Why all the controversy?

Why all the controversy?

With all the controversy about satisfactions scores being an indicator of quality care. I felt compelled to post this to see if it might create some thought re-consideration regarding the topic and importance of what it really means.

First, I've always said that being a nurse isn't what I do, it's who I am. Becoming a nurse was the right and natural thing for me to do. I'm certain many feel the exact same way. It's not just a job or profession, it's an extension of who I am as a person & Individual.

So,...why did you become a nurse? To satisfy yourself or both to satisfy yourself & those you serve? If it's the first, then it's understandable why scores may be lower in some cases. Otherwise, As far as the latter is concerned, I wouldn't think a Nurse would be as concerned about the issue. Your doing what you were meant to do & you love it. It satisfies your live's niche. Besides that, we all know satisfaction is only one piece of the puzzle. It's not the whole story...but you know that! We're being measured on a much larger scale on indicators. To include; efficiency, effectiveness, delivery, methods, access to care and costs of healthcare across a diverse spectrum. It's the disparities that we're aware of and see on a daily basis (without spelling them out here!) that affect satisfaction as well. 

So, don't address it from a personal prospective. You can't or it's clearly indicative of your rational for doing what you do. 

Satisfaction, should be of paramount importance to every healthcare individual & institution. Healthcare (HC) is becoming an incredibly competitive market. Considering the ever changing and evolving climate of HC today, if we don't take these issues seriously, we may not be here tomorrow.

You should be accountable, just as the public should be accountable, as well as numerous others, when considering quality in HC. 

One last note, delivering quality care should be a given, not a question or controversial issue amongst nurses who care.



