Why ASAP Still Exist In Our Workplace And How To Be Free From This Toxic Practice

Why ASAP Still Exist In Our Workplace And How To Be Free From This Toxic Practice

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ASAP is absent terminology in strong managers and leaders.

I Want This ASAP

We have all been in this type of situation. When someone that everyone knows shouts loud and clear.

  • "I need this ASAP".
  • "Sorry for dropping the bomb, but this needs to be done yesterday."
  • "I want this done ASAP.", "Send me that ASAP", "I want you in my office ASAP.", "Why can you do it ASAP?" and many more.

These phrases and similar behaviours raise our defences. It's like we are preparing for a fight. Because we don't feel we have a choice.

The autocratic message is devoid of any additional information. On the contrary, it makes us question when this needs to be completed.

Do I need to drop everything? How critical is this?

ASAP should be banned, period.

It's blatantly disrespectful and is a threat, not a request. And if you think I'm wrong. If certain people have any right to diminish someone to make a point or to demonstrate their authority, you have a severe problem.

It's bullying, at its best, used by passive-aggressive individuals to continue disrespecting people under the radar.

What Is The Meaning Of ASAP?

This word is used when someone needs something immediately or quickly, indicating a sense of urgency.?

To Whom Is This Urgent?

So we are in the realm of subjectivity because you have no idea why it is essential; only the other person knows. Even if they explain it, you can still argue that it is not that important, you might say.

Breaking Down The Acronym

If we break down the word ASAP – As Soon As Possible. We get the following meaning for "possible" in the dictionary;

  • Able to exist, happen
  • Or be done
  • Worthy of consideration
  • It might or might not happen
  • Probable

The acronym is contradictory because it doesn't state precisely when it will happen or a time frame. It only says it's possible to happen.

And if someone says, "get this done ASAP", it means it's on the receiver's end to make it possible to happen. The receiver might decide that completing the task will take hours, days or even years because the receiver determines when it will happen.

So if the sender wants it sooner, the less time the receiver has, the less probable that request from happening. Quality suffers.

It's a micro language terminology that doesn't consider the macro environment impact of such a request.

The ASAP'er

Education is the best medicine for all our sins. And knowing about the many possible root cause of such behaviour increases our understanding and chance of mitigating and disarming such attacks.

Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) is a mental disorder where someone uses a calculated and repetitive pattern of disregard for people's dignity and respect. In addition, They often use exploitation methods to control and turn others into submission.

They lie and threaten others, usually by saying, "Now, I will need to escalate this to my boss."

You often hear these individuals rarely use the word "we"; more often ", I".

How can you sense that you are in the presence of an ASPD personality?

  • The word ASAP is their main vocabulary
  • They are often very impulsive at a minimum disruption, incident or request
  • They don't respect other people's time and space
  • They usually don't take responsibility for their acts and prefer to point fingers
  • They are very opinionative
  • Show signs of arrogance
  • They can be very charming at first
  • Use persuasive language in the form of threats
  • They lie

Probable Origin Causes?

The exact cause is unknown, as they often deny any of the above.

Possibly they had some trauma during their upbringing or at the workplace.

They often show signs of fear of failing, and they are swift in making everything in their power to stop the disclose of their incompetence.

Why Is It Hurting You?

ASAP persona or individuals with ASPD behaviours cause havoc and bring misery to the workplace.

  • Moral is impacted, and the workplace environment becomes tense
  • Nothing gets done due to the lack of planning
  • People get complacent and very reactive
  • Everyone looks at their shoulder
  • Quality is impacted because of the nature of urgency

What Can You Do To Mitigate ASAP'ers?

First, they can't be trusted, never share personal information, and avoid agreeing with their gossip.

  • Stand your ground. They are like scared and spoiled children that can become dangerous if left unchecked.
  • Always maintain your calm no matter what.
  • Don't let their sense of urgency distract you from what's important.
  • If some dispute happens, immediately arrange a meeting to discuss it, and always bring someone to the session. And negotiate actionable win-wins.
  • Write everything down( dates, how it makes you feel, people present). Instrumental if things get bad.
  • Read your company policy about Dignity at Work, and if necessary, involve HR.
  • Remember, these individuals are outstanding in becoming friends with upper management because they used them as a missile.
  • Always show respect and be ethical.

Alternative To ASAP

Individuals with ASPD traits might have difficulty behaving like this.

Still, when their covert character falls, showing in full glory what they are.

They will occasionally become more charming.

Or they leave and go to other places where they can begin their reign of misery to others.

It's best to consider other people's times whenever you need something done quickly, behaviours such as;

  • Can you please complete this by the end of the day when you have a chance?
  • Sorry to disturb you. Are you free to perform this task in the next 2 hours?
  • This is a relatively urgent ask. So please let's put a hold on project ABC and task XYZ, until you're finished with this task. Thank you."
  • This is our top priority. Could you have it done by 3 pm this Tuesday?

Why Does It Still Prevail?

  • ASAP mentality happens in environments where planning is not considered.
  • Where wrong ways of working are still used, where specific individuals are wrongly promoted to leadership and management positions without guidance.
  • Trust is not present, and command and control attitudes are accepted.
  • Where people are seen as resources.

Final Words

The workplace is exciting, dynamic, weird, and sometimes dysfunctional. However, still, a place where working together makes things happen.

Nothing is perfect. Behaviour sometimes changes a team's working ways, slowly changing a department and, ultimately, a company for good or bad.

ASAP is a symptom of something more sinister that should never be ignored.

?How about you?

Do you have any stories or work in an environment where ASAP rules?

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