Why am I always tired and how to have more energy boost
Abraham The Pharmacist
NHS Advanced Clinical Practitioner (ACP)? ACP @YouTube @A&D Medical @SweatBlock @BBCnews ? Ambassador @NHS ? 170+ Million YouTube Viewers ????????
Learn why am I always tired and how to have more energy to boost energy levels and stop feeling tired all the time.
Let’s forget the phrase “healthy balanced diet” for a minute and replace it with “nutritious fuel”. Because, at the end of the day, food is for energy! For long term energy, a meal should consist of carbohydrates like potatoes or whole-grain bread, maybe a handful of salad or veggies and a bit of protein like beans or meat.
I go through all of this information in detail in a recent video I did which you may find helpful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go8P7SMeZvQ
In the UK we love our tea breaks so you’ll be happy to know you can have up to four cups a day and be well below the 400mg limit. Here’s some food for thought: A cup of coffee has about 40mg of caffeine. That’s four times as much as a cup of tea!
Here's a really good caffeine calculator, please note the website is for pregnant ladies but I find the calculator tool very helpful: https://www.tommys.org/pregnancy-information/calculators-tools-resources/check-your-caffeine-intake-pregnancy
When you burn a cigarette, you inhale carbon monoxide which stops some of your red blood cells from carrying oxygen around your body. And with less oxygen, you’ll have less energy! Try to quit smoking if you can! You can check out my video here on how to quit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WYvJ5NJa1M
Check out my video on how to get good quality sleep at night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxvNmOTrohw
Stress can be exhausting and really drain your energy levels. It can also affect how well you sleep. So if you’re feeling overworked then take a break! Or if you’re feeling anxious or worried about something then try and bring it under control. Check out how you can do that in my video about anxiety or my video about overthinking which I will link:?
If you’re worried you might be lacking something like vitamin D then I’ve got a video on that which details the daily requirements:?
Deficiencies can only be confirmed by a Healthcare professional usually by doing a blood test.
Sometimes being tired just isn’t normal no matter what you do to try and make yourself better. There could be underlying reasons why you’re tired, and a Healthcare Professional can help you find out why. Whatever the reason might be, if you’re worried about your energy levels and it’s affecting your day-to-day life, then please see a professional healthcare practitioner to get you back to where you want to be!
All content in this video and description including: information, opinions, content, references and links is for informational purposes only. The Author does not provide any medical advice on the Site. Accessing, viewing, reading or otherwise using this content does NOT create a physician-patient relationship between you and it’s author. Providing personal or medical information to the Principal author does not create a physician-patient relationship between you and the Principal author or authors. Nothing contained in this video or it’s description is intended to establish a physician-patient relationship, to replace the services of a trained physician or health care professional, or otherwise to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should consult a licensed physician or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your community in all matters relating to your health.
About this video: Searching why am I always tired??In this video, Advanced Medical Practitioner Abraham Khodadi, MPharm(Hons)IPresc MScACP shares how to have more energy to boost energy levels and stop feeling tired.