Why Anything Less, is Expensive
Since we've stocked PXG- its a felt a bit like we've been given the Olympic Torch. Even though we knew it before we had PXG, few manufacturers were entering the 'custom fit standard bearer competition' with the same commitment to excellence, that PXG has.
Where PXG are looking to manage their exclusivity keenly- others, and especially those who do not require a minimum standard of fitting criteria but instead concentrate on whether or not you'll stock every single item in their catalogue, will see their performance with Joe Public diminish- because the fitting really really matters. One advantage of Joe Public using the internet- is that Joe is finding this out.
You won't find PXG is just any golf shop either- and not with just any PGA coach. You won't find it in my big old US competitor either- thats because its not about selling loads at any cost. PXG is about doing it right. It's a commitment they and we both have, to getting your game off the ground like no other fitting has enabled you to before- and with PXG- a game like no other club has given you the opportunity to achieve.
There are places where prices don't matter as much as volume, where they have incentives to create more sales than the competitor- but, crucially more often than not, these aren't the places that produce better golf for the customer- because they have, unfortunately, sales guys with limited knowledge of what fitting you really means. The picture above, is one of the many emails I get from customers- asking for the help they didn't get- which they needed, because the competitor didn't care that much about them or their golf. And, because many manufacturers sell their stuff on- to anyone who creates a bit more volume- including the Mike Ashley show, the quality of the club, any club- is often compromised by the low quality of the fitting. We're a firm believer in doing what we do, in limited supply- really really well, which is why we turn out better golfers on the merit of properly fitted equipment more consistently than any one else- and stocking the best equipment that money can buy whilst not not upselling uneccessarily- asserts our expertise and integrity in the market place in this area alone. I mean, would you really spend £2,500 online hoping for the best? Would you, on the other hand- be fitted for the best clubs in the world, by a club fitter with 36 years experience, who has worked on Tour, at the Masters and the Ryder Cup, who hand builds your clubs for no extra postage cost?
Two things: The spend is worth the journey and so is your game.
Imagine being a beginner golfer in early retirement- walking out of the shop with a 917 driver with a stiff shaft. Poor bloke, no wonder he was giving up the will to live out his retirement on the golf course. Yep- we've seen that too- and rectified the mistake- keeping another player in the game. Persuasion to buy is not what we do- instead we demonstrate the results by comparing independently different clubs and shafts to find and fine tune the best one for you.
Another good one we hear, is "I like to see the flight of the ball" so of course, you might tend towards being fitted at the range. But so then, you're being fitted with range balls- it distorts the result- take it from us. Google it- if you want to make sure. And don't kid yourself that it doesn't matter- after all, why do you think there are so many different balls on the market? Get fitted for your ball as well. Different clubs give different results as do different balls.
What about the launch monitor- first off, make sure its an actual launch monitor. And not a glorified X-box program. And small things, like making sure their is no shot boost activated- again distorting what you might be privy to see on the screen in front of you. Or only see when invited by the sales guy. All sales techniques which actually ensure without fail that you'll get another magic 30 yards on your driver- during the fitting regardless of the club. These are the people that won't tell you- a re-shaft will do it.
To be honest, its not even the sales guys fault, he's probably doing his best to help- unfortunately he or she could also be thinking about the commission on the product they're trying to sell you- which for any buyer, has to dilute the integrity of what their entire sales force is tasked with. The other bit, is that a qualified club fitter- with independent training is a bit more expensive on his basic pay, than the competitor wants to pay. I've said it once and I'll say it again- its really really really easy to buy good new golf clubs- fantastic ones even- the problem is, its also really easy to get it wrong- and those fantastic new clubs- be completely useless for the player in question. Its like asking your GP to do heart surgery- just because he's in the industry and has taken the hippocratic oath, he probably won't be able to save your life on the operating table.
We think that any golf clubs are a lot of money- and getting it right is important whether you're spending £50 per club head or £350. Which is why we insist on you making an appointment. How many golf clubs have you bought on a whim? How many "bargains" on eBay? I bet you could own a set of PXG if you added it up. Even worse, how many of you have been convinced to buy something that just wasn't right- because the price was too good to be true. There really is no better value option than the best that money can buy and right first time- when you mix than in with your own desire to own something prestigious or just something to see you through the next year- it might cost a little bit more than the competitor- but thats because its a lot lot better to get someone to focus on your game- and fitting you properly, than fitting you for the incentive they get at the end of the day.
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