Why Alien Worlds is Taking This World by Fire with Michael Deutsch

Why Alien Worlds is Taking This World by Fire with Michael Deutsch

Our esteemed guest Michael from EOSUSA returns to talk analytics and Alien Worlds with hosts Noble and Barnaby on this instructive episode of CryptoTenX. Add to last time’s conversation as they discuss the new and innovative options for collectors in Alien Worlds and even give a full download on its assets (all of which grew in a one month span). Hear about the two specific mentalities of NFT holders, including Michael’s examination on secondary markets and the value they still hold for traders looking for those “number ones.”?

Take the chance to nerd out and dive deep into their talk about what Michael is seeing for the future of NFT standards and his understanding of the many components inside this growing, multifaceted market.

3 Key Takeaways

  • Why you may want to consider holding delegated proof of state in your alien land ownership.
  • Why you really don’t need math to validate your proof of NFT ownership any more.
  • What kinds of yield you will get from land ownership in Alien Worlds.

Listen to the Full Episode


Show Notes

[1:50] Michael starts about the two different mentalities of the NFT world

  • Collectors versus players
  • To collectors, the #1 is most important

[6:30] Michael talks about Alien World and what kinds of things he tracks

[9:13] Michael gives an overview of the game

  • You can own the rights to specific land
  • The secondary markets with NFTs

[11:40] The collector’s mentality

  • Capitalizing on the endorphins from opening a pack of cards
  • Getting the yield from your alien land
  • Not having to transfer it to your WAX wallet
  • Customizable commissions on your land to collect miners

[15:00] Michael shares an example of the land card and how to read it?

  • Different types of lands have different types of attributes
  • How you validate that you’re the owner
  • The blockchain already knows you know the NFT and automatically transfers funds

[17:27] How Alien World is promoting its marketing

  • Blip marketing?
  • Crossing hard to the e-community?
  • How Alien World tends to sell itself
  • Understanding that there are plenty of packs and worlds that you can still buy within a secondary market

[20:00] The different standards for NFTs

  • Atomic Assets versus Simple Assets
  • Collectables’ connection to both platforms

[21:37] The price point of a trillion token that people are able to mine

  • Understanding that it’s a multifaceted market
  • “Shining:” the ability to burn trillion to update your cards
  • The planetary staking and the DAO aspects
  • DAOs: “When you have a stake in this planet, you now have a vote and a voice in that planet, what you do with that planet.” -Michael Deutsch
  • It’s all smart contracts

[28:07] What’s going on with blockchain producers

  • Michael as number 21 on WAX
  • Michael talks about the change in the industry
  • Bitcoin is all math
  • EOS and others don’t need all that math
  • “They’re getting into this proof of states. It’s like: ‘You know, we don’t need the math. We don’t need the proof of work validated. If the token holders can simply trust a server that’s signing it, It doesn’t require all that math.’” -Michael Deutsch
  • The incentive for these companies to be trusted
  • Delegated proof of state: token holders can vote for who they trust the most

[31:40] Michael addresses the concern of buying off delegated votes

  • You can’t explicitly buy your way to the top
  • Who owns the tokens?

[33:40] Michael's take on CEO’s leaving the market

  • “There’s more than just Dan”
  • The SCC is behind them
  • “I do think Krypto’s getting more accepted as a mainstream asset in the United States.” -Michael Deutsch

[38:05] The members holding on to EOS and not seeing it make the gains

  • How it put Ethereum on the map
  • Michael's excitement that coin variations are being recognized

[40:20] Could WAX take off and advance?

  • WAX’s way to be more centralized?
  • Having people that have a face to the business

[42:54] How WAX is absolutely scaling

  • Streamlining the indexing process

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