Why AI and Machine Learning are a Game Changer for Healthcare
Anurag Harsh
Founder & CEO: Creating Dental Excellence, Marvel Smiles and AlignPerfect Groups
Forget Millennials. Generation Z is entering the workplace, and they cannot remember a time before the iPad or iPhone. But they are offering a timely reminder of how technology has transformed almost every aspect of our life. A combination of mobile technology and artificial intelligence (AI) has completely changed how we hail a cab, book a night’s accommodation, or even how we consume entertainment.
However, technology is evolving and is beginning to transform entire industries. Healthcare is a great example. Traditionally, there has been a reactive approach to our own health where we typically wait to be struck down by illness or for something to go wrong before seeking medical advice.
The rise in wearable technology and AI are now paving the way for a much more proactive healthcare system. Welcome to a brave new world of personalized services that can empower patients, reduce hospital admissions, improve services, and reduce costs. Whereas many might see a Fitbit or a smartwatch as a passing fad, this technology could save thousands of lives.
We are also only just beginning to learn exactly what impact our environmental factors and lifestyle habits will have on our life expectancy. Sophisticated algorithms can already check our exposure to air quality, alcohol consumption, smoking, and exercise to form an accurate picture of our overall health. But this is only the beginning.
Continuous monitoring of our real-time activity combined with biometric data also enables medical professionals to detect life-threatening diseases at more treatable stages before any illness has progressed. IBM Watson leverages cognitive technology to unlock vast quantities of data, including every symptom, and provide a diagnosis quicker than any human.
There is also software capable of scanning a patient’s medical file and automatically examining thousands of pages of evidence-based treatments in medical journals. But it will get really interesting when it can also compare procedures and success rates by pooling resources with doctors all over the world and removing treatment silos.
The Knight Cancer Institute is leveraging AI and machine learning to personalize drug prescriptions to determine how a tumor reacts to treatment, and that is a big step away from a one-size-fits-all approach. Meanwhile, Samsung has developed a deep learning algorithm, S-Detect, to power ultrasound machines to help doctors diagnose breast tumors. It’s not about using technology for technology’s sake; these emerging solutions are solving real problems and aiming to save thousands of lives.
AI and big data are also expected to make huge waves in forecasting. Prediction models for influenza, for example, could determine which areas will be most affected during seasonal peaks to allow doctors to prepare and also inform citizens of what actions they should take to protect themselves.
Rather than using technology to confirm we are sick, we will soon use it to prevent becoming sick in the first place. These reasons and a change of mindset could be why the healthcare industry is already beginning to embrace it. Healthcare all over the world is showing signs of strain, with medical professionals getting bogged down with time-consuming tasks.
AI is already being seen as a game changer for helping pathologists reduce the time needed to interpret a CT scan by more than half. Human error is often blamed for missed and misdiagnoses. Although it has been unavoidable until now, it is time to realize the potential of AI and that it’s not a case of will it healthcare, but when.
However, stories of doctors being replaced by machines are entirely misleading. While the machines might be quicker and more accurate at diagnosing issues, doctors will have more time to care and give direct attention to those who critically need them.
What if universal healthcare teams could share groundbreaking discoveries and be liberated from the mundane tasks, so they could focus taking modern medicine to the next level? The current technological capabilities of AI are sometimes exaggerated, but make no mistake: A digital health revolution is on the horizon.
The most significant challenge is ensuring that personal medical records are protected. There also needs to be greater trust and transparency to ensure that patients are fully aware of exactly what data could be used for research purposes. Cybersecurity, the encryption of sensitive information, and regulation are the most prominent challenges that need to be tackled head-on.
It is not AI that is the enemy, but those who choose to misuse the technology to wreak havoc around the world are. A recent report by Cambridge University warns that there needs to be greater collaboration between lawmakers and experts, and for AI researchers to game out scenarios in which things go wrong. Implementing control and regulation now is crucial to the future of AI.
Finally, it would be irresponsible to say that AI will transform healthcare singlehandedly, and it would also be incorrect. Once again, it’s a combination of human resources and technology-based solutions to meet the healthcare demands in the immediate future.
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