Why am I really here?
What a time to be alive. To live this glorious life. To be full of breath and blood and bone. To have a beating heart. To have a purpose. To have gifts. To have the right to find our purpose.
As I sat next to my husband journaling with beautiful music playing throughout our cozy home, I?sipped my coffee and wrote out six pages of handwritten content about a talk I'm giving three different times to three very different audiences within the next week. This brilliant light inside of me has been?tapping into the humans who will need my message - and the information I'm receiving is profound.
As I?continued to?listen for guidance from my higher self, from God, and?from the Universe (some say these three are one and the same),?I found myself?in full gratitude for everything I?have - everything I've become - and everything I am becoming. I?see the changes I've made, the trauma I've healed, the belief systems I've shifted, the massive anxiety I've released, and the bliss I've found.
I?see how my triggers have disappeared, my innate and learned?skills have improved, and my gifts have shown up in bigger ways.
Now?I can see more of the bigger picture, the reasons why I've endured the suffering, why I've had to learn from these experiences.? I now have so much empathy and compassion for others who are walking a similar path in the darkness. I?don't need to have gone through their exact disappointments and hardships to know how it feels and to sit with them as they navigate their way through it all.
What I?do see is that each and every one of us was born with a light inside of us - the answer to all of our questions. This light was given to us to cultivate, to use, to help others, yet somewhere along the way, our light dimmed and slowly went out. That's when we found ourselves walking through the dark tunnel searching for the light again.
The most fascinating part of this search is that we ask everyone else to help us find the answers because it's easier to have someone else tell us what to do than admit that we allowed our light to go out. By the way, there's nothing wrong with you allowing it to go out - it happens to all of us. Especially when we can't see just how incredibly gifted and talented we are. Especially when the world drags us down and tells us to follow the rules, fit in, or be liked by others.
You were born with this light and I am begging?you to find it again - for your own sake and for the sake of those who need you. To find the light and?the answer to the question:?Why am I?really here? The answer can only be found when you see that YOU are the light. That YOU are the one who knows who you are. That YOU are the answer to all of your questions.
I?hear you asking:?How do you find it? My tried-and-true way has always been to ask myself?this one question and then wait for the answer: "If I?stopped worrying about what everyone else thought, what would I?do with this one beautiful life I've been given?"
Sit with that question and see what comes up. You have the answer. You ARE the answer. You have always been the light. And it's time to shine that light again so you can help others down their own dark tunnels.
It's your turn to stop waiting and step into your own Brilliant Rebellion. To shine on, beautiful soul.?
If you have a tough time with this or you find your answer, but don't know what to do with it, send me a note. I'm here for you.
Melanie Spring