just in case my computer or server crashes.” Things have changed. Today, backups are your last line of defense against cybercriminals trying to leverage ransomware to get money for their illegal enterprises.
In 2023 there were more than 317.59 million ransomware attacks globally. 1 That’s why backups are so critical and are now considered to be a part of any robust cybersecurity strategy.
So, what makes a good backup product and service? Contact us, and we’ll do a free analysis of your client’s backup to see if your solution stacks up. Find out more about our Layered Security Services by downloading our PDF.
1(source:?https://www.statista.com/statistics/494947/ransomware-attempts-per-year-worldwide/?- accessed 2024-05-21)