Why ‘back to school’ is an important mindset for adults [guide + journal prompts].

Why ‘back to school’ is an important mindset for adults [guide + journal prompts].

The book bag is prepped. The new uniform is hanging in the closet. It can only mean one thing: it’s time to get back to school.

?Even if you don’t have a house full of little’uns, the phrase ‘back to school’ feels like a fresh opportunity. Sure, it can also bring you out in a cold sweat, but who doesn't love the idea of a brand new year free from all of the crap left in the 12 months previous?

?Maybe it’s a hangover from my school days, but I’ve always looked at September as an opportunity to set new goals and implement changes. Read on for my guide (including some nifty journal prompts) on why ‘back to school’ is an important mindset for adults.

?Why September is a great month for change.

?September is a great month for change as it puts us in a powerful position to move into Q4. Whether your goals are personal or professional, now is the time to implement the steps needed to bring about change in 2022. You’ve got a decent 4-month stretch ahead of you and so you can actually make genuine change, rather than just pondering over it aimlessly.

?Here in the UK, we are also moving into Autumn and the slower pace that comes with it. Autumn is the perfect time for reflection and new beginnings, and so mentally it just fits. With Summer firmly behind us, it gives us an ideal opportunity to throw ourselves into our goals. Let’s call it the ‘new January’ (but with nowhere near as much pressure).?

?Plus, you’ve got the ‘back to school’ mindset. Sure, school might be a distant memory, but September will always hold the promise of something new. It didn’t matter if you’d spent your summer doing shots off the bartender’s neon-painted chest, or if you’d hibernated in your room with an endless bowl of ice cream - September closed the door on all of that. Clean slate and all that.

?The psychology behind making changes at key times of the year.

?There is a science behind making changes at key times in the year. We call this the ‘Fresh Start Effect’.?

According to the fresh-start effect, people are more likely to take action towards a goal after temporal landmarks that signify new beginnings. The idea is that there are several points throughout a person’s life when they will embark on something new or feel more inclined to throw themselves into change. It’s why New Year’s Resolutions are such a popular concept.

?These changes could come as scarcely as a significant birthday, or as regularly as a Monday morning. They are seen as new chapters and are a brilliant way to springboard a person towards change. So, what better a fresh start than those ‘back to school’ vibes??

?Psychologists studying the fresh start effect suggest that it works because meaningful landmarks represent a new time period (a fresh start!) so that we can leave our mistakes or *failures* in the past. Instead, we can embrace an untarnished feeling for our present and future selves.

?Basically? We stop giving ourselves such a hard time and open up to the possibility that change is possible.

?4 steps for making positive and sustainable change (plus journal prompts!)

?Now you know that September is a first-class month for change… How do you actually make it happen?

Step 1 - Identify where you want to be.

First thing’s first - you need to identify where you want to be. What is the change you most crave in your life? Does it sit in a professional or personal sphere??

This might come easily to you, or perhaps it will call for a little digging. While some changes sit at the forefront of our mind, others niggle away beneath the surface.

Take yourself into a quiet space and explore the following journal prompts - let your pen flow freely. You may be surprised by what comes out.

Prompt 1 - Picture yourself one year from now. In an ideal world, what would you be doing? Take yourself through a morning routine. What would you be eating? Who would you be speaking to? Where would you be going? How would you be feeling?

Prompt 2 - Write a list of the things that matter to you most in life; these can be physical or emotional. Is your life, as it currently stands, delivering you those things?

Prompt 3 - What are your three greatest dreams in life? No dream is too big - write them down. How does it make you feel seeing them there on the paper?

Step 2 - Understand what’s keeping you stuck here.

Now you have a better idea of where you want to go, it’s time to consider what’s stopping you from getting there. There’s a reason you’re ‘stuck’; you need to unpick it.

Spend some time looking at your current situation and ask yourself what - if anything - is standing in the way of you reaching for those exciting changes. Is it a financial situation? The pressures of work? Your own self confidence?

It could be a mixture of things, and this exercise won’t necessarily get rid of them entirely. What it will do is show you what is making progress that bit harder for you so that you can build a plan around it.

Prompt 1 - What would happen if you gave yourself full permission to chase your dreams and desires?

Prompt 2 - Think about the stories you have told yourself in the past about your abilities - are any of them prevalent right now? What do you believe that you know to be true about yourself and what you can and cannot achieve?

Prompt 3 - When you think of your dream life, what is standing in the way? How many of these things are non-negotiables, and how many can you remove from your life?

Step 3 - Put together an action plan to get there.

If you want to start making change, then you need an action plan to help you get there.

Remember: you don’t have to do it all at once. Change can be gradual. Some days it will feel more natural than others. You might find yourself with an entire week full of self doubt and analysis paralysis. That’s okay. Keep on going.?

For those starting in September, use this next quarter as a base. What steps can you take in the next four months to help you get closer to your goals? Note that I’ve said ‘closer’. No one is asking you to achieve change overnight.

Prompt 1 - What ONE thing can I do right now to move me closer towards this change?

Prompt 2 - Picture yourself at the end of this next quarter; what does life look and feel like for you? What has already changed? What still needs to shift?

Prompt 3 - How can I support my emotional and mental health as I transition through this change?

Step 4 - Lean on others.

Change isn’t something that you need to tackle alone. Lean on others - both loved ones and professional experts - to guide you through these changes.

Take a look at the areas in your life that you most need change. If it’s financial, then why not contact an accountant for support? If you feel stuck at a crossroads in your career, a career coach could be enormously helpful. If you want to improve your fitness and health, then perhaps a nutritionist or personal trainer would make the process easier.

And if your change is being held up by emotional barriers, societal pressures or subconscious programming… Well, that’s where I can help. My role is to empower female leaders in male-dominated industries to unleash themselves from limitations.? I’m here to help you embrace your immense potential through the practice of reprogramming, healing and (literally!) tapping into your warrior energy.?I’ve just launched my signature 1:1 programme “The Liberation” which is designed to get you unstuck, unlock your value and tap into your potential. It’s a way to get you fully ready for 2022 and make the changes you’ve been longing for.

To find out more, get in touch to book a free consultation. I’d love to help you commit to those ‘f*ck me that’s scary’ changes in your life.?

Until then, you can check out my podcast ‘A Woman in a Man’s World’ for honest, deep conversations about navigating the business landscape as a woman.?


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