Why Artificial Intelligence.... because Human Intelligence & the lack there of in America isn't fixing the manufacturing & automotive Industries.
If you can be truly objective you can see the problems and the solutions

Why Artificial Intelligence.... because Human Intelligence & the lack there of in America isn't fixing the manufacturing & automotive Industries.

In 1945 both Germany and Japan were in total ruins and now in today's global economy they are leading the world along with China in manufacturing and automotive while the UK has lost their automotive industry and America's automotive industries is in serious decline. WHY?

Now keep in mind that in 2009 both GM and Chrysler would have gone bankrupt and disapered without the $85 billion government bailout that kept them in business.

The Bad News now is that Ford Motor Company is Eliminating & Killing Off Most All of it's Cars Because They Have Forgotten How to Make Innovative, Profitable and Affordable Cars Like They Used To Do When Henry Ford Lead The Company. So where is the leadership and the human intelligence? Well, it's not in Washington, it's not in Congress and it's not in Corporate America.

Ford said it won’t invest in new generations of sedans for the North American market, eventually reducing its car lineup to just the Mustang and an all-new Focus Active crossover coming next year. By 2020, almost 90 percent of its portfolio in the region will be pickups, SUV 's and commercial vehicles.

Now that gas prices are moving higher and higher, what do you think is going to happen with their new product mix and their new strategy?

The number one prerequisite for high performance is courageous, relentless leadership. High performance is primarily a function of people and culture – not data and technology.  Mario Morino, Morino Institute

“If there is anything unique about the human animal, it is that it has the ability to grow knowledge at an accelerating rate while being chronically incapable of learning from experience.” -John Gray

Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity. From discord find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity. ~ Albert Einstein, Theoretical Physicist

To drive or to be driven. Is that the real question for all the global auto buyers today?


As Stephen Hawking said that the downfall of man will be due to stupidity and greed and that is also what is killing our manufacturing and automotive industries.

“A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.” —William James, the father of modern psychology.

The cost of complacency and a legacy of ignorance about the loss of our manufacturing jobs and the automotive industry.

The solution to the problem is that manufacturing plays a most significant role in the US economy and as a matter of national security we cannot afford to let this industry fail. Manufacturing jobs tend to pay better and create opportunities for learning skills that are particularly important to workers with less formal education. Factories also encourage innovation by attracting research and development (R&D) facilities, which need access to production lines to translate design into real products and to work out the kinks in prototypes. As the US gears up for mid-term elections this year, both the Democrats and the Republicans have no vision for how to reverse the industrial decline.

Ironically, that criticism applies to Trump, too. His campaign ignited a vitally important national conversation on the relationship between US trade policies and manufacturing’s decline. A massive tax cut that favors the rich at the expense of the middle class won't do it and since he took office, however, Trump has paid minimal attention to boosting US manufacturing. Instead, he’s favored counterproductive protectionism and ignored currency manipulation, preferring the punitive over the constructive.

US leaders’ longstanding misunderstanding of the manufacturing industry led to the biggest presidential election upset in American history. But they still don’t seem to understand what’s been lost, or why. It’s easy to dismiss the disappearance of factory jobs as a past misstep—with a “we’re not getting those jobs back” but then again, you can’t know that for sure if you never try.

This Post is all about thinking and doing things differently and developing a Universal Global Green Car/Truck that is simple, safe, practical, modular, versatile, multi-functional and affordable for the global masses instead of the status quo opposite of today's automotive high end vehicles. With this type of vehicle the American automotive industry has a better chance of bring back more automotive manufacturing jobs and dominating the global automotive industry as we once did.


What should be designed today by smart managing engineers is a vehicle just enough for our needs....vehicles that tread gently on the world/planet and the Grand Design should be............... Drive Simply or is that just not smart and sexy enough for you Engineers?

The automotive revolution is speeding up in all areas of change by automotive companies special interest over engineered bias design for more profits on each vehicle: upscale EV' s, ADAS, AI, connected & autonomous cars, car/ride sharing, Geo-tracking, Virtual Reality car buying, etc...What ever happened to the whole industry of Sustainability because none of these vehicles that are made for and marketed to the 2 % to 10 % of the affluent global auto markets are Sustainable or Survivable.

In case you haven't noticed, more people are spending more on the cost of their cars than ever before and going more and more in debt for their cars than ever before and this trend will continue unless you wake up and see the automotive reality...your next financial crisis is in your driveway or garage and that's the way they want it.

What happened to smart, simple, practical, useful and affordable? Going, Going, Gone. Automotive has gone to the wrong end of the market by design but Why? They think they can motivate you to spend more and more money in these type of vehicles....because they employ the everybody wants more mentally on you which seems to be working temporarily rather well but is slowly killing the overall car ownership industry.

Here are some more worldly examples of the wrong conspicuous consumption type vehicles for the self conscious ego minded public that wants more polluting power over more green energy efficiency and value.

Here are some examples: The number 1 muscle car in the world is the Ford Mustang, the Ford GT for around $450,000, the GM Corvette Stingray is at 16 mpg city driving and the new Tesla Roadster. A 0 to 60 mph time of 1.9 seconds, top speed of 250 mph and a range of over 600 miles and they just keep coming on the high end of the market.

 Simple Perceptual Auto Intelligence is What Is Needed Today Instead of the Lack of It. Everyone today seems to over complicate and over engineer the (Electric) Vehicle at the expense of the global customers and the industry without thought for the affordable needs and global public mobility interests of the many.

What people think they want is more power, more speed, more style, more luxury, more gadgets, more technology, more connectivity, more self parking, more autopilot options, more flying cars and more self driving autonomous cars.

If you have an unlimited budget and throw enough money and resources at the design and build process, then you can come up with another super car for the rich. We seem to consistently forget about the biggest and best automotive market to be in. WHY?

Don't be fooled by looks alone and when evaluating any vehicle anywhere in the world, it's the total package/performance that counts as Jay Leno would say. There are 7 automotive global problems that are not sustainable and what are you going to do about it....CHANGE...... or are you just going along for the ride.

Just what the world needs today is another Pure Power, Pure Luxury, Pure Style, Pure Sport, Pure Performance Car........

Everyone seems to want to copy and compete with Elon Musk's Tesla models which have never made a profit.......... you can choose to develop and target this high end luxury market like the Tesla Model S/D/3/Roadster for well over $35,000 to $200,000 but this is not profitable or sustainable................. but the Henry Ford business model of the early 1900's was and still is very profitable and sustainable for anyone who can duplicate it today like Environmental Transportation Solutions and Eco V Electric.

For many automotive companies in Germany, China, India, France, Japan, UK, EU, America, etc...they just keep getting it wrong....I guess that must be a (bad) habit by now. Any mistake done more than once is not a accident but a decision.

Every time any Automotive Manufacturer/Engineering produces a vehicle that sells poorly or unit sales fall off and decline to unsustainable or unprofitable levels that business mistake is passed on to the next customer in the next vehicle they develop, produce and sell and this wrong way cycle will continue without end until the end of the vehicle model or the end of the company.

No one is asking you to give up you present ICE vehicle because we understand that would be hard for you to do but if you add one of the Eco V designs to your garage or fleet then your cost for transportation goes down by 70% or more.

The right vehicle for the right journey for the right person each and every time is Eco V.

Now..... what do we do to solve this global car problem when the global car companies think $35,000+ base price plus the cost of many added options ($45,000 to $75,000) is affordable? As they consistently increase the prices they are slowly killing unit sales, sustainability, car ownership and themselves.

There is a global Electric Vehicle race going on for the next generation EV winner for the most innovative and affordable electric car for the global mass markets.

 The future is electric - Eco V Electric can do this and more.

Eco V is not a replace for your primary vehicle but if you put Eco V in your garage or fleet then your cost of transportation goes down by 70% or more.

While a number of automotive companies are intent on making premium electric luxury cars, sport cars and single purpose cars, we see a much larger global EV market opportunity.

 We all should be facilitating the development & implementation of mobility solutions that create added value and transforms into the collective good for all global drivers/users.



Now, let's all consider (POU) Philosophy of Use. We all need to shift the focus from the present technology overload to utilizing a simple, practical, multi-functional, useful and affordable collective of automotive intelligence as the most relevant success factor for the global general public.

Let's start with some real world wisdom and some simple mobility facts.

Always Remember, that you can't solve or get out of the problem with the same old thinking that got you into the problem.

Smart Cities need to have Smart Simple Clean Transportation Solutions for Everyone and that means simple and affordable.

In the car industry, for well over a century we have been so preoccupied by refining our car products and production processes that we really haven’t looked beyond the bling and asked ourselves whether this is really the answer to people’s needs. To a large extent we have ignored the difference between the car that people want and the car people need.

People Don't Seem To Really Understand and Want High Efficiency and Practical Vehicles because they have been relentlessly programmed to want all the wrong designed vehicles by all the over engineered vehicles choices today at all the major auto shows.

Would you rather have or buy one car that does one thing real well for the well to do or would you rather have or buy one car that does 6 or 10 things really well for the global masses? The total package question and solution is the real answer but it takes automotive common sense and wisdom to see it and produce it?

The Business Model for many automotive companies today is to make more money on each vehicle sale and by doing so, they don't have the pressure to sell as many vehicles in order to be profitable.

Let's bring simplicity and order back and stop the chaos and complexity of the global automotive manufacturing industry for all the right reasons.

We want to see more Automotive Companies show Auto Intelligence and Stop Trying to go after the small 2% high end market with the high profit margins.

To the Contrary...What the Automotive World needs is Simply Smarter Mobility Solutions for Everyone. What about the other 98% of the automotive global market that can never afford these kind of Short Sighted Super Sport and Luxury Cars.


For many Global Automotive Manufacturers today to really and truly be profitable, sustainable and survive.......... they have to produce a Global vehicle that can satisfy the Needs of the Many (Global Mass Markets Customers instead of the few Specialty High End Customers that they always target and try to satisfy).

Today, You have to be producing a Global Vehicle..... Selling Tens of Millions of Vehicles instead of just Selling a few Thousand or Tens of Thousands of Vehicles. The Costs of Developing these Type of Vehicles is way too high and most of these Automotive Companies like Tesla cannot even get close to their break even unit sales point witch is usually above 500,000 vehicles sales.

NOW - lets look at Car Wisdom for Everyone and the Seven things wrong with most cars today and what to do about it.

The first thing to do is get rid of the short sighted herd mentality of following the wrong automotive leaders and make a global vehicle that has the potential and ability to sell tens of millions of vehicles like Henry Ford did in the early 1900's.

?The price of vehicles & gasoline is rising World over. With high prices, both fleet operators and private users are looking for an alternative that will reduce their purchase and operational costs & is clean, practical, reliable, safe and affordable for most global transportation needs.

?Air Pollution & Climate Change in cities & rural areas are a major Global health and safety problem. There are over 1 billion ICE vehicles on the world’s roads today and approx. 1%  are electric clean/green vehicles.......where is the balance in 99% to 1%!

?The Seven Global Automotive Car Problems Today with Most All Vehicles are:

they pollute and are either too small, too big, too complex, too expensive & single purpose. Also, too costly to design, engineer, manufacturer, build and bring to market.

At the present pricing point of $36,237 for the average American ICE car and constantly going up each and every year by approx. $1,000, the industry is headed for car sharing and car renting over ownership as the future of mobility. And Heaven Help You, if you Like a Car More Than Average, because you will pay about double!

Why is the AUTOMOTIVE WORLD headed in the Wrong Direction? Can you really afford that nice new overloaded car? Probably............ NOT!

It’s hard to get worked up about new cars. Perhaps it’s the fact that anything interesting is priced well beyond the means of many, or perhaps it’s the fact that styling is now dictated more by wind resistance and safety regulations than by a designer’s vision or passion. Still, new cars can be a necessary evil, either for our own daily commutes or for those of friends and family.

Automakers, likely driven by self serving data and market studies, believe that all new car buyers want the latest technology and will pay accordingly for it. Those who are digitally savvy, however, understand that the lifespan of any smartphone or tablet is finite, and probably much shorter than that of the average new car. Whom, then, are automakers building cars for?

Technology meant to make cars safer hasn’t always done so. Just about every new vehicle built in the past five years, and certainly every one with luxury leanings, includes the ability to pair a smartphone with the audio system via Bluetooth, thus eliminating the need to hold a phone to one’s ear or manually dial or answer calls. Ironically, since the push for such technology, distracted driving rates are up, not down, perhaps because most consumers won’t spend the one or two minutes required to pair a phone with a car.

Yet automakers seem determined to pack even more technology into modern automobiles, and in many new cars (at a multitude of price points), the touch screen has replaced buttons and knobs for audio and climate controls. The Hellcat, for example, uses the center stack touchscreen to change audio settings, or turn the heated and cooled seats and the heated steering wheel on or off. Scrolling through a multitude of screens to turn a heater on or off certainly seems more cumbersome than punching a button, at least to us.

You have been price conditioned, persuaded, pressured, and emotionally conditioned to want what they want you to buy since you were old enough to watch TV and look at their picture ads. They are programming you to spend way too much so they can make more money. Not a good will business model for you.

You have been fooled to buy what they want you to buy based on your emotions and emotional programming and conditioning. Wrong, but why?...More Short Term Profits and Money, Money, Money for the Auto Companies is the wrong direction.

 The Business Model for many automotive companies today is to make more money on each vehicle sale and by doing so, they don't have to sell as many vehicles in order to be profitable and they already know a head of time that they will not be selling many of these vehicles so their only option is to make maximum money & profits on each vehicle.

The real challenge is to make a sustainable and profitable EV with great all around general performance, appeal and extreme value for the global masses at the absolute lowest price.....but because of their out of control costs and over engineering they can figure out how to do that.

 While Tesla and many other established automotive companies are working on cars for this race, we believe Eco V from Detroit can be the winner in this race with a little publicity and help from a supportive person, partner or investor.

Today the Automotive Companies spend a fortune developing one single purpose car and have only one chance at success with their one car design. Back in 1908, Henry Ford designed the Model T and designed it to be 6 different versions to supply for every demand.

Now Let's See If We Can Win the World's Mobility Solution With A Small, Simple, Practical, Useful, Modular, Affordable and Versatile Smart Green Car/Truck.

NOW - lets look at Car Wisdom for Everyone from Henry Ford....the best example in automotive history. Back in 1908 Henry Ford found the solution. 

Now let's talk about a universal green global mobility solution for the masses.

With Eco V you get more general performance & overall value.

One man and one car did it in 1908 and one man and one car can do it again in 2018. Henry Ford was the man and his car was the Model T....

Henry Ford made a simple, practical, useful, affordable car for the masses while every one else was doing just the opposite. Kind of like what they are doing today.

Now lets look at the modern day version of the Model T called Eco V for today's clean green mobility solution.Today's Universal Car and Solar or Wind Power to GO.

Today that tradition lives on with the modern-day version of the Model T called Eco V. Eco V is 2 cars, 2 vans, 2 pickup trucks, 2 flatbed trucks and 2 detachable box trucks in both standard 11.5 feet length and extended 13.5 feet length.

 Eco V is in the same class as the three most successful cars in history, the Ford Model T, the VW Beetle and the jeep/willys...all were task orientated designs not for the high end market or wealthy customer but for the ordinary family or the low-end critical jobs.

One man and one car did it in Detroit in 1908 and another man and car did it in 1938 and put the world on wheels with his Model T & the VW Beetle. Today, one man and one car can do it again in 2018 with Eco V Electric and put the world on electric wheels with the Universal Car & Solar or Wind Power to Go.

 We believe Eco V can and will win the race for the affordable and practical electric Green car/truck. EV’ s like Eco V can be very simple, safe, versatile and affordable. Perfect for fleets that just need to get their job done. Simple jobs need simple vehicles and our secret is simplicity.

 Less is More......Less price equals More sales......Henry Ford understood it better than anyone else in automotive history?

Want a Simply Smarter Clean Green Mobility Solution...?

Eco V for today's many clean green global mobility solutions.

With Eco V, you get to choose your battery pack, price, range, speed, design and application. More choices provide more global solutions.

 A common sense affordable green car/truck delivery solution for global transportation needs, starting at $11,999.

It will be produced in 5 different speeds for many different vehicle applications (25 mph, 30/35/42 mph, and 65 mph).

With Eco V you get much more general performance & overall value for fleets & individuals who want to save money.

Instead of appealing to the top 2% wealthy customers in the world today, why not try and provide a simple, practical, useful and affordable mobility solution for the global 98% that can't afford the Super Car...and that is the road to real revenues.

The perfect fleet of (10) (Smart Utility Vehicles) electric work horses for many different work and delivery applications all on the same frame...

 Eco V Electric, more than any other vehicle, has the ability and potential to be the Universal Green Car/Truck. It is the modern-day version of one of the most successful car in history, Henry Ford’s Model T.

  The right vehicle for the right journey for the right person each and every time is Eco V Electric.

Detroit Automotive Leadership. https://youtu.be/o5iel1QgAfk

 Nobody's more Innovative. https://youtu.be/wvCjuQC31Ac

 Eco V 00Z. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BDKuuouqQ0

When most people first see Eco V, they tend to judge it incorrectly with standards from traditional vehicles. It is not a premium luxury car, sport car, crossover, pickup truck, SUV. Sometimes simple is just better.

It is not an electric show horse but instead a family of 10 electric work horse for the Global Mass Markets.

Its designed is for maximum interior room and to carry maximum weight for work and delivery jobs for fleet managers. It can do the work of a Ford F150 Pickup Truck and carry 1500 lbs.

Today, Eco V is the (10 in 1) task orientated EV design for global transportation needs. A smart design from the Henry Ford design method (6 in 1) of making one vehicle for many different vehicle applications.

You could think of Eco V as the Swiss Army knife of EV’ s. There is no other vehicle like it anywhere in the world.

Eco V can solve most all global utility transportation needs and also last mile low cost global delivery problems.

Let's partner up for 1908 all over again in 2018.

Calling on all social entrepreneurs; we need your help to get Eco V Electric into production because Eco V is the Green Car Detroit needs to manufacture for global markets. Stand up and do something for American Automotive Innovation. Together we can make a better Universal Green Car/Truck for the global mass markets. If interested contact: [email protected]


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