Why Automation Kills Capitalism:

Why Automation Kills Capitalism:

Another day in bullshit quarantine where I am stuck twiddling my fingers once again, even despite the fact that I am not sick at all and during my usual instant-gratification binges I began to ponder the question... What if all this bullshit does not matter? What if I told you, your degree is meaningless. What if I told you, your pointless 9-5 is meaningless. What if I told you, your career is unimportant. What If I told you that your 40 year plan also doesn't matter. One of the interesting things about neurotypicals, is that you all tend to be freeloaders, you tend to be dumb, you tend to live in a land of denial of the factual truth because your scared of the What-ifs? Well, I am going to dissuade you of your fucking delusions whether you like it or not. Why am I so mean? First, off you are not be entrusted with your productive purposes...So what is the big deal with automation? What if I told you the last-millionaires will be MADE during this century.. That's right, you will LOSE the chance to become FILTHY rich, as these socialists continue to impose their UBI concepts of safety and security.. Everything has it's trade-offs and so does AUTOMATION:

  1. Automation will destroy more jobs than it creates:

Again, you do not need to be an economist to understand this, by definition capitalism will NOT last forever precisely because everything has a life-span. Automation does something rather simple, it continues to increase efficiency of consumption and of lowering of the cost of goods for consumers at ever lower prices while maximizing the probability of profits for the owners of production, put simply your BOSS. The problem, is that when the LIFE-Cycle of capitalism ends, it will reach 100% efficiency through the means of production and it will expend every single inefficiency EVEN HUMANS, when automation supercedes the cost-function of humans vs machines.

Put bluntly, in every new wave of automation, the amount of new jobs created MUST diminish by definition as efficiency increases over-time, in other-words the longer capitalist market exists, the more efficient it will become and the more it will expend workers until the natural rate of unemployment increases over-time, simply because people are incapable of adapting. Therefore, the more machines your boss employs the more jobs that are permanently employed and the less payroll he must have precisely because payroll is never desirable to begin with.

Thus, why does this matter? Simple, capitalism NEEDS workers to earn a WAGE to sell their products to, so that business owners can keep getting richer and wealthier. I personally do not hate business owners and would like to be one, but even I am incapable of denying this. In other-words, for you to have the CHANCE to get RICH, you MUST have workers to amass capital, so they can sell that CAPITAL in exchange for a good, so that you can get rich and have your playboy mansion parties... In other-words, the absolute efficiency of capitalism is the end of the concept of a job as we know it, simply because humans will no longer needed to produce the means of production. Thus, your job is meaningless, your whole entire creator does not matter, your minimum wage job does not matter it's all pointless. Automation will DESTROY more jobs than it creates because capitalism must reach greater and greater efficiency. In other-words Marx, is correct even if I hate Marx, automation will end the concept of wealth creation as we know it.

2.Automation removes a workers buying power to purchase the means of production:

This has already been explained above but, increasingly you have seen that in the 21st century companies have been capable of getting filthy rich with ever fewer workers, PRECISELY because they do not need workers anymore. They can constantly automate whatever they wish to do and sell those products, goods and services for constant cash-flow. Thus, with less workers, the natural rate of unemployment will naturally increase over-time and their must be an ever-growing number of POOR people because not EVERYONE can be a BOSS. Not everyone can own and RUN a business and profit from that business because only a few successful businesses become monopoly's aka, amazon, google, facebook, instagram etc... Without your capacity to purchase goods, then the concept of capitalism ceases to exist, because the CARROT incentive of making a profit becomes increasingly harder to make as fewer and fewer consumers have purchasing power to buy your goods for a profit. Thus, automation breaks capitalism because the concept of AMASSING wealth ceases to exist because their becomes no incentive for a worker to amass that wealth because he is no longer useful to produce the means of the production.

Furthermore, as we get closer and closer to 2030 and beyond all Wages MUST decline over-time not because bosses do not want to pay you more, it's that they can only pay you what you are worth relative to your surplus of production, which they absorb from you to become ever richer. In other-words, as automation increases efficiency all jobs become more efficient and ever complex jobs must become ever simpler until humans perform the trivial parts of jobs, which used to be incredibly complex. Therefore, a lawyer might be reduced to a data-analysis/arguer in the court room and the AI might deal with all aspects of the administrative work of the lawyer, further depressing the training and skill of being a lawyer, which is what ALLOWS him to justify his high wage to begin with.

In other-words, you will be automated no matter how well you plan, how many contingencies you have, no matter how many degrees you have. It all does not matter. I know neurotypicals depressing isn't it? Maybe, you need to quit putting your head in the sand like the privileged neurotypicals that you are? To me, it really does not matter sense, I've never held down a job anyways.. Maybe, this is sweet justice for all of your privilege? ADHD or no ADHD. Then you will know what it's like to be a broke poor person such as myself.

Thus, without purchasing power and diminished depressed wages caused by ever higher amounts efficiency their will be ever depressed profits because business owners can no longer sell products and the singularity of capitalism will cease to exist. Of-course, these wonderful business owners and scum politician will do whatever they can to make their hold on Power. so they might make UBI in it's place, now I will explain why UBI will not save you.

3. Automation FORCES perpetual dependency on WELFARISM Via Universal Basic Income and creates a NEW CASTE SYSTEM: TECHNO-SOCIAL-FEUDALISM:

I've often wondered what is the end of this? More profit and More socialism? Is that really the answer? Simple UBI? The answer is not so simple, even despite the fact that COVID-19 has actively been conditioning the entire population to socialism, because the government knows what's coming and that's the real virus automation and artificial intelligence. My first issue with UBI in the age of automation is that we all will be DEPENDENT not on the fruits or merits of what we do anymore, but simply on the notions of egalitarianism. The concept of incentive is removed and the notions of Americanism are dissolved into an orwellian-1984 state of big brother who rewards you for simply existing with no effort or merit of independence. To be dependent is to be a slave and is a total abomination to the concept of freedom. Next, Automation invariably lowers all earning potential across ALL workers, precisely because as the efficiency of capitalism increases all job wages will naturally decreases until they reach a common level, aka minimum wage. Every job will be a minimum wage job as ever complex jobs are simplified more and more until they reduce your compensation to 13$ an hour. Furthermore, UBI will reward everyone ROUGHLY the same probably in terms of a fixed INCOME meaning, that your only source of wealth will be from the government and your new class standard will be PERMANENTLY FIXED because, their ARE NO NEW JOBS, to improve your Standard of living.

Next, Universal basic income will not be able to replicate differing living wages because many people earn varying wages across the board, therefore the government will not REWARD differing rewards because people would resent these compensations. In other-words, if you made 100k as an engineer and a plumber made 32k, sense you all are no longer needed in a PURE capitalistic automated economy, the only jobs you can now get are only 13$ an hour and you might get a fixed 14k from the government to allow you to purchase goods, so business owners can keep getting richer.. In other-words, UBI will not preserve your former PURCHASING power precisely because it was dependent on the value-surplus that you were making to your capitalist-boss. It is in-fact impossible to PAY you that inequality of pay because you have not produced anything that justifies that pay any longer. Therefore, you will be perpetually in an under-class position, precisely because you will no longer have any LABOR to SELL to exchange FOR WEALTH TO AMASS.

UBI is a false truth and a false hope, that does not the issue of providing varying living standards to many occupations that paid differing wages. How does one resolve this? Furthermore, Automation creates what I call a Post-capitalist society.

In a post-capitalist society, the means of production have reached 100% automation and therefore human labor has become obsolete. A new techno-feudal socialistic society will emerge where you will live off the land provided by the government. You will no longer own ANYTHING, The concept of private property would also cease to exist because the incentive of privacy and the concept of private property would dissolve because people could no longer purchase the land by which they till it. Arguably, in such a society, where private property does exist, it would not exist in such the form, that we have it precisely because this post-era society, would have to deal with the issue of some people having more then others? Who get's the million dollar house and who does not? If their is no way to purchase the house, should it be their at all? In a techno feudal-socialist society, all denizens are dependent on big brother for everything because big brother controls the means of production and therefore controls everything it's citizens do, from consumption, to water, to eating, to what you watch, to why you watch it, to how your educated and much more.

I call it technological feudalism in this sense, because technology will be borrowed in "exchange for a service" maybe, it might be a sexual favor, maybe a game or some exchange for these means of production, it will not be capitalism but a new barter trade system, to attain goods and services. In this new CASTE system, the kings would probably be the business owners who Won the game of capitalism unto the post-capitalist society. They will have all of the influence and all of the wealth, while you will have nothing. In a post-technological totalitarian society, the means of production is a tool for control of the population. Automation spells the end of freedom and libertarianism as know it, precisely because you are perpetually dependent on the means of production that you do NOT own. In either form, it may be private-public or it will be state owned. It's probable that the STATE will seize the means of production or the business and government will collude into 1984 has orwell has predicted so many times over.

In effect, those who own the means of production will get 100% optimized profit for a state that serves the businesses capacity to maintain their power over you the peasant that you are. You will be nothing more than a plebian, meant to be milked for even more profit. Effectively, they will be Gods in every sense of the word. Revolution will be meaningless because they control the means of violence. Hence, any revolution would lead to instant genocide and death of that population. As we are increasingly, seeing protests mean nothing to very little. As, we have seen the in the case of CHINA, as orwell predicted, the televisors are your smart-phones and your cameras, they amass data on you every minute of every second and it has been normalized as we have normalized the idiotic masks that do not work. In this Post-capitalist society, automation will be the extension and control of government and their will be nothing we can do to reverse set trends.

Automation is not the utopian future but it's the ruthless hand of government to control every facet of society and your delusional trust of these governments and corporations and is your neurotypical idiocy.

4. AUTOMATION kills Competition Permanently: The plan of corporations and collusion with big business is a very predictable strategy, once you have successfully amassed a significant market share, you amass sufficient capital from your profits and buy up any competition and make them apart of your subsidiaries, therefore you keep amassing more and more wealth over-time. Furthermore, as these big monopolistic corporations keep amassing wealth they continually automate this wealth creation, making the barrier to entry of any counter competition effectively impossible, simply because the efficiency of these well-oiled monopolies. In other-words, their will be the LAST sets of companies invented that are not owned by a BIGGER company, simply because after automation comes no non-automated company can compete with an automated company. Too put it bluntly, if your boss keeps you as an employee he would destroy his business, thus his only logical imperative is too fire you and automate you. Thus, in the future, the cost to break through the barrier of entry would be far too expensive for most small-business owners and what would be left is big business that would OWN all the means of production. This is the inevitable end of automation..

Any stupid neurotypical who says automation is amazing has not spent time thinking about it's true implications. The effects of automation break apart the very definition of what capitalism is and that is wealth creation. You should be very fearful of automation and be planning and working to plan for the post-capitalist society. I do not want a post-capitalist society, but it's going to probably happen whether I like it or not, Because no one can stem the tide "progress".

The future of progress is AUTOMATION whether you know it or NOT: Your job will cease to exist: It's meaningless, It's not utopian, it's simply impending fact. What will you do? In face of the future of 1984?


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